The people's voice of reason

Articles from the October 1, 2021 edition

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 20 of 20

  • The Purple Pinkie Polio Project

    Oct 1, 2021

    Last year's support of The Rotary Clubs throughout Montgomery and across central and south Alabama was outstanding. We look forward to doing our part to eradicate Polio throughout the world, again this year. Please support us by contacting your local rotary and being part of Purple Pinkie Day 2021! The 48 Rotary Clubs in District 6880 marked historic progress toward a polio-free world urging the community to help end the paralyzing disease by participating in the "Purple Pinkie Day" fundraising...

  • We Now Have a Very Youthful Federal Judiciary in Alabama

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2021

    Our senior senator, Richard Shelby, has left an indelible legacy and imprint on our state. Every corner of the state has been the recipient of his prowess at bringing home the bacon to the Heart of Dixie. Every university has enjoyed a largesse of federal dollars. He has made the Huntsville Redstone Arsenal one of the most renowned high technology regions in the nation, not to mention placing the FBI’s second home in Huntsville. Shelby’s accomplishments for Alabama would take a book to enu...

  • What is the Constitutionality President Biden's, Covid-19 vaccination requirement among certain people residing in the United States?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2021

    That’s a tough question and prone to a rambling answer. Before looking at several points we will pretty much first agree that there may be legitimate, provable exemptions that may be medical or religious. In looking at case law there are numerous Covid-19 related cases that generally deal with a compassionate release from prison where multiple cases of Covid have occurred in prisons. There is a case of a cruise liner requiring proof of vaccination for a very high percentage of its employees a...

  • Del Rio: A Short Rambling

    Robert Tate|Oct 1, 2021

    Del Rio, Texas. I went to Air Force pilot training there back in 1983. I met my wife there on 8 January, 1984. We have been together ever since. What I see going on there today sickens me. If there is any doubt in anyone’s mind that the Biden administration is over their heads and dare, I say, “worthless,” then I have to say, “Open your eyes.” This administration is the most feckless and dangerous this country has ever seen. EVER! Remember the good ole’ days when we would all say that Jimmy Cart...

  • Joe Biden's Massive 9/11 Failure

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Oct 1, 2021

    Every 9/11 I take a moment, to reflect on that dark day in our history when we were blindsided by terrorists so evil that before this attack it was almost inconceivable what they were willing to do to innocent civilians in the name of Allah. It was also a day of unmatched heroism by the first responders and the beginning of a time of great unity and sacrifice as Americans put aside their differences. We were united in our country’s efforts to track down and punish those responsible for the c...

  • Nation Building Done Right.

    Justice Will Sellers|Oct 1, 2021

    Experience is the practical scientific method. Some things succeed while other things fail; observing the reasons for success should help draft a blueprint for planning the future. It may be vogue to regard the past as nothing more than a sentimental embrace of the pre-modern world, but the laboratory of human conflict yields tangible results that can be examined, quantified and reviewed to consider best practices. What can we learn when the autocrat’s autocrat allows a form of pluralism that i...

  • The Prospects for Economic Freedom

    Daniel Sutter|Oct 1, 2021

    The 2021 Economic Freedom of the World (EFW) rankings from Canada’s Fraser Institute show freedom essentially unchanged in the United States. But some important changes in the rankings will be coming soon. Economic freedom is based on “the concept of self-ownership.” We should have “a right to choose – to decide how to use [our] time and talents to shape [our] lives.” What does economic freedom mean in practice? “Individuals are economically free when they are permitted to choose for themselve...

  • Tough "Roe" to Hoe

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2021

    I suspect most Alabama Gazette readers share my distain for (non-defensive) abortion as much as any other premeditated murder. Those who endure my lengthy columns know where I stand on the issue as a legal matter. Apropos to open this 22nd Anniversary issue column with thanks for the honour to be included in this wonderful paper which allows such dissenting views on ‘long standing’ precedents. Problems of this sort persist aided and abetted by jurists (like Chief Justice Roberts installed by...

  • Honoring Our Heroes

    Martha Poole Simmons|Oct 1, 2021

    Lt. Woodward Durham Lamar: Age 98 Lt. Woodward Durham Lamar served as a pilot in the U.S. Navy for four years of active duty during WWII and served seven years in the Navy Reserve. Lt. Lamar was born October 31, 1922 in Montgomery, AL, to his parents, Robert Jones Lamar and Mary Yougene Lamar. Lt. Lamar’s four brothers also served during WWII, and one brother was killed in combat when he was flying a B-25. Lt. Lamar was reared in Montgomery and graduated from Lanier High School in 1940. He w...

  • Montgomery 9/11 Commemoration of the 20th Anniversary

    Oct 1, 2021

    The Montgomery Department of Fire and Rescue held a special commemoration honoring Americans who lost their lives 20 years ago September 11, 2001. Madison Avenue was blocked off in front of the headquarters of the Montgomery Fire and Rescue Department at 19 Madison Avenue. Three large fire trucks were parked at angles, and a huge American flag hung from a tall rescue ladder. As the program began, Dr. Martha Poole Simmons, a volunteer representing the Central-East AL Chapter of the American Red...

