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This month my husband, Brian, and I will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary. WOW!!! Double digits!!!! It’s a little difficult for me to wrap my brain around this thought. We have been through countless testings, trials, joys, and valleys together. And even though we are long past that exciting “newly budding romance” stage in our relationship where we are winning each other’s hearts, we are arriving at the “deep love and appreciation” stage where we are truly able to cherish each other’s hea...
Whenever Easter approaches, I find myself thinking about the death and resurrection of Jesus. The purpose of Christ's life was to offer Himself as a sacrifice for the sins of mankind. The Bible says that Jesus became sin for us so that we could be forgiven and found righteous in God's sight (2 Corinthians 5:21). Jesus was so certain of His purpose that he predicted when and how He would die (Matthew 26:2). Do you ever think about what your purpose is? I sure have! Well, some say that our...
In His parting words to His disciples, the Lord Jesus Christ commissioned them to preach the Gospel to all nations. Then, He gave them a solemn promise…“I am with you always.” “I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Galatians 2:20. For centuries, those words have comforted the ailing, assured the weary, and even carried martyrs peace...
Well my friends, it’s that time of year again…hearts, roses, balloons, stuffed animals that sing songs of love. Store shelves overflow with symbols of love. They began the day after New Year's to get ready for Valentine’s Day. Do you know that more roses are sold on that day than any other day in the year? All over the world, it is the day that people show their love for someone special. It is a great occasion to express love and appreciation for any of your loved ones, but it is just as importa...
Before us stretches a new year, a new beginning. The old is past, put away forever. God invites us always to forget about all the distrust and fears, all the anxieties and worries of the past, all the resentments we have been holding against others, all the grudges, all the criticisms--to put them away and begin again. “Don't worry about anything; instead, pray about everything. Tell God what you need, and thank him for all he has done. Then you will experience God's peace, which exceeds a...
With the most popular holiday just around the corner, it seems like everyone is getting into the Christmas spirit. Stores are lining their aisles with Christmas goodies and decor, TV shows have switched to the theme of giving and love, and radio stations are playing beloved Christmas music. And why shouldn't they? After all, it is that time of year…the meaning of the season, right? This thought makes me think about the true meaning of Christmas. Christmas isn't just about giving or feeling l...
Often in the bad times our eyesight gets foggy and we fail to recognize God’s hand of blessing. We focus on the negatives and let them pull us down. At times, we may not even see any positives in our situation. But God. Yes! But God always gives blessings even though they may not be readily seen. “Praise be to the LORD, to God our Savior, who daily bears our burdens.” Psalm 68:19 Psalm 68 is an interesting passage. It was intended to be used in worship by Israel as a song of victory and deliv...
The Fall season is here! After a long hot summer, the cool crisp air that comes in the Fall feels so good. Invigorating! From time to time, our spiritual life needs invigorating too. Don’t you want your life to be filled with the invigorating power of Christ? I sure do! “...that the power of Christ may rest upon me.” 2 Corinthians 12:9 Recently, I came across this acronym for the word Fall… F - Fellowship with Christ (and with other Christians) A - Abiding in Christ L - Leaning on Christ...
Did you know that the Labor Day holiday originally started in the late 1800's? Can you imagine how excited the people were to take a day off from working. Some may have thought, "What a wonderful and new idea!" Created and implemented as a day of rest by those hard-working blue- collar laborers in New York City. This day continues to be one that we as a nation look forward to every September. In many ways, Labor Day has become a man-made American Sabbath day. A yearly day of rest from our labor...
God told Joshua to cross over the Jordan River and to go possess the land. The word “possess” means “to drive out the previous tenants”. This implies action. Jesus tells us in Matthew 11:12, “The kingdom of Heaven suffers violence, but the violent take it by force.” Indeed, it is time to be aggressive and energetic when it comes to letting go of the past and pressing forward to the abundant life God has in store for you. It’s time to rise up and boldly go after your victory! It’s time to...
Happy 4th of July! Also known as Independence Day or July 4th, it has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1941. However, the tradition of Independence Day celebrations goes back to the 18th century and the American Revolution. On July 2nd, 1776, the Continental Congress voted in favor of independence and two days later delegates from the 13 colonies adopted the Declaration of Independence, a historic document drafted by Thomas Jefferson. From 1776 to the present day, July 4th has...
Recently, my husband, Brian, and I participated in a bible study called Freedom. What a life-giving experience it has been for both of us! "It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery." Galatians 5:1 Sadly, for many Christians today, they don’t have freedom. They may go to church, but they still carry burdens and guilt. God wants us to know that Jesus came so we can be free. Completely free! How about you? Y...
This month my husband, Brian, and I will celebrate our 9th wedding anniversary. We have been through countless testings, trials, joys, and valleys together. And even though we are long past that exciting “newly budding romance” stage in our relationship where we are winning each other’s hearts, we are arriving at the “deep love and appreciation” stage where we are truly able to cherish each other’s hearts. So, how do we continually cherish each other even after so many years together? F...
