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Subscriptions can now be paid online for The Alabama Farmers & Consumers’ Bulletin via PayPal or a credit/debit card. Learn more about this publication produced by Alabama Department of Agriculture and Industries for more than 120 years ... [actual story] Introducing! Online Payments for Subscriptions to The Alabama Farmers and Consumers’ Bulletin via PayPal or a credit/debit card now available on the NEW Website! The Alabama Department of Agric...
Another legislation session has passed, and Alabama still has no lottery. Actually, the legislature does not in itself have the authority to pass a state lottery, they can only authorize a ballot initiative to let you vote on a lottery. It takes a constitutional amendment. The lottery would pass in a vote in Alabama simply because Alabamians are tired of their money going out of state to Georgia, Florida, Mississippi and Tennessee. All our surrounding Southern sister states have lotteries and...
I decided to look at the Alabama Supreme Court website for recent slip opinions. A slip opinion is basically the first draft majority opinion of an appellate court before its publication in various case reporters. Looking at the opinions, I noted a couple of things. In addition to the opinions of the Alabama Supreme Court on various cases, there exist several approvals or denials on Writ of Certiorari or Writ of Mandamus. A Writ of Mandamus is used when a higher court orders a lower court or gov...
It is amazing to me that so many people have had such a hard time during the lockdown. I am not talking about the financial issues that are affecting most people because those issues are real and agonizing for many. Never underestimate the stresses that others are undergoing. What I am talking about, however, are the people that are becoming increasingly restive to the point of violence because of sheer boredom. People are getting angry and irritated about some pretty stupid, meaningless stuff....
Falsehoods and myths attacking my friend, Jeff Sessions, need to be dispelled. I have known and worked with Jeff for 27 years. Loyal Trump supporters in Alabama have been torn for 3 years over his verbal assaults over the Jeff Sessions recusal from the Russian investigation into the 2016 election. Yesterday, Senator Sessions set the record straight and wrote an open letter to the people of Alabama, making a compelling heart-felt argument, detailing why he recused himself. I encourage all GOP...
As I am writing this (mid-May, 2020), the American people are still suffering from the sanctions that our governors, mayors and other authorities have imposed onto them and the U. S. economy. Unfortunately, most of us are still ignorant of the catastrophic, long-term consequences. At this time, it is impossible to calculate the final cost. But people who are knowledgeable about economics can understand that this three-month shutdown of much of our business will total in the trillions of...
The struggle from DC on down to my Lee County commissioners (along with politburo mayors) in the effort toward our next distorted result is full steam ahead. Gamblers on Wall Street – investors is poor nomenclature where market forces no longer drive results – reveal they’re betting that ‘whatever can be bailed-out WILL be bailed-out’ remains Trumpocrat policy as Dow, NASDAQ and S&P exchange indices return to “bubble, bubble toil and trouble” results. The recent $3 trillion air patch (more t...
Our Federal and state governments implemented unprecedented measures beginning in March to stem the spread of COVID-19. Informed consent provides a foundation of medical ethics. Did our elected officials and public health experts get our informed consent for policies that have put 30 million Americans out of work? Medical experiments have often been performed on unsuspecting subjects, like the infamous Tuskegee Experiment. The U.S. Public Health Service in 1932 began studying the health effects...
There are many unsung heroes in Alabama’s fight against the Wuhan novel Coronavirus-19. 175 of them are working tirelessly in the Unified Command center, a “war room” set up by the Governor to lead Alabama’s 24/7 response to the pandemic. Located in the RSA Tower in downtown Montgomery, Alabama’s Unified Command for COVID-19 Response is a team comprised of four state agencies – the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA), Alabama National Gu...
During this time when our physical offices are closed to the public, you may wonder, “How can I get help from Social Security without visiting an office?” You can find the answer at, which links you to some of our most popular online services. You can apply for retirement and disability benefits, appeal a decision, and do much more. Our newest my Social Security feature, Advance Designation, enables you to identify up to three people, in priority order, who you wou...
