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In 1987, I sold my portion of Giles Enterprises and did a little real estate development in 1988 and in 1989 joined the Hunt Administration as Small Business Advocate for the State of Alabama. Also in 1988, on a scratchy low powered AM radio station in Montgomery, Alabama, a strange, but different kind of radio talk show was launched, “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” I was 34 then, and now 31 years later, I am 65 and still mesmerized by the depth, insight, revelation and the almost prophetic sense Rus...
The January 6 Capitol riot was a despicable display of anger and ignorance. For many it was also an orchestrated attempt to further demean and neuter Trump and his 75-million-plus supporters. A perfectly timed distraction ceased the roll call certification and challenge of states, which contested not only errors but more importantly the outright alleged fraud (via mail in ballots, voter machine manipulation, Silicon Valley and other malefactors in key precincts and states to reverse an...
Over the years, I have discussed my observations and concepts of the two different roles or routes taken by a U.S. Senator or Congressman during their tenure in Washington. One clearly chooses one of two postures in their representation of you in Washington. Our delegates in D.C. are either benefactors or ideologues. The role of benefactor is much better for any state, especially Alabama. This public figure is not only a benefactor but also a facilitator and a statesman. In other words, this...
We take freedom of conscience for granted, but, 500 years ago, accepting and practicing beliefs outside of the mainstream was deadly. The 1521 Diet of Worms was a legislative gathering held in Worms (one of the oldest cities in Europe) to consider Martin Luther’s theology. The stakes were extraordinarily high as Luther, a mere monk, parried with the leading Roman Catholic scholars of his day. The ramifications of this meeting, while couched in religious terms, had clear political u...
Before I get started, this has been an interesting time for yours truly. In September 2018, I had rotator cuff surgery here in Montgomery. It didn’t go so well. Then I had another. Same thing only worse. Then I went to Andrews Sports Medicine in Birmingham and met a brilliant surgeon, Dr. Benton Emblom. Let’s just say he fixed the previous problems and did what was told to me could not be done. Long story short, by the time this hits the press, I will be back flying. It has been a long 2½ year...
Yes, the United States Supreme Court issued an opinion on November 25, 2020 that I found interesting involving the apparent suppression of in person worship. The Roman Catholic Diocese of Brooklyn, New York sought injunctive relief against New York Governor, Andrew M. Cuomo (ROMAN CATHOLIC DIOCESE OF BROOKLYN, NEW YORK v. ANDREW M. CUOMO, GOVERNOR OF NEW YORK). Though Cuomo claims to be Roman Catholic, he holds several liberal views contrary to Catholic teachings and the free exercise of...
Years ago, in my manufacturing days at Giles Enterprises, we used the term “Flash Point” to describe when a chicken frying machine system would collapse, and the shortening exploded into a raging fire. In order to obtain an Underwriters Laboratories Certification (UL), we had to make sure that each fryer had the adequate infrastructure, dual thermostats; warning signals and much more to make sure that each new frying device was proven, tried and tested before the regulators allowed the pro...
Some may recall my 2019 column on Gov. Ivey’s new and improved ACCA, BCA, et al bulldozer tactics deployed where Goat Hill legislators ‘passed the gas’ tax to fuel a more over-built/unsustainable road system in Alabama. That familiar Goat flatulence odor is again in the air to build prisons. No doubt our low class, high-end political prostitutes (Armistead to Waggoner type ‘Hubbard grubbers’) will prosper as usual. Montgomery is once again emitting the familiar loud, foul smell on par with all...
“Freedom of speech and freedom of the press, precious relics of former history, must not be construed too largely.” – William T. Sherman The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In these times, we see blatant, unapologetic levels of censo...
Every society must protect against those who would use violence to steal from others. After controlling criminals, swindlers become a major fear and motivates many government regulations. Yet regulations against fraud allow far worse swindling than markets. Swindling is always wrong, but most people learn to avoid pedestrian scams like the email from an exiled prince seeking to transfer millions of dollars. Many scams violate customs and laws and the courts will help victims if possible. Smart...
In 1948, Winston Churchill warned that if we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it. The United States has had a nine member Supreme Court for 150 years and it has served us well. Court Packing does not mean that the President replaces current Justices who retire or die. Court Packing means that the President and a Liberal Legislature adds seats to the Supreme Court until they are able to control the outcome of cases heard by the Court, thus imposing their political philosophy...
After winning the greatest scam election in history, Joe Biden and his comrades are wasting no time in their crusade to wreck the world’s greatest nation. Right off the bat on his very first day, vindictive Joe signed 15 executive orders to undo Donald Trump’s actions to save our republic. Of course, dozens of additional executive actions are being added to these. With an effective majority in both the House and the Senate, the fundamental rights of all Americans are once again (after Oba...
I remember the old saying that if one does not have a lot to do someone would suggest, just go fly a kite. With all the social lockdowns and quarantining, flying a kite might be a good idea. Of course, kite flying takes place in the great outdoors and the month of March should have plenty of breezes to let it soar to the heavens. And why stop at just one kite, get your children and your grandchildren take part in this fun activity. Naturally, I suggest that we do our gardening chores first. As t...
Col James Edwin Salminen: Age 79 Colonel James Edwin Salminen is a United States veteran who served 27 years in the U.S. Air Force, and his Air Force Specialty Code (AFSC) was pilot and pilot-commander. He flew fighters and interceptors including the F-101 and F-102 interceptors as well as the RF-101 reconnaissance fighters, F-100 fighter and four models of the F-111, swing-wing fighter. In Vietnam, he few 183 RF-101 combat missions including 100 of them over North Vietnam. Col Salminen served...
I was reading about Southern cooking traditions, the standards that define a Southern kitchen and a Southern cook and realized that the knowledge on how to fix these staples, these meals, these time tested dishes, is slowly passing away. It is becoming a lost art in homes everywhere in America, not just the South, where the children are not learning the basics of cooking, let alone, the traditional meals that bind generations. You have seen lists before; those that tell that you, you have lost...
Alabama has delivered into the world many an eccentric personalities, one of those being the late Eugene Walter – an entertainer, writer, and chef who engaged in so many varied activities he was known as “Mobile’s Renaissance Man.” He grew up in old Mobile, back when women would dress-up in their finest attire – wear heels and put on lipstick – just to go shopping downtown on Saturday mornings. He could describe it in such a charming, and almost intimate way, that if you read his work even t...
Hebrews 11:1 tells us, “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” Have you read the Hall of Faith in Hebrews 11? It honors a diverse list of ordinary people who pleased God. By what amazing feat did they please the Creator of heaven and earth? The answer is simple…by faith. While reading through this list, I was reminded His word is alive. Because somehow, if you’re drawn to it, God will speak truth in your soul. He knows better than we do, the reason...
Ash Wednesday. Lent. Palm Sunday. Maundy Thursday. Good Friday. Easter. The Season of Lent and Easter are full of strange names and words that many people do not understand. I have found that a great many people do not know the meaning and significance of these “Churchy” words and Holidays in the Season of Lent and Easter. In fact, most people probably don’t know that the word “holiday” comes from the old English word “Haligdaeg” which literally means “Holy Day.” So, let’s see if we can help...
The Alabama Gazette is now hiring for full and part-time positions! Set your own earning limits! Perfect opportunity for those with sales experience, but we will train. Earn a great commission with offerings of incentives for goals met. Support staff and office space available as needed. Other in-office positions considered based on experience. Alabama Gazette Publishing, LLC, has been in business in the River Region for more than 20 years. It has produced The Alabama Gazette, Tallassee...