What a thrill to KNOW that my Redeemer lives! Jesus Christ is just as alive today as He was right after the resurrection. In fact, He is just as much alive today as He was before the crucifixion…and even before He came to earth and was laid in the manger. “I know that my Redeemer lives, and that in the end he will stand upon the earth.” Job 19:25 What difference does it make whether we serve a living God? Isn’t it just a practice we believe in? Absolutely not! A living God knows right where you...
Did you know that unforgiveness, bitterness and resentment block the flow of God’s blessings in your life? Holding on to the hurts of your past can poison your present and limit your future. However, when you let go of these emotional wounds, you open the door to the life of victory that God has planned. “Let all bitterness, indignation, wrath, resentment, quarreling, and slander be banished from you…” Ephesians 4:31 The enemy will try to use your past to influence your actions and respons...
Remember the line in that old pop song, "What the world needs now is love, sweet love". How true that is! God's love that will make all the difference. Don't you just get excited to see God's love manifested in someone's life? Watching new Christians learn and grow close to God to me is just amazing. You begin to see them attending church, reading their Bibles, their family lives begin falling into place, and they begin to be active for Christ and all because of God's love. Of course, we as...
Well…we made it, folks! We have completed another journey around the sun. Now, a new year has begun. Happy 2017! "Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things have passed away, behold, new things have come!" 2 Corinthians 5:17 It's the start of a New Year so we all begin thinking towards those resolutions. A resolution usually means that we want to resolve to improve or better ourselves…physically, emotionally, spiritually. That's always good, especially in the spiritu...
Well folks…Christmas is upon us. Can you believe it? Is it just me or does it feel like each passing year goes by more quickly!? Stores line their aisles with Christmas goodies and décor right after Labor Day! Now that we are getting closer to Christmas, TV shows have switched to the theme of giving and love, and Santas are starting to float about. Yet, the very first Christmas seemed to do without any of these things. The very first Christmas somehow started a frenzy without the power of TV...
With Thanksgiving right around the corner, I thought I’d share a real thanks-giving story that I recently heard with you… An old pastor and his wife invited a new young couple in the church over for Thanksgiving dinner. As the couple entered the home, they smelled the wonderful turkey and all the trimmings in the kitchen. As the four made their way to the dining room table, there was a great feast before them! But as the young wife scanned the table, she noticed something out of place. Amo...
Ahhhh....Fall! The Fall Season is upon us. I have always been a big fan of Spring and Summer, but not especially fond of Fall and Winter. However, lately I have changed. I think it is something about those leaves of red, orange, yellow, brown, and burgundy. And, the crispness in the air as temperatures begin to cool down. As I enjoy my morning cup of hot tea on my back porch and gaze upon the nature around me, I am reminded that God is the best artist in the world...for only He can create such...
It’s September! And, Labor Day in the United States is upon us. It is a day known for taking a break from work. For most Americans, it means family BBQs, swimming, beach/lake fun, shopping, or camping. Labor Day traditionally marks the end of summer. It also typically means back to school and back to football season. Woo Hoo! War Eagle and Roll Tide from my house-hold divided!! Ha-Ha! “Come to me, all who labor and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:28 Before we know it, C...
This month I will be turning 41. I know what you’re thinking, “WHAT?! She doesn’t look a day over 21!” Hmmmm….Well, I can dream…Right?! Hehehe!! This year may not be quite as exciting as last year when I entered into what my husband, Brian, and I refer to as “The Fabulous Decade”. Brian surprised me by taking me on an amazing 7-day, 3-country cruise through the Western Caribbean. Also, many dear sweet friends and family called, texted, and emailed. I even enjoyed several different birthday celeb...
Happy Birthday, America! The Fourth of July is the birthday of this great nation. Think about it! How beautiful is it to remember the price that was paid for our independence before we celebrate it. Just like our Lord was willingly laid down His life for our freedom. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, and that He rose again the third day according to the scriptures . . .” I Cor...
Do you believe that certain days throughout your life are anointed? That God has an unexpected blessing meant just for you that day?? Boy, I sure do! And one of those blessed days occurred ten years ago this month. “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths.” Proverbs 3: 5-6 Although I had completed my reign as Ms. Wheelchair America/Alabama 2005, the next year I was still receiving req...
This month, Brian & I will celebrate our 8th wedding anniversary. Without a doubt, there is no one on the planet I would rather go through life’s ups, downs & round abouts with. “I have found the one whom my soul loves”, Song of Solomon 3:4. As Brian builds his life around Christ, he is naturally a reflection of Christ in the way he treats me. And as I build my life around Christ, I learn to love my husband as God has called me to love him. That is what makes a marriage gain more and more beaut...