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[The year ] 2022 was anticipated to be an exciting competitive election year. However, it is going to be a yawn of a political year. If you thought there was no competition for the constitutional offices and the House of Representatives’ seats in next year’s elections, then you have not seen anything like the lack of turnover in the Alabama State Senate. Incumbency will prevail. In fact, the power of incumbency in the Alabama State Senate is on par with the incumbent return percentage for Con...
This article recalls the Philippines off-year election in 1951. It is a little known story about how the good guys avoided a communist take-over. Regrettably, these lesson were forgotten in Vietnam some 10 years later. I hope Alabama Gazette readers will find it of interest. Seventy years ago, the Philippines came within a whisper of being the pre-game for Vietnam. But much like the dog that didn’t bark or the accident that didn’t happen, few people appreciate how close the Philippines came to...
Do you guys remember the 1980s-ish, super-sexy Pantene shampoo commercials featuring actress Kelly LeBrock? She stared into the camera, fluffed up her hair and said, “Don’t hate me because I’m beautiful.” I’m sure 99% of all red-blooded American guys liked that commercial. But unfortunately, today, I am not writing about shampoo, nice hair, pretty women or anything of the sort. Today I am going to write about something concerning our military that I have written about in the past. The topic for...
Without specifics about yourself, I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I presume you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. After all you are a year older; you may have gotten married, had a new child, had a child reach the age of majority (19 years), gotten divorced or suffered the death of a spouse or even a child. You may have a child g...
Many thanks for all the wonderful correspondences on my Christmas 2021 column: Christ is Born, Glorify Him! Pleasantly surprised how many included kind inquiry on my “Tough Roe to Hoe” column [] evoking Solomon’s wisdom. This third king of Israel reigned circa 968-928 BC, heralded for his wise judgments. One of the more notable Solomon decisions I wanted readers to recall comes from 1 Kings 3:16-28 reproduced (New...
Any society which suppresses the heritage of its conquered minorities, prevents their history or denies them their symbols, has sown the seeds of their own destruction. – William Wallace Governments seeking to destroy history typically start with the “low-hanging fruit.” The demonization of the South has been in play for decades. The South and the North were/are different—two separate and distinct countries always made sense. Many see the smearing of the South merely as a starting point to sprea...
I am doing everything in my power to assure that Republicans take back the United States House and Senate in next year’s midterm elections. The road to taking back the Senate goes through Georgia and Herschel Walker. Herschel is a patriot, and he is running for Senate for all the right reasons. He loves America and he loves Georgia. When asked about why he is running by radio host Clay Travis he stated “My life ain’t about me. It’s about helping other people.” He knows that current Left Wing...
Just last year (2021), in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Pfizer CEO Albert Boulra made the following statement: “We are very proud of what we have done…. There is no other company that can claim to have done so much good to humanity as we have done.” So much good to humanity? Really—like monopolizing the Epipen and jacking up its price from $100 to $600—and now teaming up with government fascists to forcibly administer its version of Jim Jones’ cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Let’s check...
PREFACE from Editor on the 2022 National Championship: Revenge of the Georgia Bulldogs Georgia Wins 2022 National Championship as it Beats Alabama 33 to 18. The second showdown this season between the Alabama Crimson Tide and the Georgia Bulldogs happened on January 10, 2022, in Indianapolis, Ind. Georgia was favored to come out on top of the Tide, and, despite a really slow first quarter, the Bulldogs managed to find their feet, racking up the most points of the entire game in the fourth...
Get Outside I recently read that the average person spends 93% of their life indoors! Wow! That is unbelievable. And sad. That means that if you live to be 100 years old, you will have spent 93 of those years indoors and only 7 years in God’s amazing and beautiful creation. God created us to be outside and to enjoy His creation. Our souls need it. Our bodies need it. Our minds need it. In the 23rd Psalm we witness one of the most important ways God soothes our souls, “He makes me lie down in...
A new year with new beginnings and hopefully a year we see Covid in our rear view mirror. My sincerest wish is for each and every one of you to experience a happy and prosperous 2022. Back in the garden, there some things we all need to take care of. If you have chilled tulips for 4-6 weeks, go ahead and plant them this month either in pots or in the garden beds. A good technique, which I have mentioned in the past, is over planting tulips with pansies, dianthus or even dusty miller. The effect...
Captain Nimrod Thompson Frazer (92) Captain (Cpt) Lt. Nimrod Thompson Frazer served three years in the U. S. Army including the Army National Guard and the regular Army with service in Korea during the Korean War. His Military Occupational Specialty (MOS) was Tank Platoon Leader. His military decorations, medals, badges and commendations included the Silver Star given for his gallantry in action, a Presidential Unit Citation and the Parachute Badge. He received a letter of appreciation from Kim...
[Editor’s note: Introduction is from December 1, 2020] Before I launch into my topic this [month], I want to acknowledge what happened in Wilcox County yesterday. A long time, much-loved, retired deputy with the Wilcox County Sheriff’s Department, Deputy Madison “Skip” Nicholson, was killed by a gunman while responding to a domestic-violence call in the Yellow Bluff community. Chief Deputy Trenton Gulley was also injured, but is expected to recover. The whole county is shrouded today in sadness...
Happy New Year! As we begin a new year, we share this hopeful greeting with friends and family. At times, however, we may need a little more…more from ourselves as well as the people around us. Perhaps what God told Joshua is just what we all need to hear and to believe. “Do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go.” Joshua 1:9 As Joshua was about to lead God’s people into the promised land, he had reason to be afraid. He had an enormous task ahead of him, an...
I hope you and your family had a wonderful holiday and were able to celebrate Christmas with your loved ones. This time of year is all about tradition. With Covid still lingering, busy schedules, and just life in general, some families extend their get-togethers into the New Year. If you are like me, you have fond memories of baking pies, giving of presents, or having a meal with your friends and family. All of this demands planning to make Christmas a memorable event. Did you prepare the...