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The 2024 Legislative Session begins next week. It will be difficult to replicate the success of last year’s regular session. The 2023 year was a premier year for any first year of a quadrennium. Indeed, it may be one of the most momentous in state history. It was historic because of the vast amount of money available to be appropriated. When asked what grade I would give the legislative session at its conclusion, I gave it the highest I have ever given: B+. It would have gotten an A, but l...
The Alabama Republican Party (ALGOP) state executive committee met for its Winter Meeting in Birmingham on Saturday. The ALGOP is optimistic that they can prevail in the November 5 general election and that former President Donald J. Trump (R) will defeat current President Joseph R. Biden (D). John Wahl is the Chairman of the Alabama Republican Party. This is not a battle between Democrats and Republicans; but a battle between darknesssss and light," Wahl said. "It is an honor to fight by your s...
The heated battle for Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court race is drawing attention from across the state. On Monday another round of key law enforcement leaders announced their endorsements of Associate Justice Sarah Stewart in her bid to be chief justice. 30 Republican Sheriffs and police chiefs came out to support her effort to be the next Chief Justice of the Alabama Supreme Court. Stewart is running against former State Senator Bryan Taylor (R-Prattville). "These endorsements...
Alabama Governor Kay Ivey (R), Congresswoman Terri Sewell (D-Selma), and former Congresswoman Martha Roby (R-Montgomery) joined the 187th Fighter Wing of the Alabama National Guard to celebrate the arrival of the F-35 Jets to Montgomery. Sewell and Ivey joined the 187th Fighter Wing of the Alabama Air National Guard (ANG) to celebrate the arrival of its first F-35A Lightning II stealth fighter jets. Rep. Sewell and the entire Alabama Congressional Delegation successfully advocated for the Air...
As usual, there always seems to be a lot going on in the world. So this week I bring to you my not-so-world-famous “Bits and Pieces; version 18.” 1. The Border (Again): Several columns back, I wrote about our southern border. And in that time, it has not gotten any better; only worse. It is sickening to watch and from my perspective, the true human tragedy is not necessarily the plight of the illegal immigrants, sad as it is on a personal level, but rather what is becoming of this country. It...
One hundred years ago, Vladimir Lenin died. Lenin was an unlikely revolutionary. His story was not one of meager beginnings or social depravation. Rather, he came from a family of means that had little connection with the proletariat he came to champion. He was well educated, attended college, and became a lawyer. But, during his “education,” he was radicalized when exposed to Marxism and embraced its view of 19th century revisionist history. Throwing facts aside, the history lessons he acc...
The General John Archer Elmore Chapter of the Sons of the American Revolution honors our Revolutionary War patriot ancestors by promoting patriotism, serving our communities, and educating and inspiring future generations about the founding principles of our country. In conjunction with the upcoming 250th Anniversary of the Declaration of Independence, we honor soldiers of the American Revolution buried in the River Region of Central Alabama. Although Alabama was not in existence at the time of...
Criminals that would exploit the elderly are heartless subhumans. Elderly individuals that may be suffering mild dementia, are lonely, have trouble diserning nefarious schemes and have only sporadic support from family may be especially prone to exploitation. To make it worse they are now generally reliant on life savings, investments and social security to live. That could be a huge chunk of money that could be ripe for picking. My own parents received a telephone call several years before...
“First in war, first in peace, first in the hearts of his countrymen.” So said General Henry “Light Horse Harry” Lee, speaking the eulogy of our first President whose birthday we celebrate this month. But recent polls suggest that many Americans hardly know who George Washington was, when he lived, or what he accomplished. Some even challenge his military skills, saying he was at best a mediocre tactician, lost more battles than he won, almost lost the war, and at one point was almost removed as...
A ‘Valentine’ themed column was requested for the February Gazette… I thought, Lord help this poor wordsmith - esp. when writing from the heart. Once again, help provided via Scriptures. I believe God answers all sincere prayers - sometimes the answer is no. Seems there’s no fool like an old fool for Christ; a moniker more obvious as my life comes to a close. Oldsters seem reluctant to share ‘University of Hard-Knocks’ education with others who may benefit, in particular our posterity w...
When the Alabama Legislature was feverishly pushing the gas tax hike, did you ever hear a legislator say, “Let the People Vote?” Or how about this one: “I am personally prolife, but I believe a woman has a right to choose”? The latest use of this ever-popular legislative phrase is, “I am personally opposed to the expansion of casino gambling, but let the people vote.” The phrase, “Let the People Vote,” has been in Alabama since the last lottery vote miserably failed years ago. Given that gamb...
This past January 25, Alabama established a new milestone to implement the kindest, safest, simplest, and most practical method of execution known to man—nitrogen asphyxiation. Oklahoma was the first state to adopt this new procedure. In April 2015, Governor Mary Fallin signed a bill to allow it, and on March 14, 2018, Attorney General Mike Hunter and Corrections Director Joe M. Allbaugh approved it as the primary method of execution. In March 2018, Alabama became the third state, after O...
