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1. The current bill under consideration circumvents the State's bid law. Generally, public contracts fall under Ala. Code Section 41-16-20 et seq. applies to any state department, board, commission, institution, corporation, authority or office. For a detailed explanation on the many facets of the bid law, one can review on line article by Mary E. Pons, Association of County Commissioners of Alabama, titled Alabama's Competitive Bid and Public Works Law, 2016. Criminal penalties are authorized...
I am not sure what they are teaching in college these days but I am sure in many cases it is not honor, integrity, critical thinking, wisdom and common sense. I came across this article the other day titled, “The Writing Center at the University of Washington is telling students that expecting Americans to use proper grammar perpetuates racism.” Wha-what??!! I am not even sure where to go with this. But here goes. The writing center is willing to argue that “there is no inherent ‘stan...
Not to be confused with the South Korean movie “Two Weddings and a Funeral” or the British movie, “Four Weddings and a Funeral”, my real life January events had nothing to do with “hooking up” and instead I endured the most grievous and oft dreaded death of a parent, my Mom and only two days after her funeral my oldest son, Matt (not his actual name) returned to Montgomery and married his most precious and beautiful fiancé, Lisa (not her actual name). How often does one experience an emotional...
Sometimes, a Facebook meme sums up current events quite well and one citing a William F. Buckley, Jr. quote recently appeared in my news feed. While I’m fully aware that there are exceptions to everything and I try to be cautious in making generalizations about any identity group, far too many on the left are currently validating Mr. Buckley’s reflection. “Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views.” From th...
Some readers may recall past columns covering John Rice's efforts to weaken the grip 'double-dark money' has on our State. Sad so few understood what this former State legislator (a rare champion of liberty and unflappable small government conservative) was trying to accomplish on OUR behalf - i.e., those interested in promoting the general welfare for ourselves and our posterity over special interests. After calling them out into the light and connecting the dots to expose what these...
With February being National Career and Technical Education Month, last week I visited two emerging career tech programs in different corners of Alabama’s 2nd District. Career tech programs help prepare students for a smooth transition from the classroom to the workplace, empower young men and women from all backgrounds to find good jobs, and support local economies throughout Alabama - all at the same time. Alabama is home to a solid network of community colleges, industries and facility partne...
We have unbelievable natural resources in Alabama starting with the Tennessee Valley and transcending to the beautiful white sands at Gulf Shores. Many of our natural resources have been exploited over the years. The prime example would be the exploitation of our rich vaults of iron ore discovered in Jefferson County in the early 20th Century. It created the city of Birmingham, the Steel City of the south. U.S. Steel swept in and bought the entire region and used cheap labor in the mines and...
This past deer season in Alabama's been pretty on and off, but aside from the weather, it's been plenty full of great hunts and greater stories! I've heard and read lots of stories and seen plenty of photos about folks bringing home the meat for the freezer as well as some really nice trophies for the wall. Here's to hoping the next season will be even better! As for me, my mind's preoccupied with Turkey Hunting. This year the fun kicks off for most counties in Alabama on March 15th, running...
There are many things we think of when the word bat is spoken; such as Vampires, Dracula, rabies and diseases. Yes diseases are true but not as dramatic as is put out. All mammals can contract and carry rabies; however bats are not asymptomatic carriers of the disease. In reality, bats contract rabies far less than other animals. Less than 1/2 of 1% of all bats may contract the disease. A variety of wild animals (rabies vector species) can catch rabies, including foxes, skunks, raccoons,...
Starting with the football season of 2014, a four team play-off was initiated by the NCAA to determine the real national champion on the football field, replacing the original two team BCS. The SEC has won or played in the last eleven play-offs. This four team play-off will not satisfy the football fans of American very long. Many are interested in an eight team play-off. Mark my word! That is the next step for the NCAA and the American Football Coaches Association. It won't be far away! Let's...
Early in our country's history, the mother country caused great distress among her 'children.' They opposed the Declaratory Acts, the Stamp Act, and other measures. Among the opponents were the Whigs, Patriots, and the Sons of Liberty. Others submitted willingly to the Crown. Both sides claimed to conform to English royalty and be loyal to the British Constitution. In reading the writings of Buchanan, Locke, Milton, Sidney, and other historians, we find what we call the "Christian idea of man,"...
Spring flowers always make Jasmine Hill Gardens and Outdoor Museum in Elmore County a special place to visit. Usually the peak of spring bloom starts in mid-March, but the unusually warm weather in February made many flowering shrubs pop into brilliant color early. Camellias, which are Alabama's state flower, have been especially pretty with a brilliant array of flowers from the lowest to the highest branches open at once. Gardeners at Jasmine Hill commented that they had never seen the many...
