The people's voice of reason

Articles written by trisston wright burrows

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  • "Jesus Is The Reason For The Season! Rejoice!"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Dec 1, 2015

    It's that time of year again. December has come and with it all the joys of Christmas. But what is the real meaning of Christmas? Is it the gifts under the tree, the lights in the windows, the cards in the mail, turkey dinners with family and friends, snow in the yard, stockings hanging in the living room, and shouts of "Merry Christmas" to those who pass us in the streets? Is this really Christmas? For many people, Christmas is a time of sorrow. They don't have the extra money to buypresents...


    Trisston Wright Burrows|Nov 1, 2015

    Thanksgiving is upon us and that means Christmas is closely following. Often we put so much of our focus on Christmas, we miss this important American Holiday. I like that fact that Thanksgiving is not about buying presents or decorating trees and homes, etc., but it's about getting together with family and friends and doing what we all love—eating! And more importantly, it's about giving thanks. Thanksgiving was established by President Washington on November 26, 1789. It is a religious h...


    Trisston Wright Burrows|Oct 1, 2015

    Fall. It is a season that reminds us of endings. Once thriving leaves now drop from their branches bursting with color, but dying. Beautiful summer flowers have lost their grandeur. Colder temperatures flow in and bright, long days full of sunshine move out. We are inundated with change. We are regularly reminded of our helplessness to stop the flow of God’s creation. We are caught between summer and winter in the fleeting uniqueness of autumn. Though the season brings its own joy with f...

  • "Happy Labor Day!"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Sep 1, 2015

    Did you know that the Labor Day holiday originally started in the late 1800′s? I can only imagine how excited the people were to take a day off from working. Some may have thought, “What a wonderful and new idea!” Created and implemented as a day of rest by those hard working blue collar laborers in New York City, this day continues to be one, that we as a nation, look forward to every September. To put it rather loosely, Labor Day has become a man-made American Sabbath day. A yearly day of re...

  • "The Fabulous Decade"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Aug 1, 2015

    This month I will be hitting one of the many milestones that we celebrate during our life time. Some people dread it, while others could care less. I guess you could say that I am somewhere in the middle. What is it? You ask. Well…I will be joining my hubby along with many of our dear friends in what we affectionately refer to as the “fabulous decade”. That’s right! Yours truly will be turning the big 4-0 this month. I know! It’s hard to believe, right?! I barely look a day over 20. Ha-Ha!! W...

  • "Celebrate Freedom"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jul 1, 2015

    July fourth is Independence Day. All across U.S.A. people will celebrate the tremendous freedom we enjoy. Truly we are blessed! We who know Jesus Christ as our Savior have another kind of freedom to celebrate. We are free from the bondage of our sin and death. I Corinthians 15:3-4 gives a concise picture of the freedoms we have in Christ. “For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that He was buried, a...

  • "Guard Your Heart"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|Jun 1, 2015

    God is constantly trying to plant new seeds of victory in YOU…and your heart is the soil from which those seeds will grow. However, if you harbor bitterness, jealousy, or pride in your hart, those seeds will not be able to take root and develop in your life. Proverbs 4:23 reminds us, “Keep and guard your heart with all vigilance and above all that you guard, for out of it flows the springs of life.” Jesus told the story of how the enemy comes to steal the seed of God’s word through temptat...

  • "Go Team B & T!"

    Trisston Wright Burrows|May 1, 2015

    For months now, my hubby, Brian & I have talked about purchasing a selfie stick. After all, we mainly take photos with our cell phones these days. So, how nice it would be to be able to take photos together ourselves. Recently, I was running errands and went by a popular box store. I saw they had selfie sticks. So I bought one for us. When I got home, I decided to go ahead, open the box & get our new toy working to surprise Brian. Simple right? WRONG! I worked a good 45 minutes...even reading...