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The earth shook in the college football world as Nick Saben announced his retirement on January 11. First the stats: At Alabama his record was 201-29 with seven national titles. Saban and Bryant are the only two head coaches to win national titles at different FBS schools. He dominated the SEC with a record of 107-18. He has sent more players to the NFL (123) than any other head coach, those players amassing over $2 billion in player contracts. These stats were not built on money but on a disciplined style of coaching that focused on...
I know we are in a new year, but allow me to look back into 2023 and share with you some observations and accolades from the last year. My old friend Mac McArthur has been Executive Director and Chief Cook and Bottle Washer of the Alabaman State Employees Association for 26 years now. He is one of my best friends and we talk about once or twice a month. Our conversations last an hour as we enjoy regaling stories of Alabama politics. Nobody knows Alabama political stories or Alabama political...
When James Monroe addressed Congress 200 years ago, many assumed his annual message would be limited to legislative initiatives. Since he had no spin doctors to help him explain his position, clarify its broad impact, or narrate its context, it was left to him to simply announce the Monroe Doctrine and let others decide its ramifications. Two centuries ago, the New World was shedding Old World political connections as new nation states were emerging after achieving independence. President...
In the thirteen years that I have been writing these Robservations for the Gazette, this is the first time that I am writing an “in your face” religious column, if you will. Although I am sure my leanings come out many times in my writings, this was never intended to be the purpose of my Robservations column. I must admit that this Christmas Season has been a little challenging for me. Not so much with issues in my own home but I see many things that given the opportunity and if allowed, the...
Without specifics about yourself I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I presume you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) which is important as there may be some changes such as to an inherited IRA. Ask your investment professional. You should also think about your legal estate planning. After all you are a year older; you may have gotten married, had a new child, had a child reach the age of m...
Church and State are separate kingdoms, but both are established by God upon the authority of His Word, the Bible. Christian churches have historically recognized the Bible as the inspired and authoritative Word of God, and as President Andrew Jackson said, "The Bible is the rock upon which our republic rests." But during the last two centuries, the Bible has been under unrelenting attack. Unsurprisingly, secular philosophers denounce the Bible as a collection of fables, myths, and legends loose...
Many thanks for all the wonderful correspondences on my Christmas 2021 column; Christ is Born, Glorify Him! Pleasantly surprised how many included kind inquiry on my “Tough Roe to Hoe” column [https://www.alabamagazette. com/story/2021/10/01/opinion/tough-roe-to-hoe/2231.html] evoking Solomon’s wisdom. This third king of Israel reigned circa 968-928 BC, heralded for his wise judgments. One of the more notable Solomon decisions I wanted readers to recall comes from 1 Kings 3:16-28 repro...
Just before dawn on Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, about 4000 people gathered in a remote part of southern Israel north of the Re'im kibbutz, about 3.7 miles east of Gaza and began celebrating the last day of the Sukkot holiday with a Supernova music festival. Organizers had promised a "journey of unity and love" with dance, music, art, and drinks. The people were happy and cheerful as they danced and prepared for the gala event. Without warning, Hamas militants arrived in motorized...
The assaults on Robert E. Lee and anyone who fought for Southern Independence never abate. Lee symbolizes most things his critics hate – he was a devout Christian, he believed in the sovereignty of the States within a voluntary federal republic, his primary allegiance was to Virginia (his “country”), and he felt “Union” at the point of a bayonet undermined the entire American experiment in self-government. One might ask: Why did the colonies seek independence if the goal was replication of the m...
We know that Christmas is centered around the birth of Jesus, the Christ child, but what is it about the Christmas season that is so different from the rest of the year? Kindness seems to emerge, benevolence is more prevalent, evil thoughts take a pause, differences are often suspended, and “Merry Christmas” greetings broadcast in the market square are jubilant as if to say, “God Bless You.” It is a centuries old quest to somehow bottle the grandeur, supernatural attributes, and ambienc...
Master Sergeant Ronnie Edwin Kinsfather: Age: 75 Master Sergeant (MSgt) Ronnie Edwin Kinsfather served 20 years and eight months in the United States Air Force. His Military Occupational Specialty Code (MOSC) was Telephone Plant Maintenance superintendent. His decorations, medals, badges, citations and campaign ribbons included: Air Force Commendation Medal with four Devices, Air Force Achievement Medal with one Device, Air Force Outstanding Unit Award with Valor Device with four Devices, Small...
