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BAMA - CLEMSON, Kiffen Out - Sarkisian In, Ed Jones, Page 7A Legal Issues for the New Year, Ron Holtsford, Page 2A WELCOME TO THE MAD DOG!!, Rob Tate, Page 3A Inside the Statehouse, Steve Flowers, Page 5A Turning the Page, The Marshall Moment, Rick Marshall, Page 9A Southern Cuisine, David Spooner, Page 7B...
Without specifics about yourself I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m presume you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. After all you are a year older; you may have gotten married, had a new child, had a child reach the age of majority (19 years), gotten divorced or suffered the death of a spouse or even a child. You may have a chi...
Today every other man (and still more so during war-time) is an amateur strategist and tactician; the House of Commons is full of such folk. No politician would be considered sane if he told a chemist or an astronomer what to do, but he considers it his right to tell the soldier, sailor, and airman what to do, and even how to do it; and if his words are not based on a true understanding of war they are based on a false understanding, for there can be no middle course. J.F.C. Fuller Did you hear...
One of my major concerns with politics has been our increasing obsession with political personalities rather than the legitimate debate of issues, and this last election has done little to dispel that uneasiness. In our soundbite media culture, personalities are far more interesting and entertaining than policy, and they more easily influence voters. Details in legislation are boring and too deep into the minutiae or legalese for the average American to even want to understand, and the...
Jim Little's Opelika-Auburn News [11/21/16] article entitled, Judge declares signature requirement unconstitutional for short special elections asserted, "Future Alabama special elections will have to take into account a recent federal court ruling to allow third-party or independent candidates time to collect signatures to get on the ballot." Judge Myron Thompson (no champion of citizens' and voters' civil rights) September 30 federal court ruling determined Alabama's signature requirement for...
WASHINGTON, D.C. – U.S. Representative Martha Roby (R-Ala.) was sworn in for her fourth term in the U.S. House of Representatives Tuesday, vowing to "support and defend the Constitution of the United States... bear true faith and allegiance to the same... and faithfully discharge the duties of the office." As the 115th Congress begins, Roby said she would continue to prioritize issues of particular importance to Alabama's Second District, including properly funding the military, improving v...
Alabama is going to fair well under President Trump. There is an old adage that says, “Those that bake the pie get to eat it.” We truly baked the pie for Trump. We overwhelmingly supported him in the GOP primary and helped him secure the nomination. We then gave him one of the largest mandates in the nation in the November General Election. Trump is indeed returning the favor. He has named our own Jeff Sessions Attorney General. His confirmation hearings begin this week. In addition, spe...
At last, the reign of the Great Traitor is coming to an end. And his hoped for successor, the Hildabeast, is also passing into the pages of history, squelching his dream of becoming a corrupt Supreme Court Justice. Right now, they are both whining about voter fraud and accusing the Russians of rigging the election. Nevertheless, much damage has been done during these past eight years, especially during 2009 and 2010, when this despot had a filibuster-proof majority in both houses. The task of...
I hope everyone had a great start to the New Year! I know I've gotten my year off to a solid start with some quail hunting down at GSO this past Monday. This time the posse of hunters was from Florida, making their way up to our neck of the woods to enjoy a little bird hunting. All the fellas had a great time, and, of course, the dogs did too. They love a good day's work on the field. The birds were flying great and the hunters were shooting straight! We managed to pick up 129 quail, so...
The reclusive cougars — also called pumas, catamounts, mountain lions or panthers and, perhaps most fittingly, “ghost cats, is the second largest cat in North America. Unlike other big cats, however, the cougar cannot roar. Instead, the large feline purrs like a house cat. Cougars also have similar body types to house cats, only on a larger scale. They have slender bodies and round heads with pointed ears. They vary between, 5-9 ft from head to tail. While males can weigh up to 150 lb, fem...
Coach Paul Bryant had many “sayings” as he called them. One of them was “the harder you work, the luckier you get.” So, using this little bit of wisdom from The Coach, it is my belief that Alabama and Clemson playing in a rematch of the national championship game last year is not even remotely a result of luck. Coach Nick Saban learned the basics to coaching football from Coach Don James at Kent State. Saban played for James and later coached for James at Kent State. Don James, who was an assi...
