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Magna Carta is the charter of liberties that England's King John granted to his barons in 1215. In the centuries since its creation, Magna Carta has become one of the most enduring symbols of liberty and the rule of law. The American Bar Association Standing Committee on the Law Library of Congress and the Law Library of Congress have selected the Heflin-Torbert Judicial Building in Montgomery, Alabama, to host the exhibit "Magna Carta: Enduring Legacy 1215-2015." The Supreme Court of Alabama,...
Deplorable: Causing or being a subject for grief or regret; lamentable; causing or being a subject for censure, reproach, or disapproval; wretched; very bad. Irredeemable: Not able to be saved, improved, or corrected. “You know, to just be grossly generalistic, you could put half of Trump's supporters into what I call the basket of deplorables. Right? The racist, sexist, homophobic, xenophobic, Islamaphobic --you name it. And unfortunately there are people like that. And he has lifted them u...
As more details surface about the Obama Administration’s decision to pay Iran $1.7 billion in settlement money, arguments that it was anything less than an ill-conceived ransom deal are becoming pretty flimsy. In January, President Obama announced the United States had reached a settlement with Iran over a decades-long arms deal dispute, in which $1.7 billion would be transferred from a Treasury fund set up to cover court judgments and settlements. Even though the deal directly coincided with Ir...
Special election Candidate Lovvorn avoided a runoff, exceeding the 50% threshold by 13 votes via another low turnout poll result for House District 79. A dismal 12% of voters participated this time, only three quarters of the 16% participation when felon Hubbard was reinstalled last time. Little surprise the big money candidate anointed by Hubbard, et al wanting 'bidness as usual' [] to keep the graft churning in the former...
During this election year I have watched all the politics on television. In order to judge the coverage I have perused all the channels. Over the years political observers have bemoaned the fact that certain networks are biased. Folks, I am here to tell you they are. There is no doubt Fox is a Republican channel and MSNBC and CNN are Democratic networks. George Wallace used to strut around the country running for president as a third party candidate rhetorically saying there ain’t a dimes w...
It may just be me, but it feels like everything's settling into place. The air seems just a hint cooler, college football is kicking off, and the anticipation of another round of deer hunting keeps on building. Up first, of course, is bow season, and before we get too excited and just stomp off into the woods, there's a few things you wanna keep in mind so that you don't ruin your season before it even begins! For starters, you need to know the lay of the land. Sure, you know how to get in and...
The coati is a medium-sized mammal only found on the American continent. The coati is found widely distributed across North, Central and South in a number of different habitats. The coati is primarily found in dense forests and wet jungles as the coati will spend a great deal of its life in the safety of the trees. However, there are also coati populations inhabiting grasslands, mountains and even deserts across the continent. Coatis are members of the Procyonidae family, a group of New World...
It has been a weakness of mine over the years to give people second chances, and sometimes third chances. That may be admirable, but it is not good for your reputation, if one is keeping track of your winning percentage. Some second chances work out, third chances hardly ever. Nevertheless, I will probably not change. For fifteen years, I have been publishing my “Top 40” college pre-season football teams. It’s kind of like drawing to an inside straight in another game of chance. If you want...
I think that you are doing the hardest thing and the best thing for your husband and yourself by facing this right now. When our loved ones are faced with such devastating diseases it’s easier to not face it and believe they will improve. Being proactive will have you prepared. First I will advise that you visit an attorney that can assist you with estate planning. The three basic documents that your husband will need (and you) are a Last Will and Testament, Power of Attorney and an Advance D...
I recently had an extremely unwelcome evening encounter with danger at our home as living in a rural setting almost guarantees that one will at some point have an experience with some of God’s creations that are most unfriendly to humans. Our barn is typically where I am at highest alert and admit that I had become a bit too complacent regarding the possibility of poisonous snakes close to our front door. I had taken a bit of care a few months ago as we had killed a few baby rattlers last y...
Before I started my career as a counselor, I found it difficult to communicate with others what I thought and felt. At that time in my life self help books gave me a safe environment in which I could read a book and be uplifted from my point of view with whatever the problem was. I often read spiritual based self-help books because I felt that God had to be part of positive change. It is not to say that others books that have no spiritual basis are not helpful, but that is what I connected to....
As years go by, politicians never cease to stoop lower and lower to scheme up new ways to milk more money from the people and place numerous additional roadblocks into the American economy. One of the newest targets for government ripoffs, of course, is the internet. Up until now, it has been a bastion of free-market success, where people and corporations, both large and small, have equal opportunities to make the best of a world-wide market. Anyone who claims to know Constitutional law should...
One can only stand amazed at the multitude of ways by which the American people are able to abuse the English language; especially as it relates to their national identity. It's bad enough that Americans have had the general neutral abomination inflicted upon us, as well as the various twists and turns that various racial silliness have brought upon them, not to mention the abuses that various segments have introduced into our language, it's no wonder that very few Americans are able to speak...
