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If you have ever been a parent, do you remember those conversations you wish you didn't have to have? Maybe it was about abusing a privilege, an accident in the car, failing grades in college or some other unanticipated circumstance of life. I never looked forward to any of them and upon reflection, am sure neither did my parents when it fell to their place to speak to me. The subject of evil is one of those topics none of us really look forward to talking about either. How much more enjoyable i...
Last week after the mass murders in Nice, France, I called into a local talk radio show. When beginning to discuss the topic, I was asked if I “had the answer” to the attacks and threats that are coming at us at an increasing pace. My answer was “no.” Without having all the requisite intelligence information, nobody can. It is impossible. The area of operational planning is far too complex and detailed to come up with an answer in a 30 second bite. When pressed for an answer, I again refused...
In boxing it is said, "To be the champ, you've got to beat the champ." In Alabama, coal is the champion of our natural resources. There is enough coal in our soil to produce electricity for hundreds of years. But, some people don't want us to do that. They want us to use only the sun or wind to produce electricity. We cannot and should not, however, abandon coal, our greatest and most reliable natural resource. Many of the wonderful Alabama citizens currently working in coal mines are...
The publication of a pamphlet, "The Communist Manifesto," in the mid 1800's, may have attracted little notice in the beginning, but it has emerged as the most influential publication of the Century. The effect of this view of history and of the human race has had lasting influence across the world, and even in the United States today. Written by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, who were Germans, but were employed in England, at the time of the writing. The document asserts that all human history...
I suspect most of my readers are familiar with the Decalogue. I felt compelled to include text below from Exodus 20 (KJV) to highlight how many of the Ten Commandments were trampled upon in Judge Walker’s Circuit court before sentencing the completely impenitent felon Hubbard. Observations of these false witnesses will be of little surprise to those able to identify modern Nimrods (who’ve made govt. their god) and their minions as blind servants to mammon with such disregard toward their own...
Now that the national conventions are over and we have had a glimpse of what to expect in the upcoming fall presidential contest, let us turn our attention back to our good ole state politics. Even though we do not have any good state races this year, it does not mean that we have not had our share of political happenings. We have been so active that we have garnered national publicity. Let us reminisce and get you caught up on our soap opera, As the World Turns in Alabama Politics. As the year...
“And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark…And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” – Revelation 13: 16-17. Just how, exactly, does the mark of the beast relate to anything we do today in everyday living? Most people need some help comprehending it. But the answer is simple. It’s a nasty little government practice called licensure. Are you self-employed? Do you own or op...
As each day rolls on by this Summer, I can't tell you how ready I am for deer season to get here. Sure, maybe some of that cooler weather that goes with it, too! As we're looking forward to the upcoming months, one of the things many of us are doing is setting up Trail-Camera Surveys. Mr. Lindsay Thomas Jr. wrote an excellent article on this over on QDMA's website, and I'll break it down for you here. A Trail-Camera Survey is an incredibly useful tool to give you a look at your deer population,...
The Raccoon (Procyon lotor) is native to North and South America having a range that extends from Southern Canada to the northern reaches of Argentina. Raccoons have feral populations in Europe, especially Germany, where they escaped from fur farms and were set loose to be hunted for sport during the time of World War II. The raccoon gets its name from the Algonquin word arakun which means "one who scratches with his hands." Raccoons are plantigrade animals, walking on the entirety of their...
The following is an in-depth look at the pre-season positions of the fourteen teams that make up the Eastern and Western Divisions of the SEC, and where we think they will stack up at the end of the regular season: Western Conference ALABAMA - It is hard not to put Nick Saban’s team at the top of the West again. Even though the quarterback situation is still unsettled, fear not! In Saban’s system, a great quarterback is not required. He is only looking for the guy that can lead the team, mak...
You will be surprised at how low the cost may be for estate planning. If you are pretty wealthy and will potentially require more complicated planning or even if you just have circumstances that require more complicated planning then yes your estate planning can run into the thousands of dollars. For the average adult, estate planning may only be a few hundred dollars. Does that still sound like a lot? Then consider if a Last Will and Testament is improperly done it may require an intestate...
Four years ago, I wrote a piece for The Alabama Gazette that recalled the leadership from the pulpits of the Black Robed Regiment during the founding days of our nation, and how those courageous patriots, with great risk to their lives and property, defied the tyranny of King George with sermons to empower their congregations in the fight for liberty. At that time, I speculated as to why I believe ministers and pastors today are reluctant to speak out regarding the political issues that...
