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Many of you may be surprised to know that politicians and preachers are often friends while on earth. They actually run in the same circles in their communities as well as around the state. It has been my pleasure to have known a good many Godly ministers. During my lifetime here in our beloved state of Alabama, there have been some outstanding ministers, but three men stand out as legendary and will go down in the annals of Alabama history as the three greatest preachers of this generation....
The world Nicholas Copernicus was born into was wrong. Indeed, 550 years ago, almost everything people thought about the world and their place in it were based on false ideas. Without necessarily meaning to, Copernicus shook his world to the core and ushered in a revolution in science. Everyone in the western world believed that the earth was stationary and was the center of the universe. People might argue about other things, but everyone accepted the earth’s role and believed everything r...
Okay, I am going to show my age. There was an episode in the 1966-67 season of the comedy F-Troop when Hekawi Chief Wild Eagle is sitting with his sidekick Crazy Cat when Crazy Cat looks up into the sky and says, "Chief, I have a riddle for you. What has big round shape, carries man and dog and flies?" The chief answers he doesn't know but when he looks up into the sky, he exclaims, "IT IS BALLOOOOOON!" For more than fifty years, I have remembered that stupid episode and have often looked up in...
Yes, as an adult I think it is an important document to address the possibility of imminent death when you are no longer able to communicate your health care in certain circumstances. A Living Will in addition to the naming of a health care proxy make up two documents that can function independently but collectively are part of a document called an “Advance Directive for Health Care”. The first component is the Living Will. The Living Will states that you are an adult (at least age nineteen in...
The 2024 race for the White House has begun. Trump has announced, others in the GOP and Democrats are expected to follow. Before we fast forward too much, I would like to hit the pause button, rewind, and review a little going back to the 2020 race for the White House. What is the 3 + 3 all about, stay with me and I will explain. In the early months of 2020, Trump was positioned as invincible. His undisputed record was unmatched by any sitting President in my 68 years. The economy was roaring, c...
In the Spirit of 'never again' a few painfully addressed an ugly past of lynching documented by the Lee County Remembrance Project - specifically Messrs John Moss, George Hart, Charles Humphries, Samuel Harris and Charles Miller. As mankind evolves... cloaking evil to fool oneself and others, a 'new and improved' lynching method was witnessed by observers willing/able to understand the destruction of Willie Philpot, an accomplished young entrepreneur squashed by the anti-business/pro-political...
From the Business Roundtable to the World Economic Forum to leading business schools, many voices promote replacing corporations governed by stockholders with “stakeholder” capitalism. Laws empowering stakeholders might disrupt the social cooperation of corporations. The cutthroat world of business seems decidedly uncooperative. But businesses enable voluntary cooperation between people trying to improve their lives. Never forget the voluntary part. Throughout history, force has been the pre...
This Month (March, 2023) marks the 30th anniversary of one of America's most hideous examples of terrorism and mass murder. Although there have been some others with greater death tolls, this one entailed unconscionable cruelty. The raid on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians by the ATF and FBI at Waco, Texas was a perfect example of something our government should never do under any circumstances. Besides constitutional and ethics violations, these people, under the authority and direction...
From the mid-1900s to modern times, the government-approved narrative has been that the South fought a war to protect slavery. This was denied by Southerners, e.g., Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Richard Taylor, E. P. Alexander, Raphael Semmes, and Northerners, e.g., George Lunt, Simon Cameron, Edward Channing, and for at least the first half of the war, U.S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln. Slavery in America had never been more secure than on the eve of the war. Congress’ July 23, 1861, r...
Would you say you are easily offended? Or would you say, like most people do, “I have thick skin so I am not easily offended.” But I would say to you that all of us can be offended, and all of us will be offended and probably many times by many people. Being offended is an inevitable part of life. Even Jesus said so…. “It is impossible that no offenses should come…” Jesus, Luke 17:1 NKJV In other words, it is impossible to avoid being offended by someone. Offenses are inevitable. If we are obse...
March is the month when serious gardening tasks must take place to make life easier later on. The first task would be weeding. Unless you have mulched during the winter months, there would be pesky winter annual and perennial weeds that need to be extracted. Winter weeds have shallow root systems which support large clumps of plant material, so it is rewarding to view the huge pile of weeds which resulted from very little effort. For one thing we do not want these to grow and go to seed,...
I spent the afternoon looking for antler sheds. It’s really too early, but the weather was beautiful, especially for February. For about two hours I traveled the well-worn paths looking for any glimpse of the rare treasures left by an unsuspecting buck. I’m not sure if they know they are falling off or if they suddenly feel the release of their unique characteristic. Hunters name bucks according to the individuality of their rack. Without it, they are the deer version of John Doe. For sma...
I was a big fan of Little Lulu when I was a kid growing up in Sandflat. Little Lulu has been around a long time. She was introduced in comic strip that first appeared in The Saturday Evening Post in 1935. The loopy haired, quick-witted Little Lulu Moppet was intentionally a girl. Creator Marjorie “Marge” Buell explained that a girl could get away with more than a little boy. The single panel debut had Little Lulu appearing as a flower girl who was strewing the aisle with banana peels rather tha...
A while back, I was listening to a Podcast and one of the speakers referred to the word “ego” as an anacronym. E-G-O….Edging God Out. For me, and maybe for some of you, this is idea or concept is thought provoking, to say the least. There’s a story in Greek mythology about a young man named Narcissus. He was a very handsome young man and he knew it. One day he saw his reflection in a stream and he became enamored with the image of himself. He couldn’t pull himself away; he stared into the strea...
Master Sergeant George A. Hill: Age 79 Master Sergeant (MSgt) George A. Hill served 20 years in the U.S. Air Force. His Air Force Specialty Code (811X2) Security Policeman. His awards, decorations, citations and medals included: Meritorious Service Medal with one device, Good Conduct Medal with five devices, Small Arms Expert Marksmanship Medal with one device, NCO Professional Military Education Ribbon, Air Force Longevity Service Award with four devices, National Defense Service Medal,...
Master Sergeant Harold E. Neal: Age 86 Master Sergeant (MSG) Harold E. Neal served 21 years in the United States Air Force. His Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was Manager of Materials. His awards, decorations, citations and medals included: Bronze Star Medal, Air Force Commendation Medal with six Oak Leaf Clusters, Air Force Commendation Meritorious Service Medal, Presidential Unit Citation, and Good Conduct Medal. MSG Neal was born in Palestine, TX, to his parents, Winfred and Lela Neal. He...