Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 256
August 26, 2024 - MONTGOMERY Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R) announced that she has appointed Deputy Sheriff Anthony Lowery to serve as the Sheriff of Baldwin County. The current Baldwin County Sheriff, Hoss Mack, will soon be leaving the post after two decades to become the new head of the Alabama Sheriffs Association. Lowery is a lifelong resident of Baldwin County. He presently serves as chief deputy in the Baldwin County Sheriff's Office. In his nearly 20 years in the Sheriff's Office, he has...
August 25, 2024 - Hezbollah has launched an attack on Israel with drones and rockets. Hezbollah, which is a an outlaw client state of Iran, says that the attack is in response for the killing of its top commander in a Beirut suburb last month. Hezbollah, which controls large portions of Lebanon, says that it has targeted an identified "special military target." It says that it is also targeting Israel's Iron Dome platforms which protects the people of Israel from rocket and missile attacks....
August 23, 2024 - (Montgomery, Ala) – Attorney General Steve Marshall (R) announced that former Houston County Assistant District Attorney Mark Johnson was found guilty on ethics charges after a Houston County jury returned six guilty verdicts Thursday afternoon. As a result of his six felony convictions, Johnson has been taken into custody. According to the Attorney General's office, throughout the four-day trial, the Houston County jury heard evidence that Johnson used his position as a c...
COVID-19 is not the mass casualty event that it was in the global pandemic from 2020 to 2022; but new strains of the virus has been doing a number on Americans' vacation plans this summer. Now the kids are back in school and the kids are sharing their newest infections. On Thursday the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved new variations on the controversial COVID-19 vaccines. Both Moderna and Pfizer have prepared new versions of their vaccines to deal with the rapidly evolving...
August 15, 2024 - presidential candidates Sen. JD Vance (R-Ohio) and Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz (D) both agreed to debate on October 1. Vance announced that the two campaigns had reached an agreement with a post on the social media platform X. "The American people deserve as many debates as possible, which is why President Trump has challenged Kamala to three of them already," said Sen. Vance on X. "Not only do I accept the CBS debate on October 1st, I accept the CNN debate on September 18th as...
On Tuesday, U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) warned that current levels of federal spending are "NOT SUSTAINABLE." Sen. Tuberville made his comments after the release of data showing that the federal government added $245 billion to the debt in the month of July alone. "In July, the federal government took in $330 billion in revenue but spent $575 billion," Sen. Tuberville wrote on the social media platform X. "Anyone who has operated on a budget knows this IS NOT SUSTAINABLE. We must...
August 10,2024 – Vestavia Hills - Alabama Republicans presently control six of the seven Congressional seats in Alabama. District Two is open and is being fiercely contest between the Republican, Montgomery attorney Caroleene Dobson and the Democrat, former Deputy Attorney General Shomari Figures. In the Seventh Congressional District retired educator Robin Litaker is challenging incumbent Congresswoman Terri Sewell of Selma. Litaker addressed the Mid-Alabama Republican Party on Saturday at t...
The decision by the Joe Biden inner circle to allow the poor fellow to get out of the Presidential race was a godsend for the Democratic Party. It gives new life to the Democrats’ chances to keep the White House. The ascension of Vice President Kamala Harris to the top of the ticket breathes new life into a dead campaign. Biden’s demise, mentally and physically, assured a Democratic presidential defeat on November 5, but also guaranteed the Democrats’ loss of the U.S. Senate, as well as their ho...
Just as I was finishing this Robservation, President Biden announced that he is out of the running. More to come later. ****************************************************************************** So, here we are. I am writing this one week after the Trump assassination attempt. Like many of us, I am troubled. Not so much that an idiot kid would try to do something like this but rather the mess the Secret Service (SS) made out of the entire situation. In no way am I going to condemn the...
There are two schools of thought on the Constitution; either those that are strict Constitutionalists or those that believe it is a living, breathing document that changes with the times. Certainly there were assumptions at the time the Constitution was written when most of those in government were protestant. Though not in any judicial position, I tend to argue a strict Constitutional view. It’s the same with the Bible, the Bible is either the infallible, inspired, Word of God or is subject to...
This past May, June, and July, 2024, along Highway 231 in Wetumpka, our “illustrious” Alabama Highway Department has been hard at work from the Wal-Mart north to the old Montgomery Highway with construction cones all over the place. Somehow, the department had decided that dozens of raised “islands” in the highway’s center would help make traffic safer and more expedient. Do these contraptions really have any value? Do they enhance safety? Do they help the traffic flow? And how much extra tax...
Desperate people will say anything. And the Radical Left is getting desperate as they look to the November election. They can’t run on the economy. The voters know that inflation has wiped out any financial gains, and they have less buying power than they had four years ago. They can’t hide behind the COVID pandemic as they did in 2020. Increasingly, Americans are realizing that the lockdowns and compulsory vaccinations probably did more harm than good. They can’t run on foreign policy – not...