  • Robert E. Lee: American Patriot

    John M Taylor|Oct 1, 2021

    The moral and economic decline of these united States is obvious. In many ways, this country has become unrecognizable. Part of the deterioration can be traced to the inferior quality of officials elected to key positions at all levels of government, combined with their support of radical and often immoral issues. The dearth of ethical individuals in public life may now be worse than at any other time in the life of the republic. As a student of American history, I am unaware of any American...

  • It's A "Right" – BEWARE!!!

    John W. Giles|Oct 1, 2021

    I will begin this article with a simple question: Is Public Education a Right? One may be reluctant to respond, after reading the title of this article. Let me recast this; I encourage you to ask a co-worker, neighbor or friend this question without any preface. My guess is they would quickly respond with a resounding yes, Public Education is a “Right.” Wrong answer, let me explain. In my view, our founding fathers were brilliant, deep thinkers and devout countrymen, who shaped our country on...

  • Government Trespassers

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2021

    Nearly everybody understands the concepts of trespass—the violation of other people’s bodies and property. It can range from the petty (walking across one’s lawn) to more serious (hunting or fishing without permission) to the outright criminal (theft and vandalism). Most people understand that we should respect each other’s property, as well as their right to peacefully enjoy it without outside interference. Unfortunately, there are some who do not. One of the popular misconceptions is that pu...

  • Southern Cuisine - October

    David Spooner|Oct 1, 2021

    What to do this weekend. Having a hard time deciding what to have for your next meal? Don't cook! This is the season when it is sometimes too warm to cook and too cold not to cook. So when it is just a lazy time and you can't make up your mind what to do, just don't cook. Instead of cooking, prepare a dinner or lunch that can be prepared without cooking. I am sure there are ingredients in your refrigerator that are cooked and can put together to create a meal. Be creative preparing a salad. And...

  • Southern Gardening - Potpourri for October

    Judge Peggy Givhan|Oct 1, 2021

    Is it possible that we are getting back to a normal life? When watching the football games on Saturday, there were many cheering fans crowding the stands, which was good to see. We are certainly ready for some happy times with all the gloom and doom we are hearing in the news. But there is one thing that has not changed and that is we can still go out of doors and garden without masks. I weeded a flower bed in the misting rain the other day, the experience was rather fun. And speaking of rain,...

  • Tears & Laughter - For the Love of Autumn

    Amanda Walker|Oct 1, 2021

    This week’s cooler air has been refreshing after a long Alabama summer…a summer that is likely not through. These first dips in temps are just teases. We know this. We know Southern summers linger late into October some years. Summer often won’t leave until ushered out by an early frost or chased away by the chilling ghosts of Halloween. By September’s end, most everybody is ready for a change of pace. College football is in full swing, days are becoming noticeably shorter, and the kudzu a...

  • Finding a New Groove

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Oct 1, 2021

    Happy Fall Y’all! (as we say in the South) The leaves are beginning to turn, and there’s a crisp chill in the air. What is it about a simple change in weather that can bring out the best in people? It's almost like each new season is a new beginning of sorts. It's a very representation of newness that stirs up changes in our souls. Autumn visions of our favorite warm cozy sweater, rich hot cocoa, and steaming hot apple cider spring into action in our hearts. The Bible also references new changes...

  • Truth is Like a Lion

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2021

    A young boy was the key witness in an important lawsuit. The attorney had put the boy through a rigorous cross-examination and had been unable to shake his concise, damaging testimony. He had given clear answers to all questions. In a stern voice, the attorney asked, “Your father has been telling you how to testify, hasn’t he?” “Yes,” said the boy. “Now,” said the attorney with smug satisfaction, “just tell us what your father told you to say.” “Well,” replied the boy, “My father told me that th...

  • Former Yogi, Mike Shreve, Insists Yoga Should Not Be Taught In Alabama Schools

    Oct 1, 2021

    Should yoga be taught as part of the curriculum in the public schools of Alabama? A former teacher of yoga at four Florida universities, Mike Shreve, says, “Absolutely not!” Evidently, some Alabama legislators disagree, because in May of this year (2021), the Alabama Senate and House of Representatives passed a bill, introduced by Democrat Representative Jeremy Gray, lifting the ban on yoga in the public school system that has been in place since 1993. Apparently, Representative Gray has a vested interest in the passing of this bill bec...

  • Halloween has become an issue among Christians!

    Oct 1, 2021

    by Russell Ki Tara (excerpts) The question is, should Christians adopt the pagan customs and superstitions of ancient peoples and “Christianize” them? The Bible is not silent on the subject: “Learn not the way of the heathen....for the customs of the people are vain.” (Jeremiah 10: 2-3), and, “When thou art come into the land which the Lord thy God giveth thee, thou shalt not learn to do after the abominations of those nations” (Deut. 18:9). Ephesians 5:11 declares, “And have no fellowship wi...

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