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On Saturday, Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-Selma) released a statement after voting in favor of four national security bills which passed the House today with bipartisan support. "At a time when democracy is under attack across the globe, America's leadership is essential," said Sewell. "The national security package passed by the House provides urgently needed resources to help Ukraine defeat Putin, deliver humanitarian assistance to civilians in Gaza, defend Israel in its proxy wars with...
The Alabama Legislature is rapidly running out of time in the 2024 Regular Legislative Session, The House of Representatives gaveled in on Tuesday at 1:00 p.m. and the Senate at 2:00 p.m. The House finished its work at approximately at 5:30 p.m. and the Senate adjourned at 7:00 p.m. The House passed several Senate bills and then left for the day abruptly. Things were much rougher in the Senate where Sen. Shay Shelnutt (R-Trussville) was filibustering House bills because a conference committee ki...
Amidst the troubling rise of anti-Semitic protests and near-riots sweeping across our nation’s college campuses including cancellation of graduation ceremonies by the University of Southern California because of fear of violence, the University of Florida (UF) has emerged not just as a bastion of higher learning but as a fortress of common sense and decency. The policies recently issued by UF in response to these disturbing events offer a blueprint that every university in America should a...
Those of you who live in the new 2nd congressional district have runoffs this coming Tuesday, April 16. This is the most interesting and entertaining political contest in Alabama this year. This new seat is comprised of all of Montgomery County, as well as most of the more rural counties surrounding Montgomery, including Macon, Lowndes, Bullock, Pike, Butler, Crenshaw, Barbour, and Russell. It continues through rural Black Belt counties like an arrow towards Mobile and gathers most of the Black...
We Americans are going to the polls in five months, to elect the next President of the United States. Election day is November 5. We are getting set for a rematch between Republican Donald Trump and Democrat Joe Biden. Americans are not too enthused to see this replay. I have never seen two candidates with as high negative polling numbers in my lifetime. The old political truism that more people vote against someone than for someone will definitely come into play in this presidential race. If...
This country has witnessed numerous political schisms since the beginning of the republic. We are presently bombarded with diverse and often intense political views--some real and some superficial. A distinct difference in political philosophy existed in the mid-1800s, mainly in the form of Jeffersonian vs. Hamiltonian principles. Reflecting his identification with the old protectionist Whigs, Lincoln, who idolized Henry Clay, supported Alexander Hamilton’s program of central banking, i...
Fifty years ago, Americans were so distracted by Watergate that they failed to notice the unmasking of one of the most consequential spies during the Cold War. Even today, few will remember the name Günter Guillaume; but most will remember a spy precipitating the fall of the West German Chancellor, Willy Brandt. While it is hard to quantify exactly what state secrets Guillaume disclosed to his East German handlers, it is even more difficult to connect his espionage with any specific action...
Here’s a tax reduction proposal everyone should love: · No tax at all on your first $95,000 income ($125,000 if filing jointly) · 1% tax on income above $95,000 (or $125,000 if filing jointly) · An extra 1% super-tax for those making more than $600,000 per year · The super-tax increases to 6% for those making $16 million per year. Too good to be true? Maybe it is -- today. But that’s the tax we had in 1913, the year the 16th Amendment was adopted. The first IRS Form 1040 exempted all income...
In the final scene in the classic movie, The Bridge on the River Kwai, British officer, Major Clipton, looks over the carnage of the destroyed train and the dead bodies lying about and utters the immortal line, “Madness. Madness.” Well, it looks like we too are approaching the closing scene in our own movie. I look at many of the things going on around this country and all I can utter is, “Madness.” Let’s look at some of the things that should cause each of us to pause and think about who we el...
In December 2020, a patient of Mobile (AL) Infirmary managed to gain access through an unsecure entry to the cyrogenic nursery at the Center for Reproductive Health (Center). The patient picked up some embryos belonging to at least three couples which had been fertilized between 2013 and 2016. Because the embryos were frozen and stored in the nursery when they were a few days old, the subzero temperature caused a burning of the patient’s hands and they dropped the embryos to the floor. Though s...
We’ve endured another state of our [soviet] union address; fewer DC politburo ‘stand and clap’ durations which conjure youthful recollection of Brezhnev’s heinous addresses. As I recall, Moscow ‘clapping episodes’ also attenuated for Gorbachev as the looming collapse of their [Russian] hegemonic union unfolded during the Soviet bloc’s closing years. Biden bit off more than our Republic of States can afford or we can possibly sustain for our posterity. Witnessing all the proposed spending incr...
In a world filled with transient values and fleeting allegiances, the integrity and steadfastness of certain rare individuals stand as beacons of light, guiding others toward paths of righteousness and communal unity. At the top of the list is Coach Bruce Pearl, whose life and career embody principles that resonate deeply with the values we all should cherish. It is not merely his remarkable success as a coach that merits acclaim but, more profoundly, his unwavering dedication to his faith, his...
Nearly everybody knows that Elon Musk does not like unions—just like he does not like oppressive big government and other violators of free markets and individual liberty. Although purported to be enforcers of fair wages and safe working environments, unions tend to be invasive, coercive, and sometimes criminal. The United Auto Workers is one of them. There is no question that the UAW is lusting to get its meat hooks onto America’s newest, greatest, most prosperous, and most valuable aut...
