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Can we protect ALL of our citizens (from birth to death) without giving up our freedoms – or is this a picture of "big money" negating our Constitution and destroying the fundamental source of our Republic? Does this picture represent the "pleas of our youth" or the "manipulation of our youth" for political reasons. This is a big question we all must ask ourselves. Our youth should never fear for their lives at school or in their communities! They do deserve better! As adults can we not come u...
I was watching the news the other day, minding my own business when out of the blue, I heard something so stupid, so ridiculous, so un-American that I had to hit the rewind on my DVR and watch the news segment again. No way. No how. Come on, are you kidding me? Now I am not talking about snowflakes pounding down Tide Pods, crying in the streets and foolishly calling for an end to the Second Amendment. Nor am I talking about the cretins crying the NRA has blood on its hands while ignoring the...
Republicans took control of federal offices and presidential races in 1964 in Alabama. It was referred to as the Goldwater Landslide. The Baxley-Graddick fiasco in 1986 was the game changer for governor. In the last 32 years there have been eight governor’s races. Republicans have won all of them, with one exception. Don Siegelman was an interloper in 1998. During that same period, Alabamians have elected all Republicans to every secondary, statewide office. There are six secondary c...
When Patrick first came to Ireland he had been brutally kidnapped and sold into slavery. He returned to Ireland not as a slave, but as a liberator. This simple event “had the most extraordinary, most far-reaching effect. It changed the face of the nation, and utterly changed the nation’s destiny. The coming of Patrick may be said to have had a [magnificent] effect not on Ireland alone, but upon the world. It was a world event.”1 When He escaped from slavery in Ireland, Patrick made his way b...
Right now in front of this United States Supreme Court the Arizona death penalty challenge means no change in the standing State laws. A much more liberal sided Court in the future could well change that dependent on their interpretation of the United States Constitution and a then considered murder case or cases. First, the United States Supreme Court turned down a request to hear the case. Before the United States Supreme Court might hear a case, a Writ of Certiorari may be filed with the...
New Orleans Mayor (wannabe actor) Mitch Landrieu has made many appearances recently from 60 Minutes to the usual 'talking head' TV morning circuit displaying removed statues stashed in secret locations and extoling his recent book entitled: In the Shadow of Statues: A White Southerner Confronts History. The removals were prompted by efforts to rebuild the city after devastating hurricanes. I'm not foolish enough to think champions of leviathan like Messrs. Christie, Landrieu, et al will ever...
There are three dates that many of us in Alabama will never forget. The most prominent being those of April 3, 1974, April 27, 2011, and most recently March 19, 2018. On each of those days portions of Alabama were devastated by tornadoes ranging from categories F3 to F5. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured, and homes and businesses were destroyed. Compounding those tragedies was the fact that some communities lacked electrical service for several days. Even those who were not...
Ok, so you’ve heard me talk about the importance of life insurance and long term care insurance. But there is another type of insurance that is very important as well. If something happened to you today and you were not able to work anymore or at least for a long period of time, how would you pay your bills, buy food for your family or buy anything else needed for your family. Now, most of you might have a good six months or more worth of income saved up which could cover you or at least buy y...
As we forge ahead into the Donald’s second year of office, we are witnessing some serious improvements in America’s economy—taxes are being cut, production is up, wages are up, and unemployment is down. The future hasn’t looked this bright since the best days of Dwight D. Eisenhower. But then, suddenly, Trump dropped his hammer—punitive tariffs on three very essential imported items—steel, aluminum, and photovoltaic cells. The rates are steep—10% for aluminum, 25% for steel, and 30% for solar...
Ah, Spring, where young men’s thoughts turn Alabama and Auburn are hard at work in their spring practice, or spring training for the older fans. Auburn took spring break off from practice to give the players a break and give the coaches more time to evaluate players, especially those who have moved to different positions. It seems that most of the players took the break to energize themselves for the grind that always awaits during the last half fo spring practice. This is when t...
Okay, that title may be a bit alarming, if not in fact a bit of an overreach. Still, if you have found yourself falling victim to such an attack, it can seem like the proverbial “end of the world” scenario played right out of Edmund North’s screenplay, “The Day the Earth Stood Still”. In this story, an alien lands and tells the people of Earth that they must live peacefully or be destroyed as a danger to other planets. The citizens of earth wanted to know if there was some technology we could...