In the January 2023 edition of Alabama Gazette, in “Robert E. Lee, Arlington, and the Ministry of Truth” (, I covered the history and subsequent theft of Arlington House by the Federal Government. Spearheaded by the dastardly Montgomery Meigs, the plan was to seize the Lee/Custis property and turn it into a cemetery. This would serve as retribution against Lee and his family sin...
Comments on last month’s Ballot Box v. Jury Box column were similar in tone and intellect with responses to past columns explaining our Pax Americana, that is, our so-called ‘Peaceful Transfer of Power’ as a forced coalition of once independent States. Given the recent flow of history recorded in Butler, PA it seemed timely to analyze how dysfunctional ballots proffer more bullets. Assassination attempts are nothing new in US history - esp. under hegemony. Until provided facts to the contr...
I’ve never understood why Donald Trump seems to attract such a level of hatred and vitriol. There is nothing unusual about political candidates being vilified by opponents, but after an election or a term in office, the level of animosity usually subsides, and attacks focus on policy decisions and not as much on personality. I experienced some hostilities when I was a Republican presidential elector in 2016. It was my 4th time to be an elector from Alabama, so it was out of the ordinary when a...
For nearly 90 years, Social Security’s programs and services have been a lifeline to people throughout the United States, including the Hispanic community. Our retirement, disability, and survivors benefits are just as important for Hispanics. Our Spanish-language website, Seguro Social at, provides information for those whose primary language is Spanish. People can learn – in their preferred language – how to get a new or replacement Social Security card, plan for retir...
The Krulak Marine Alliance of Alabama (KMAA) is a Marine led statewide 501(c)(3) organization. KMAA is non-political and non-secular in nature. KMAA is a leader in providing physical, emotional, and financial aid to Alabama's active, reserve and Veteran Marines. They support non-profit organizations serving Marines and non-Marine military veterans. KMAA also provides quality-of-life community service as resources permit. The KMAA members are united in true solidarity of purpose and resolve to...
Captain Lamont Dewitt Pack: Age 76 From the Brooklyn ghetto of Bedford-Stuyvesant with humble beginnings, Captain Lamont Pack at a joint Army, Navy, Air Force, Marine military recruiting office in Times Square, Manhattan, New York City, he convinced Air Force Staff Sergeant Pulaski to accept his application. He took the Air Force test, qualified for every Air Force job, took, passed, and was selected during the clarinet audition for the 21st Air Force Band at McQuire AFB, NJ. The band master...
Why look for life where there is no life at all. As the Western world chokes on its own decadence, the drag-queen spectacle at the Paris Olympics was its fitting representation. The surprising thing would have been if nothing like this had happened, if we could have had some public spectacle without a celebration of the libertine sexual ethic that has come into full bloom in the early twenty-first appearance made many particularly angry since it resembled a mockery of the Last Supper. A number...
I have not been writing as consistently as I used to. Entirely by choice. Meaning, there are not any problems between myself and any of the newspapers or outlets I write for. It is entirely me. First, I have been writing for over 30 years now and I guess I am stepping back to see what I think of it all. I take it that is normal. The world of media has changed. There was a shift that came along with Covid. I do not feel I have the same freedom of speech I once had. I feel this way because I have...
Imagine this….You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee? You may reply, "Because someone bumped into me!!!" Nope. Wrong answer. You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out. “A gentle answer turns away wrath, but a harsh word stirs up anger. The ton...
As they say, the month of August is the dog days of summer because it is so hot and humid. For that matter, this whole summer could be termed the dog days of summer. One thing I have noticed in all this heat and humidity has been the absence of bud worms on my many geraniums. Every summer from about the end of June until fall, I have to dust my geraniums with Dipel and reapply when I water or it rains. No need for Dipel so far this year. There are several garden tasks which need to be completed...
I don’t how many times I have crossed a ridge thinking I was some place that I wasn’t. I don’t how many times I have crested a hill thinking I’ll be able to see something I didn’t. I don’t know how many times I have rounded a bend to discover an additional path to the place I was going. I recognize this truth weekly. One of my hobbies is cycling. I’ve been riding for several years, and sometimes the places I ride are difficult. As a result, I’m always looking around the corner thinking I have...
(August 2, 2024) Can the Democrats be sued for false advertising? They’ve completely abandoned “democracy“ for the third Presidential cycle in a row, so I think they should be forced to rebrand themselves to reflect what they actually stand for. Donorcrats? Elitocrats? DeathToAmericrats? Surely there’s a Consumer Protection statute or six out there that applies. Or, could be made to apply under the Bragg Precedence (namely, we don’t need a crime to charge you for…something or other). In...