We celebrate Financial Literacy Month (FLM) every April to promote financial education and well-being in the United States. FLM also serves as a reminder that Social Security is a vital part of any financial plan. Our online tools are here to help you understand your potential Social Security benefits and how they fit into your financial future. You should periodically review your Social Security Statement (Statement) using your personal my Social Security account at Your...
Did you join us for Slam the Scam Day in March? If so, you know how important it is to raise awareness about government imposter scams. That’s why we want you to have all the information you need to protect yourself. Check out our top 5 scam awareness articles below: 1. We work with our Office of the Inspector General (OIG) to protect you from scams that use Social Security as bait. In How We Protect You from Misleading Advertising and Communications, we detail what to do if you receive a s...
Col john William Schmidt: age 76 Col John William Schmidt served 26 years in the U.S. Marine Corps. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) included: (1) Infantry Officer for 24 years and seven months, (2) Ground Officer, Colonel, three years one month and (3) Public Affairs Office, 11 years two months. Col Schmidt participated in Operations Against Viet Cong Forces in the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) and in Operation Desert Shield/Storm. This valiant Marine received the following medals,...
Col Denny Rea: age 70 On September 11, 2001, Col Denny Rea was stationed at Luke Air Force Base, AZ, as the commander in charge of 10,000 US Air Force personnel while the Wing commander was away, as the disastrous events of that day unfolded on the east coast. He saw his teams react as they had been trained which was to load aircraft with weapons, fly 24-hour air patrols over the southwestern United States, work with the City of Glendale for local security, rapidly set-up an off-base dispensary...
Aviation Machinist Mate James L. Tatum: Age 100 Aviation Machinist Mate (AMM) James L. Tatum served three years,11 months and two days in the U.S. Navy during WWII. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was airplane mechanic and aerial gunner. His Naval unit received the Presidential Unit Citation. His entire Naval service was in the Pacific Ocean where he was aboard aircraft carriers in the battles at Tarawa, Kwajalein, Eniwetok, Saipan, Guam and Leyte. AMM Tatum was born December 29, 1923...
Captain James Edward Klingler: Age 78 Captain James Edward Klingler served three years in the U.S. Army including one hazardous tour in Vietnam. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Field Artillery. He received the following medals, decorations, badges and ribbons: Purple Heart, National Defense Service Medal, Vietnam Service Medal, Overseas Bar (one), and Vietnam Campaign Medal with 60 DVC, Bronze Start Medal and the Army Commendation Medal with VDC. Captain Klingler was born February...
Sergeant First Class James Edward Pierson: Age 67 Sergeant First Class (SFC) James Edward Pierson served 29 years in the military including 15.5 years in active duty in the U.S. Army and 14 years in the National Guard. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Unit Level Communications Systems Circuit Controller with Radio Repair and Water Treatment Specialist. He received the following decorations, medals, badges and citations: Army Good Conduct Medal, (5th award), NCO/ Professional Develop...
Colonel Dr Patricia Thomas: Age 50 Col Dr Patricia Thomas is currently serving honorably and consistently for the past 27 years. Her military service includes 15 years on Active Duty (1996-2011) in the U.S. Air Force, and 12 years in the U.S. Air Force Reserve (2011-present). Her Air Force Service Code (AFSC) is Acquisition Contracting. She is a recipient of the fifth highest ranking U.S. military honor, Defense Superior Service Medal. The Defense Superior Service Medal (DSSM) is a military...
Sergeant First Class Eddie Frank Harris: Age 66 Sergeant First Class (SFC) Eddie Frank Harris served 20 years in the U.S. Military including four years in the U.S. Marine Corps and 16 years in the U.S. Army. While serving in the U.S. Marine Corps, his Military field includes ground forces who are trained to locate and destroy the enemy by fire and maneuver or repel their assault by fire and close combat. These roles all require high levels of fitness, mental toughness, and tactical abilities....
Tech Sergeant Donald Allen Heil: Age 76 Tech Sergeant (TSgt) Donald Allen Heil served 23 years in the U.S. Air Force. His Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was Telephone Technician Specialist. During his entire military service, he worked as a liaison with the cities where the military bases were located wherever that he served setting up the communications systems. He received the following medals, decorations, citations and ribbons: Air Force Good Conduct Medal with Bronze and Silver Stars, Air...
The 2024 National Vietnam War Veterans Day Ceremony was held at 10:00 a.m. at the VVA Memorial Garden in the Greenwood Cemetery in Montgomery, AL, on March 29, 2024. Members of Chapter 607 Vietnam Veterans of America conducted the ceremony led by its President, Jessie Donaldson. John Eidsmoe served as Master of Ceremonies. After the Pledge of Allegiance to America’s flag, the National Anthem was sung by all who were present followed by a solo of “Mansions of the Lord” sung by Bill Thomas. Presi...
The lessons of baseball and life begin in spring – play by the rules, try your best, and the sun will still come up again if you lose. Farmers keep pace with the changing seasons. The American food grower knows to bend with these changes, but they are sustained by the promises of spring. If there is another spring, there will be another chance. Not bound by the set dates on the calendar, the remnants of winter are sometimes slow to go, but soon the sun’s warmth will grow stronger every day. Fres...