Dani Loeb becomes the first Alabamian to make U.S. Ski Team Dani (Karyl) Loeb, the daughter of Ricky and Jamie Loeb of Montgomery, Ala., has been recognized as the newest member of the U.S. Aerial National Team for the years 2020-2022. The nomination was officially announced on May 7, 2020 by the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association. Dani was born in Montgomery and raised on a farm in the community of Pintala. “She has always been energetic,” her mom says. “Her dad and I put her in gymna...
The MidSouth Chapter of the ITPA is proud to award the 2020 Billy D. Young Memorial Scholarship to Josie Layne Hussey. The Mid-South Chapter of the ITPA is a group dedicated to giving back to the communities we serve and supporting our -employees and their children through scholarships, charitable giving, and disaster relief. The scholarship was established in Mr. Billy D. Young’s memory to support fellow telecommunications workers that are employees of member companies of the T...
The Secret 4 C’s of Success Three military recruiters accepted an invitation to speak to the Senior Class of a local high school. It was agreed that each recruiter would take fifteen minutes to make his pitch. The army recruiter went first, but he spoke for more than twenty minutes. The navy recruiter also spoke for twenty minutes. The Marine Corps recruiter, realizing that his fifteen-minute speech had now been cut to about two minutes, walked to the podium and spent the first sixty seconds in...
John L. Cannady, Jr.: Age 62 John L. Cannady, Jr. served in the United States Air Force for 22 years and seven months. He received the following medals and awards: AF Meritorious Service Medal, AF Commendation Medal, AF Achievement Medal, AF Outstanding Unit Award, AF Organizational Excellence Award, AF Good Conduct Metal, Outstanding Airman of the Year Ribbon, National Defense Service Metal, AF Overseas Short and Long Tour Ribbons, AF Longevity Award, NCO Professional Military Education...
This is the season of non-seasons, like no other time in our lifetimes. We may or may not have baseball this year, we may have football this fall, but we might not. We do have NASCAR, but no fans are allowed. The news each day brings less clarity and more confusion about the future of sports events. NASCAR is surviving only because it makes more money from television than on fans in the stands. Come to think of it, perhaps this is one of the things that makes this particular motor-sport...
Editor’s Note: Reprinted from June 2017. During COVID-19, we hope that everyone’s lives are getting closer to normal. Continue to be safe and enjoy some fresh air! June not only is the month for brides and weddings, but the first month of summer. Children are out of school, families take trips to the beach and our new graduates find themselves floating on cloud “9”. For those of us who are not caught up in all this joy and celebration, we can spend free time sprucing up the garden scene, adding...
Our economy depends on cash flow. Our farmers, ranchers and other small businesses need as much help as we can afford. Buy local and help your fellow Alabamians. Also, don’t forget to donate to your local food bank whenever possible! Here we are, still not knowing what is going to happen next. As I said in my last article, let’s look positively; let’s look at the bright side. Hopefully by the time you read this, people will be out and about, even if they are leery of what lurks ahead. We may s...
Gail Royal, owner of Down the Street Café on Zelda Road in Montgomery, has been providing meals to essential workers. On Wednesday, May 6, Gail, her daughter Jamie and 9-year-old grandson, Caleb, helped deliver 100 plates of food for the staff at Jackson’s Hospital that included pulled pork, baked beans, potato salad, light bread, pound cake and tea. Down the Street has been cooking Boston butts, slabs of ribs, and chicken halves, which are sold to the public in order to help raise the funds to...
Have you ever felt that nothing is going your way? It may be at work, or family, or everyday problems. What is your typical reaction? Do you move toward feelings of “why me?” or “grrrr…not again”? Or do you pause and think “what is my life trying to tell me right now?” Friends…let me tell you, that is the question. How you respond to the difficult things that happen to you can mean a difference in a life of anger or joy, a life of despair or hope. I once heard a wise person say “Life is an adven...
Last week I mentioned in this space how we eat a lot of greens down here in the Black Belt. I am sure other people in other places also eat a variety of greens. There are even people up north who try and serve greens. I doubt they cook them right, and their family probably won’t eat them, but they try. I was bragging about how I was taught how to cook turnips by one of the best cooks in Possum Bend, and much to my surprise I received an email asking for the recipe. That is when I realized I d...