1. Alcohol and drug free climate – One of the biggest indicator of long-term sobriety is whether or not the person of recovery has a substance free environment. In the beginning stages of recovery loved ones can assist the recovery process by removing any triggers for the person dealing with the addiction. 2. Actively listen – One of the biggest things you can do for a family member working on sobriety is listen, don’t judge or be critical, and be available. 3. Encourage healthy lifes...
As the summer winds down and we all prepare for school to begin, I can’t help but wonder how time goes by so fast. I remember just writing about the Christmas events in Wetumpka and now, here we are reflecting on the events of the summer. The intense heat didn’t damper any of our events and we once again brought thousands of people to Wetumpka. The 4th of July was fun for the entire family with the band Wishbone’s performance to the activities for the children. A few weeks later, we hoste...
This year the theme of the parade was to honor Law Enforcement, city, county, and state. The Prattville Lions Club even provided a free lunch to all Law Enforcement Officers on duty that day. It is great to see so much support for Law Enforcement in Autauga County! We are blessed....
I downloaded a brochure from the luxury RV manufacturer, NEWMAR, titled "50 Plates in 50 States." A listing of their favorite regional dishes. I was curious just what dishes they picked from Southern states. And of course, the first state listed was Alabama. The dish was Fried Green Tomatoes from a cafe in Irondale. The next Southern state was Arkansas with Fried Catfish from Fayetteville. Then Florida, with a dish of Conch Fritters from Fort Meyers Beach. From Georgia, Brunswick Stew from...
With the summer slipping away from us, and school days about to begin, there is still plenty of time to refresh out gardens. Some of the summer blooming annuals and perennials will need cutting back such as Begonias, Cone flower, scabiosa, most daisies, Coreopsis, Canna lilies, Lilies of the Nile and Cleome, to name of few. Some will get a new lease on life and shoot up more bloom heads and bloom until end of September or later. If you have Dragon Wing Begonias and they have gotten real tall,...
Question: I'm retired and the only income I have is a monthly withdrawal from an Individual Retirement Account (IRA). Are the IRA withdrawals considered "earnings?" Could they reduce my monthly Social Security benefits? Answer: No. We count only the wages you earn from a job or your net profit if you're self-employed. Non-work income such as pensions, annuities, investment income, interest, capital gains, and other government benefits are not counted and will not affect your Social Security...
When the Lord selected Moses to lead his people He set down some rules. The first four dealt with ecclesiastical matters about who was the leader of the team, and the rules related thereto. He then got down to laying down temporal rules, and the first of which concerned honoring fathers and mothers. In Exodus 20:12, He told Moses that he and his followers should honor their fathers and their mothers; respect one’s elders. In short: When you’re young do what they say; when you’re older, take...
Continued from page 1A Evil exists in our world today! It always has existed and always will exist until the Lord calls a halt to this world as we know it! Theodore Roosevelt once said, “The times are evil; that is, there is much that is evil in them. It would be to our shame and discredit if we failed to recognize that evil; if we wrapped ourselves in a foolish optimism and failed to war with heart and strength against that evil.” We have been timid too long and failed miserably to app...
I read the story in "The Christian Century" last spring. The author and her husband held three teacups in their hands after the husband's mother downsized and moved to a smaller apartment. The couple talked about which items to keep, if any, or whether they should keep all three in a home that was already full of things. The question they asked about each item was, "Does this item spark joy?" The writer said she got this concept from Marie Kondo who's written extensively about de-cluttering one'...
This month I will be turning 41. I know what you’re thinking, “WHAT?! She doesn’t look a day over 21!” Hmmmm….Well, I can dream…Right?! Hehehe!! This year may not be quite as exciting as last year when I entered into what my husband, Brian, and I refer to as “The Fabulous Decade”. Brian surprised me by taking me on an amazing 7-day, 3-country cruise through the Western Caribbean. Also, many dear sweet friends and family called, texted, and emailed. I even enjoyed several different birthday celeb...
Youth Fishing Class Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office, James Williams and Craig Payne with Montgomery County Parks and Recreation department and Daryl Woods with the Montgomery YMCA collaborated to create an outdoor classroom for youth at the Montgomery County ponds on Highway 231 South. Members of the Rumblin Waters BASS Club, volunteered their time to teach free fishing classes to 35 boys and girls ages 8-12. The participants learned how to identify various...