Like so many of the Alabama Gazette readers, I strongly believe in the power of prayer, and I’m so very thankful to live in a nation where citizens can still gather for times of corporate prayer. Such an event will take place in our city on Thursday, May 3rd at the Alabama Activity Center on Dexter Avenue, 7am, at the annual Montgomery Prayer Breakfast. Since 2004, and in conjunction with the National Day of Prayer, the Montgomery Prayer Breakfast has been a time of praise for our Lord and p...
After a lifetime of working, you deserve a comfortable retirement. For over 80 years, Social Security has been helping people shape their future, assisting them with a variety of benefits. It’s up to you as to when you can start retirement benefits. You could start them a little earlier or wait until your “full retirement age,” or delay retirement to get extra money each month. There are benefits to either decision. Full retirement age refers to the age when a person can receive their Socia...
Turkey season has kicked off now in Alabama, and yes I was very fortunate to kill an opening day gobbler, I've seen plenty of action while helping hunters and huntresses chase after those elusive birds. Now, while some folks have started the season with a big bang, knocking down turkeys well before the mornings really started, there are also folks out there who just can't quite get the rascals to fly down from the roost in the right direction. Some of these birds have been talkative, and...
The Raccoon dog, also known as Magnut or Tanuki, is a type of Asian wild dog it is very much a member of the dog family. It is considered to be one of the earliest species that other dog species have evolved from. Neither a raccoon nor a dog, but it does belong to the canid family, which is a lineage that includes dogs, wolves, and foxes. There are 5 subspecies of raccoon dogs that can be found in the eastern Asia and Europe. These animals inhabit dense forests and live close to the water. Numbe...
It is time to update your word processor dictionary. Well, at least, time to add some culinary terms. Merriam-Webster has added more than 800 new words to its dictionary and there are many new food words. The dictionary company added these words because they have "widespread, sustained, and meaningful use". Now we know that Fond, the tasty bits of browned foods stuck to the bottom of a pan after browning or roasting has an official name. An Arnold Palmer is a drink that is a mix of tea and...
April really puts on a show for us in Montgomery. The azaleas with blooms from top to toe remind me of Southern Belle dresses; the lacy dogwoods, pink and white, remind us of Easter: and the gorgeous Japanese Magnolias with their stunning purple and white blooms, make an arresting sight. And let's not forget the Snow Ball Viburnum which are very showy. We have Spring well underway for zone 8, the River Region Zone. While the nights are still cool, it is good to allow certain plants to get establ...
Camp Show n´ Tell July 31st - August 3rd It's almost that time! Applications began on April 2nd to attend a week long, free camp hosted by Sheriff Derrick Cunningham and the Staff of the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office. Youth will explore and enjoy a week of outdoor fun and recreation. This mentoring-based camp, also offers workshops addressing bullying and the effects of bullying behaviors, substance abuse awareness and prevention and environmental safety and education. It's for those that...
This year for the Dunk – A – COP We hope everyone will come out and take a shot a deputy, police officer or news anchor during the Prattville City Fest on May 12th. All proceeds raised will go to the Central Alabama CrimeStoppers to be used to pay reward money for crime tips....
Jesus said, "Blessed / Happy are those who have pure hearts, for they shall see God." - Matthew 5:8. Another way to put that would be to say - blessed are those who walk with integrity, for they will see God's purpose and plans for their lives more clearly. The Bible has a lot to say about walking with integrity and why we should. Let me share with you a few reflections I have on the practical blessings or benefits of walking with integrity in this life. First, walking with integrity blesses us...
Legislators and other state elected officials gathered at the Alabama State House on March 8 with more than 100 Girl Scouts, volunteers, and Girl Scout staff in order to educate and raise awareness about issues important to girls and young women. The day began with Girl Scouts leading the Legislature in prayer and the Pledge of Allegiance. Girl Scouts then greeted elected officials at their offices with Girl Scout Cookies and questions targeting what their specific duties were to Alabama....
Facebook is fabulous at providing us with fun ways to waste time. The latest is a link that lets you submit a picture of yourself and it shows you what you would look like on the cover of a fashion magazine. We all look pretty in the pictures they design. We also all look very much alike. It’s as if they stamped us all with the same pretty stamp. A lot of us will probably be wearing more make-up this week after seeing their pictures, but that may not be what real beauty looks like. I met a w...
Whenever Easter approaches, I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus. The purpose of Christ's life was to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The Bible says that Jesus became sin for us so that we could be forgiven and found righteous in God's sight (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus was so certain of His purpose that he predicted when and how He would die (Matthew 26:2). Do you ever think about what your purpose is? I sure have! Well, some say that our...