Corporal Andrew Carnegie Nolin: Age 86 Corporal (Cpl) Andrew Carnegie Nolin served three years on active duty in the U.S. Marine Corps and three years in the Marine Corps Reserve. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Motor Vehicle Operator. He received the Good Conduct Medal. Cpl Nolin was born August 22, 1937 to his parents, A. C. and Agnes Nolin at Montgomery, AL, where he was reared. After graduating from Lanier High School in 1955, Cpl Nolin attended Auburn University for two...
Col Dennis M. Drew: Age 81 Col Dennis M. Drew served 28 years in the United States Air Force. His Military background included: (1) Dean, School of Advanced Air and Space Studies, (2) Director, Air Power Research Institute, (3) Chief, Strategy and Doctrine, Air Command Staff College, (4) Staff Division Chief, HQ Strategic Air Command, (5) Missile Operations Staff Officer and (6) Personnel Staff Officer. He received the following decorations medals, badges, citations and campaign ribbons: Legion...
Petty Officer 2nd Class Samuel Brown: Age 61 Petty Officer 2nd Class (PO2) Samuel Brown served a total of 30 years in the U.S. Coast Guard (USCG) including eight years on Active Duty and 22 years in the Reserve. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Storekeeper. He had skills in logistics, purchasing and contract management. He received the following medals, citations, awards and ribbons: Coast Guard Distinguished Service Medal for search and rescue mission after Hurricane Katrina at...
Social Security programs touch the lives of more than 71 million people. We work hard to ensure critical benefits and other services are accessible to you. Consider the start of the new year as an opportunity for you to engage with Social Security online. This begins with creating your free and secure personal my Social Security account at Once you create an account, you can: • Apply for retirement, spouses, or disability benefits. • Apply for Medicare. • Check your appli...
Let 2024 be the year of new adventures! Plan out new adventures instead of wasting time on New Year's Resolutions. Did you know that for 92% of people, New Year's resolutions fail? The result is often discouragement, and we end up feeling like "New year, same me." Try something different this year. Try planning New Year Adventures. So, what are some New Year Adventures you can plan for 2024? Plan Fun Adventures With True Friends "Not all those who wander are lost." - J.R.R. Tolkien, The...
With the waning days of December, we should look back at all the good things we were given over the last 12 months...good health, love from family and friends, finally a hard enough freeze to kill even the most stubborn of insect eggs. The bitter cold did damage to my Sago palms, but after I prune all the fronds back, new growth will emerge and it will live on bigger and better. It is best to totally cut back all of these to the trunk and not just those that look damaged. The same goes for the...
Ever since last summer, I have been watching one particular buck. He’s not a giant but he has a short third beam that protrudes straight out from the bottom of his main beam. It’s only about 5 inches long but has another point growing from that. The deer is a mainframe 8 but this anomaly has always made the rack intriguing to me. And I decided early on, if I had the chance to harvest this one, I would. It would be my first non-typical. During hunting season, it has shown up on my trail camera ma...
Before I launch into my topic this [month], I want to acknowledge what happened in Wilcox County yesterday. A long time, much-loved, retired deputy with the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Madison “Skip” Nicholson, was killed by a gunman while responding to a domestic-violence call in the Yellow Bluff community. Chief Deputy Trenton Gulley was also injured, but is expected to recover. The whole county is shrouded today in sadness. This will spill into tomorrow and into the upcom...
Happy New Year! As we begin a new year, we share this hopeful greeting with friends and family. At times, however, we may need a little more…more from ourselves as well as the people around us. Perhaps what God told Joshua is just what we all need to hear and to believe. “Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 As Joshua was about to lead God’s people into the promised land, he had reason to be afraid. He had an enormous task ahead of him, an...
I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. This time of year is all about tradition. With the flu still lingering, busy schedules, and just life in general, some families extend their get-togethers into the New Year. If you are like me, you have fond memories of baking pies, giving of presents, or having a meal with your friends and family. All of this demands planning to make Christmas a memorable event. Did you prepare the...