Easter Egg Hunt The time is nearing for our annual Easter Egg Hunt to be held on Saturday, April 15th, from 4:00-6:00pm at Auburn Montgomery. We hope to see you all there! ~~~~~~ Firearms Familiarization Course Sign up NOW for our Firearms Familiarization Course scheduled for Saturday, March 11th, and learn how to protect yourself! We know that learning how to protect yourself is very important in today's world. The class is held at our newly dedicated Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training...
April 3, 1974. April 27, 2011. Those are two dates that many of us in Alabama will never forget. On each of those days portions of Alabama were devastated by tornadoes. Lives were lost, people were seriously injured, and homes and businesses were destroyed. Compounding those tragedies was the fact that some communities lacked electrical service for several days. Even those who were not directly impacted by those storms must have felt great relief when their electricity was restored. Severe...
The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office launched a new Website on February 1, 2017 where residents can find the latest information regarding the operations of the Sheriff’s Office. The new Website will serve as an information resource for the public and assist with community policing efforts. The new Website,, features press releases, messages from Sheriff Joe Sedinger, as well as pages on the services of each division of the Sheriff’s Office. Other features of the Websi...
I just got back from a trip to Texas after seeing friends, relatives, and seeing how the places where I use to live and hung-out have changed. My friends and relatives have grown older but they have not changed much. The places where I use to live have changed greatly. And in my opinion, the cities I visited have not changed for the better. They seem to have lost their character; they are no longer fun to be in. The roads are always under construction and the traffic is so bad that the roads...
It was a clear day in San Fransisco. Bay area rivals faced off in game 3 of the 1989 Baseball World Series pitting the Athletics against the Giants. ABC had just begun its pregame analysis with Al Michaels and Tim McCarver when cries of fear and terror erupted throughout Candlestick Park. What is now known as the World Series quake rocked the coast causing extensive damage and resulting in almost 4,000 injuries and 63 deaths. The Athletics went on to win the Series. But the aftershocks to the...
One of your writer's most enjoyable and invigorating experiences happened during the years spent as a member of the Alabama Silver-Haired Legislature. We operated much the same as the Sate's House of Representatives, in that each of us prepared and submitted resolutions that urged legislation the regular legislature should enact. They addressed matters that were of particular concern to the State's senior citizens. Each representative researched and wrote legislative proposals that addressed...
Karen Carpenter was the preeminent voice of the 70s. Along with her brother Richard she sold 160 million record albums. Karen sang love songs. “We’ve Only Just Begun” has been used at countless weddings over the years since she introduced it to the world. But in his book, “Little Girl Blue,” Randy L. Schmidt revealed that Karen Carpenter searched for love and never seemed to find it. Another of her songs is autobiographic: “I'll say goodbye to love / no one ever cared if I should live or die...
As you read this article I will have recently returned from a visit again to Israel, the land of our Lord, with a fine group of people from our area. It is hard to describe to someone who has not been there the unique and special appeal of this tiny piece of arid geography tucked in an out-of-the-way corner of the earth along the eastern shore of the Mediterranean Sea. This remarkable land has cradled the faith of three major world religions, Judaism, the Muslim religion and Christianity. “To th...
Enjoying a comfortable retirement is everyone’s dream. For over 80 years, Social Security has been helping people realize those dreams, assisting people through life’s journey with a variety of benefits. It’s up to you as to when you can start retirement benefits. You could start them a little earlier or wait until your “full retirement age.” There are benefits to either decision, pun intended. Full retirement age refers to the age when a person can receive their Social Security benefits without...
March comes marching in with the wind, where there may still be a slight chill, but one senses winter is over. By mid-March we can confidently plant begonias, certainly geraniums plus impatiens, while getting ready to say goodbye to pansies and dianthus with the next 6 weeks. Everything seems to be happening at once: the grass suddenly needs mowing, regular watering is needed, fertilizing is now a task, and weeding becomes a priority. It would be nice if family members would lend a hand. My...
Did you know that unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment block the flow of God’s blessings in your life? Holding on to the hurts of your past can poison your present and limit your future. However, when you let go of these emotional wounds, you open the door to the life of victory that God has planned. “Let all bitterness, indignation, wrath, resentment, quarreling, and slander be banished from you…” Ephesians 4:31 The enemy will try to use your past to influence your actions and respons...