It’s healthy to be skeptical in a world of uncertainties. Major news networks sometimes broadcast conflicting facts that require a bit of research to verify. There’s even a day in October dedicated to skeptics. So, this is the perfect time to tell all the skeptics that there’s no reason to think Social Security won’t be here for you well into the future. Recently, the Social Security Board of Trustees released its 76th annual report to Congress presenting the financial status of the Social...
The New York Times called her the "First Lady of a Political March to the Right." I called her my treasured friend of more than 50 years. I also called her my inspiration and motivation, as I learned so much through the decades about political action and the passion required to "hang in there" in the world of politics. Phyllis Schlafly was a model, not just to me, but to women all over America. Her priorities: God, Family, and Country. She was stalwart in her Christian world view, which guided...
Shiloh Missionary Baptist Church, Public and Community Relations Committee and the following collaborative partners: Pan Hellenic Council Central Alabama; the Links; and the Cosmopolite Civic Club, hosted a Voter Education Workshop which was held at 452 Cramer Avenue, Montgomery, AL, at 6:00 p.m. on Thursday, September 29. The presenters were: Christopher Turner, Montgomery County Election Center; the Honorable Tiffany McCord, Circuit Clerk for Montgomery County. and the Honorable Alabama State...
Spooktacular The Montgomery County Sheriff's Office will host our annual Halloween Spooktacular on Monday, October 31st from 6-8 pm at the Alcazar Shriner's Temple located at 555 Eastern Boulevard. Youth 12 years old and under are invited to come out and bring their Halloween bucket to trick-or-treat in a safe, family-friendly atmosphere with Sheriff Cunningham and staff. There will be 40+ vendors there handing out candy to everyone. We will not be issuing candy to anyone over 12 years of age...
City of Prattville held its annual 9-11 ceremony on Sunday September 11th to honor those who lost their lives on that tragic day. After the ceremony started Woodmen of the World presented a flag to the City of Prattville that was placed on the flag pole at half-staff. The program continued with Mayor Gillespie reading and presenting a proclamation to the Prattville Fire Department. A few words were spoked by Fire Chief Terry Brown, Police Chief Mark Thompson, and Sheriff Joe Sedinger. The...
I just returned from one of my "Escape the Summer Heat Tours." This time the escape was to Iowa. Even though it is further north than Alabama, they can have hot and humid summers but at least this time of year you don't have to worry that a blizzard will keep you from getting there or keep you trapped there. This trip was warmer than expected, highs in the low 80's, but low humidity and usually a good breeze. So coming from central Alabama it was cool and comfortable. Nothing compares to...
We have always heard in politics of an "October surprise". What can we come up with for a surprise on the garden scene? Whether you have a public garden, which I name as flower beds which can viewed by the public, or a private garden secluded behind a wall or privacy fence, there is always something we can do to gain this notoriety. Some ideas which gardeners have used that are somewhat whimsical and out of the ordinary are as follows: 1. Use hay bales in the back of the bed to raise up a group...
Each time I visit my Optometrist my face ends up looking into an instrument which is like a large bowl turned on the side. This test has a fancy name, “automated perimetry.” While my head is still, the person being tested has to stare straight ahead while tiny lights of different intensities are flashed from random points in your vision field. Pressing a button indicates that the user sees the light. The purpose of this instrument is to test for blind spots and the extent of peripheral vis...
Halloween has become an issue among Christians. Long considered harmless fun, many are now questioning its history, nature, influence and fruit. The revitalization of Satanism and Witchcraft and their obvious association with Halloween has caused Christians to wonder whether they should participate in it at all. There is no denying the bizarre and occultic nature of Halloween decorum (certainly witches, devils, ghouls, monsters, vampires and ghosts are not Christian in character!). But in spite of that, some Christians defend their...
I heard about a presumably wealthy Texas cattle ranch owner who boasted about his holdings. When asked how he got such a big ranch, he replied that he bought up a bunch of smaller ranches and made them into one bigger ranch. He said he kept the names and made the new ranch a composite of them all. Thus he owned the "Lazy J Rolling S Mighty Texas Bar Seven Triple L Buffalo Nickel" cattle ranch. "Well, how many head of cattle do you own?" his friend asked. "Only seven," he replied. "I had a lot...
Ahhhh....Fall! The Fall Season is upon us. I have always been a big fan of Spring and Summer, but not especially fond of Fall and Winter. However, lately I have changed. I think it is something about those leaves of red, orange, yellow, brown, and burgundy. And, the crispness in the air as temperatures begin to cool down. As I enjoy my morning cup of hot tea on my back porch and gaze upon the nature around me, I am reminded that God is the best artist in the world...for only He can create such...
The Court of the Judiciary (COJ) issued a decision on the charges against Alabama Supreme Court Chief Justice Roy Moore. The Judicial Inquiry Commission (JIC) requested that he be removed from the bench. Under the COJ rules, removal requires a unanimous 9-0 vote by the members of the COJ, which is made up of judges, a lawyer and laypeople. Absent a 9-0 unanimous vote, the COJ cannot remove a judge from the bench. But in an unbelievable violation of the law, the COJ suspended without pay Chief Justice Moore for the remainder of his term, which...