Forty-three years ago Arthur M. Schlesinger, Jr. published a book entitled “The Imperial Presidency,” in which he outlined how our presidents have managed to exceed the powers granted to that office by our Constitution. And they've done it with impunity, especially over the last 43 years. Since George Washington assumed the office in 1789, our nation has been led by a variety of presidents, some exceptional, and some we would just as soon forget, and the latest incumbent is considered by man...
It's that time of year again. Preparing for tax season can seem overwhelming. Some forms and paperwork might be difficult to track down. If you misplaced your Benefits Statement or haven't received it by the end of January, we've made it easy for you to go online to request a replacement with my Social Security. An SSA-1099, also called a Benefit Statement, is a tax form Social Security mails each year in January to the more than 60 million people who receive Social Security benefits. It shows...
A few months ago prior to the national election, I wrote an article about decisions our country must make in light of the well know verse from II Chronicles, “If my people who are called by my name shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven, will forgive their sin and heal their land.” The election is over and now we are about to inaugurate a new President. America turns a new page and begins writing a new chapter in its his...
We'll soon hear about the new president's "first 100 days." Writer Thurston Clarke published a history in 2013 not of the president’s first 100 days, but of his last 100 days. The president is John Kennedy and the book documents what JFK was doing day-by-day before the tragedy of Dallas. Clarke pulled together narratives from many sources and many cities. The reader feels a sense of dread as the days tick by and November 22 approaches. An intriguing aspect of this book is the initiatives Kennedy...
Divine Providence is God Himself, directing History, through individuals, nations, and even in using Nature for Gospel purpose. America is a unique nation, in that we were founded through reliance on Providential History and we rejoiced in the Liberty that resulted; both religious and civil liberty. Today, all of this is in danger, and American citizens are perplexed, confused, and mostly ineffective in the public square. There is an explanation for it all, and it centers in family life today,...
MCSO Firing Range Building Dedication On December 1, 2016, the Montgomery County Sheriff's Office Training Facility and Firing Range was officially dedicated to retired Sheriff D.T. Marshall, who passed away earlier this year. The Firing Range was renamed the Sheriff D.T. Marshall Firearms Training Center, in his honor. Many friends and family spoke on behalf of Sheriff Marshall including Montgomery County Commissioner, Ronda M. Walker, House of Representative, Dimitri Polizos and Bobby...
This year the Autauga County Sheriff's Office worked with Mrs. Alice Smith from Community Action of Central Alabama to provide meals for Christmas for 12 families in need. Monetary donations were given by the Sheriff's Office employees to purchase the items provided for the meal. This project was headed up by Warrant Clerk Ngozi Agee with the full support of Sheriff Joe Sedinger. The meal provided consisted of a turkey, stuffing, cranberry sauce, collard greens, yams, water, fruit, rolls, pound...
Even when I thought winter would never come, I did wish that it would come gently into the night. As I write this, I was wondering what happened to the gentle part. I wake up one morning and it is warm, 70, and the usual muggy. Then a breeze started up and the temperature started down. The temperature dropped 35 degrees and I still had shorts and tee shirts as my wardrobe. I was happy, in a way, for the change. It is supposed to be winter. I was looking forward to trying some new, heartwarming...
First of all let me wish all of my readers a Happy Happy New Year. This country has been through a lot, but I have always been of the mind, that if lemons come your way, do not despair, make lemonade. In spite of the prophets of gloom and doom, 2013 will soar with hope, new ideas, new inventions and a new commitment to making our world a better place to live. And that include beautiful gardens. January is the month of hope of things to come. A group wanted to visit my garden in the dead of winte...
“My parents just celebrated 55 years of marriage on November 25th. They are the sweetest example of love, marriage and family there is. Their home is warm and inviting to all family members and their selfless giving is without end. Please present this precious couple the gift so they can go out for a lovely Christmas dinner!” “I am a widow, age 75. My friend surprised me last summer with picking, snapping and canning 12 pints of home grown snap beans!! She is a very rare, faithful and true...
Well…we made it, folks! We have completed another journey around the sun. Now, a new year has begun. Happy 2017! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away, behold, new things have come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 It's the start of a New Year so we all begin thinking towards those resolutions. A resolution usually means that we want to resolve to improve or better ourselves…physically, emotionally, spiritually. That's always good, especially in the spiritu...