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Subscriptions can now be paid online for The Alabama Farmers & Consumers’ Bulletin via PayPal or a credit/debit card. Learn more about this publication produced by Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries for more than 120 years ... [actual story] Introducing! Online Payments for Subscriptions to The Alabama Farmers and Consumers’ Bulletin via PayPal or a credit/debit card now available on the NEW Website! The Alabama Department of Agric...
As we end the first half of 2020, there is no doubt that the Coronavirus is the story of the year. The Coronavirus saga of 2020 and its devastation of the nation’s and state’s economic well-being may be the story of the decade. How has the Coronavirus affected Alabama politics? The answer is negligibly, if at all. The Republican Primary runoff to hold the Junior U.S. Senate seat was postponed by the virus epidemic. It is set for July 14, which is right around the corner. The race between Tommy T...
Not only can the State of Alabama, through the Attorney General, sue the city of Birmingham, but also they have. The 2017 Alabama Preservation Memorial Act was used when its former mayor had plywood sheets placed around the monument. The mayor said that the $25,000 fine was less than the price of civil unrest. But now with the killing of George Floyd, splinter groups of ANTIFA and anarchists have wrongfully attached themselves to disrupt the rightful and peaceful protestors that want their voice...
Hard times create strong men Strong men create good times. Good times create weak men Weak men create hard times. – Unknown How true. And by the way, we are currently cruising full speed in the fourth zone right now; a world run by weak, self-serving, socialist/communist/fascist charlatans hell-bent on dismantling our great republic. Anybody who thinks ANTIFA is actually “anti-fascist,” go take a history class at your local college and get back to me. By now, everybody reading this Robse...
My father, W.O. Giles, Sr., taught my brothers, sister and I a famous slogan we can all recite, even today. He would say: "There is your side, their side, find what is right and do not move." This notion has served me well over the years, because I can hear my father's voice when he would say, "Don't Move," which enables one to face turbulent winds when standing alone. It is my motivation in this article to help you find what is right, and "Don't Move." Coach Tuberville has gained some momentum...
One of America’s greatest tragedies was what many of us call the “Civil War,” also known as “The War Between the States,” “The Great Rebellion,” “The War of Northern Oppression,” and “The War for Southern Independence.” It was the bloodiest war ever fought on American soil by more than an order of magnitude. We suffered an estimated 620,000 to 750,000 (revised) casualties from combat, starvation, disease, and injuries. In many ways, this war was like the American Revolution—a war of independence...
In his prayer for the Ephesians, Paul doesn’t want them to be afraid, deterred or faint by the tribulations he is enduring. My paternal grandmother lived in Ephesus until forcibly removed at the Burning of Smyrna; tribulation is a common happenstance in our human, yet not so humane travails through history. The cause/reason (two most used words I’ve found) Paul knelt unto the Heavenly Father of his Lord, Jesus Christ, was to be strengthened by the Holy Spirit, which is anchored in God’s Truth...
The killing of George Floyd by Minneapolis police officer Derek Chauvin ignited nationwide protests. While we advise jurors to withhold judgment until presentation of all the evidence, video of the incident seems definitive. Mr. Floyd joins a much-too-long list of minority victims of police violence. Justice may be served in Minneapolis. The four officers involved were fired the next day, and Mr. Chauvin charged with second-degree murder. Does this render the protests moot? Not necessarily. Mr....
I feel like I am in the middle of a bad dream. Across our great country, spineless elected officials are turning our streets and neighborhoods over to angry mobs of looters and thieves. At this writing, in Seattle, unbelievably led by members of the City Council, 6 city blocks, including a police precinct, have been turned over to armed members of the anarchist group Antifa. Exact statistics are unknown, but there currently seems to be between 300-400 full-time squatters who have taken up...
The Alabama Gazette welcomes its newest contributor: John M. Taylor: Married (Susan) with two sons and two grandchildren, most know me by my nickname “Johnny.” After graduating from Benjamin Russell High School in Alexander City and then attending Central Alabama Community College, I earned a B.S. in Transportation from Auburn University. During most of my college years, I worked at Russell Corporation then upon graduation, the majority of my career was spent there in various management posit...