The assaults on Robert E. Lee and anyone who fought for Southern Independence never abate. Lee symbolizes most things his critics hate – he was a devout Christian, he believed in the sovereignty of the States within a voluntary federal republic, his primary allegiance was to Virginia (his “country”), and he felt “Union” at the point of a bayonet undermined the entire American experiment in self-government. One might ask: Why did the colonies seek independence if the goal was replication of the m...
Col Richard Thomas Aldridge: Age 57 Col Richard Thomas Aldridge served over 28 years in both the Active duty and Reserve components of the U.S. Air Force. His Active duty periods were from March 1989 to February 1999 and January 2002 to January 2005, and he served as an Air Force Reservist from February 1999 to January 2002 and January 2005 until his retirement in September 2016. Col Aldridge’s Air Force Specialty Codes (AFSC) included: (1) Satellite Engineer, (2) Systems Engineer, (3) P...
Lt. Col Lee Forbes Aldridge: Age 82 Lt. Col Lee Aldridge served 33 years in the U.S. Air Force. His primary specialty was Acquisition Management Officer and Electronics Engineer, but he served in myriad other fields. He received the following medals, badges, citations and ribbons: Defense Meritorious Service Medal, Air Force Meritorious Service Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Force Commendation Medal with one Oak Leaf Cluster, Air Force Organizational Excellence Award, Air Force Good...
The following veterans have birthdays during February 2024. Joe Panza Feb. 2nd Dudley F. Christian Feb. 6th Anthony Baggiano Feb. 12th James H. Combs Feb. 15th Eugene F. Crooks Feb. 16th Karen S. Brantner Feb. 16th William L. Carl Feb. 17th Stephen M. Davis Feb. 21st Lee R. Knight Feb. 22nd Andrew E. Lindsey Feb. 25th...
The City of Pike Road held its 12th annual Veterans Appreciation Ceremony at the Veterans Memorial Park on November 5, 2023. Commemorative bricks with the names of 12 veterans and their branches of service were installed on the floor of the pavilion. The Capitol Sounds Band played patriotic music. The invocation and the benediction were given by the Rev. John Toney. The Pike Road Intermediate School SGA led the Pledge of Allegiance to the American flag, and the Pike Road Junior High School Show...
1st Lt. John Osburn David served in the Korean War. He Passed away on January 26, 2024. Col Henry P. Fowler was a prisoner of war in the infamous Hanoi Hilton in Vietnam. He passed away on January 26, 2024. John F. Morrow - He drove a tank during the WWII Battle of the Bulge. He passed away on January 21, 2024...
Private First Class William Lee Struthers: Age 92 Private First Class (PFC) William Lee Struthers served three years in the AL National Guard that was activated for combat service at Korea during the Korean War. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Truck Driver hauling munitions to the fronts. His Unit, the 252nd, National Guard Unit, the First Transportation Unit from Hamilton, AL, received the Presidential Unit Citation near Chuncheon, South Korea, and was cited for thwarting a...
DO YOU NEED A NEW OR REPLACEMENT SOCIAL SECURITY CARD? WE’RE MAKING IT EASIER! By Kylle’ D. McKinney Alabama Social Security Public Affairs Specialist If you need a new or replacement Social Security card, we’ve got great news! You may be able to complete, or at least start, your application on our website – and, if necessary, use our online scheduling tool to book an appointment at a local office. Start your application Do you need to apply for a Social Security number (SSN) and card? You can...
God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change; Courage to change the things I can; And wisdom to know the difference. Living one day at a time; Enjoying one moment at a time; Accepting hardships as the pathway to peace; Taking, as He did, this sinful world as it is, not as I would have it; Trusting that He will make all things right if I surrender to His Will; So that I may be reasonably happy in this life and supremely happy with Him forever and ever in the next. Amen The...
February is the iconic month for Valentine's Day. And who does not like receiving happy cards, chocolate candy, and flowers. Even if your New Year's Resolution includes fasting from candy, I declared that Valentine's Day can be an exception. Just do not go overboard. As Ben Franklin admonished, "everything in moderation". But how many people realize we also have a Federal and State holiday, President's Day, which falls on February 19th. President Thomas Jefferson, one of the founding fathers...
Winter undoubtedly thwarts many outdoor plans in most parts of the country. If you don’t believe me, just wait until the first warm weekend in February. There will be more lawnmowers heard than any other time of the year. It’s not that they want to mow their lawn, but it’s just that they have cabin fever. Another problem with the winter is the amount of light in each day. There have been several times when one could hunt all day and stay out less than twelve hours. That means twelve hours in th...
Based entirely upon my casual observation, women seem to be more susceptible than men, and children ag it on, but for some reason many people who have never so much as grew a turnip patch suddenly will get the urge to raise chickens as soon as January is behind us. All that has to happen for someone to catch chicken fever is to visit a farm supply store. A woman can go in there, maybe just shopping for a new pair of bib overalls, and then, innocently enough, she will see the cute little biddies...
It’s that time of year again, when the stores are filled with red and pink candies, stuffed animals and heart-shaped boxes of chocolates. Some people look forward to Valentine’s Day each year, while others are impartial or may even dislike it. The holiday centered on love does not only have to be applied to couples, though. No matter how you feel about this holiday, as Christians, we are called to love at all times. Why? Because God first loved us. He sent His son, Jesus, to die for our sin...