The future can be uncertain. However, Social Security’s new Advance Designation program can help put you in control of your benefits if a time comes when you need a representative payee to help manage your money. Advance Designation enables you to identify up to three people, in priority order, whom you would like to serve as your potential representative payee. The following people may choose an Advance Designation: * Adults applying for benefits who do not have a representative payee. * A...
Sunrise Rotary Holds Shower for Salvation Army Kitchen Over 30 members of the Sunrise Rotary Club gathered in downtown Montgomery at Rotary Park the morning of June 12, to drink coffee and eat sausage biscuits. But they were not there to eat breakfast. They were there to change lives. The club held a shower for the Montgomery Salvation Army to donate kitchen utensils to its canteen for the homeless. After the usual prayer, recitation of the Pledge of Allegiance, and Rotary Four-way Test, Sunrise...
Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. stated the following truth: “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about the things that matter most.” In the midst of the Civil Rights Movement in the 1960s, my family lived in Mobile, Ala. where my Dad was serving as the Senior Pastor at St. Marks United Methodist Church. The black leaders of the Civil Rights movement in Mobile requested to hold a peaceful rally and a march in support of voting rights and other issues of equality. The Mayor of Mobile, Geo...
Col. Joseph Edward Boyett, Jr.: 84 Col. Joseph E. Boyett Jr. served 25 years in the United States Air Force in military logistics. As an operations research scientist, he created models to understand cause and effect relationships between support systems and weapon systems and to discover ways to improve combat capability. His studies led to changes in support systems that were confirmed by improvements in cost, schedule and performance. He received the following medals: Legion of Merit, B...
This story, written by Bobbie Ames, first appeared in the July 2012 issue of the Alabama Gazette and has been included in the author’s recent book, “Land That I Love: Restoring Our Christian Heritage.” “The story of the Declaration is a part of the story of a national legacy, but to understand it, it is necessary to understand as well its makers, the world they lived in, the conditions which produced them, the confidence which encouraged them, the indignities which humiliated them, the obstacl...
Our economy depends on cash flow. Our farmers, ranchers and other small businesses need as much help as we can afford. Buy local and help your fellow Alabamians. Also, don’t forget to donate to your local food bank whenever possible! This was my opening for last month’s article, “Here we are, still not knowing what is going to happen next. As I said in my last article, let’s look positively; let’s look at the bright side. Hopefully by the time you read this, people will be out and about, ev...
Say it Ain’t so, Joe! Major League Baseball to return with a 60-game season plus playoffs … But can it sustain itself through the Pandemic? How quickly another month has arrived and left us, still wondering what the prospects are for any sports season of any kind to take place. Eventually in June, Dixie Youth Baseball returned along with some travel baseball and softball teams playing tournaments again. This is wonderful for our kids, and hopefully our communities COVID-19 numbers will imp...
First of all, I trust we are all safe and following good hygiene with masks and social distancing, according to official guidelines. The safest place in today’s world would be outside in your garden. Gardening has so many positive health benefits. It provides a great opportunity for exercise and physical activity. We go on searches walking around nurseries and garden shops to find the right plant and then we are bending, squatting and stooping while planting. And let’s not leave out one of my fa...
The Gospel is about walking in freedom. That’s why, early in His ministry, Jesus quoted Isaiah’s Old Testament prophecy that He had been sent to “set free those who are oppressed” (Luke 4:18). Jesus made clear that this freedom begins with our relationship with Him. Many Believers (and non-Believers) quote Jesus as saying, “You will know the truth, and the truth will make you free.” But we can forget that there was a condition to this freedom. Jesus said this only is available to those who ...
Even before daybreak, you can hear them singing their happy songs from inside their swinging gourds: the purple martin song. It is their season. They return every year from their winter homes in South America to raise their young. They fly the same instinctual path across the Gulf of Mexico, arriving in the South in early February. There are two types of people—those who don’t know or notice, and those who have proclaimed themselves to be landlords of the purple martin. It is a tradition bet...
By Beth Thomas, Alabama Gazette Summer Intern As I sat with my friends in the campus library in mid-March at the University of Alabama-Huntsville, we heard a rumor that changed the rest of our semester: school was closing, and we were all going home. Of course, it was a rumor, and we immediately began asking professors if they had heard anything. They gave similar answers: “I heard something about it, but nothing is confirmed. If I hear anything, I’ll let you know.” Then, within a blink of an...