The people's voice of reason

Articles written by ste

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  • Alabama State Board of Education

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2022

    School board members are some of the most selfless public servants in Alabama. This accolade goes to the Alabama State Board of Education, and more specifically local school board members. These members are tasked with a very important mission but receive very little compensation for their time and efforts. They are indeed public servants. The Alabama State Board of Education is a nine member body that sets public education policy for K-12 schools. The governor is an ex-officio member of the...

  • Attitudes and Opportunities

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2022

    In my life journey, I have discovered that attitudes and opportunities go hand in hand! We must seek to keep a good attitude in the midst of life’s ups and downs so that we can actually recognize opportunities when they appear. I like the attitude of the young lieutenant in this story: After World War II, a general and his young lieutenant boarded a train in England. The only seats left were across from a beautiful young lady and her grandmother. The general and the lieutenant sat facing the w...

  • Alabama is a Big Front Porch

    Steve Flowers|Sep 1, 2022

    This is the final version of a three week series of stories that illustrate that Alabama is a Big Front Porch. James E. “Big Jim” Folsom was one of our few two-term governors. In the old days, governors could not succeed themselves. Therefore, Big Jim was first governor in 1946-1950. He waited out four years and came back and won a second term in 1954, and stayed through 1958. Big Jim was still a young man when he was first elected in 1948. He and his wife, Jamelle, had their firstborn chi...

  • The Man in the Arena

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Sep 1, 2022

    I think one of my favorite U.S. Presidents would have to be Teddy Roosevelt. He was so full of life and accomplished a great deal. “The Man in the Arena” is also one of my favorite quotes: It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes short again a...

  • Visionary Leadership And The Two Biggest Land Deals in U.S. History (That Almost Never Happened)

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Aug 1, 2022

    The two biggest land deals in U.S. history almost never happened and many critics thought at the time that they were two of the worst mistakes in American history. How wrong the critics were…. The real estate industry may see some large land deals these days such as the $2 billion Antilla building in Mumbai or the 105,000 square foot mega mansion in Los Angeles known as “The One” which recently listed for $295 million and is the most expensive listing in the U.S. right now. But these pale in co...

  • Do Campaign Ads Pander?

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2022

    During the waning days of the campaigns for Governor and U.S. Senator, I received an inordinate amount of correspondence lamenting the outrageous, demagogic, disingenuous, negative ads, especially on television. The frustration can best be summed up by a thoughtful writer’s comments, “Steve, it is sad with all the issues we need to face in Alabama (health, education, infrastructure) we continue to dumb down our elections. I found the Kay Ivey ads revolting and racist.” The writer went on to sa...

  • Burn The Ships

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jul 1, 2022

    When I was in seminary I served as the Volunteers in Mission Coordinator for all the United Methodist volunteer mission teams that came to serve with the Methodist Church of Mexico. I served directly under Methodist Bishop Alejandro Ruiz who was the Bishop of the Central Conference of the Methodist Church of Mexico. My territory included all of central and southern Mexico so I traveled with teams extensively in this region of this beautiful country. On one my journeys I went to visit the...

  • We Miss Shorty Price (aka: Also Rans)

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2022

    The governor’s races of bygone years were a lot more fun and colorful than todays. We would have 10 to 15 candidates. There would be three or four favorites, but we would have 10 others that would make an effort to crisscross the state and have fun and cut up a little bit to garner publicity. The “also rans” could not afford the expensive country music stars from Nashville like the George Wallace, Big Jim Folsom, Jimmy Faulkner frontrunners could to draw a crowd. This year’s guberna...

  • Some of My Perceptions

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jun 1, 2022

    Here are three of my favorite reflections taken from my book: Perceptions, Collection of Favorites, Volume 2. Complain, Complain A certain monastery enforced a vow of silence. Each monk could utter only two words every five years, and those two words had to be spoken in the presence of the abbot. One of the monks, when given his opportunity to speak, said, "Bad food!" Five years later, his two words were, "Bed hard!" When given his third opportunity to speak five years later, he said, "I quit!"...

  • Congressional Lines and Congressmen will Remain the Same

    Steve Flowers|May 1, 2022

    For several years leading up to the 2010 Census count, the national projections were that Alabama would lose one of our seven congressional districts and drop to six. When the count was taken, we surprised ourselves and the nation and kept our seven seats in the United States Congress. Therefore, the legislature’s task in drawing our seven congressional districts was relatively easy. Except for some tweaking here and there due to growth in Madison, Limestone, Lee, Shelby and especially B...

  • "Strangely Warmed"

    Dr. Lester Spencer|May 1, 2022

    John Wesley, who founded the Methodist movement back in the 1700s, impacted the world and the church in ways that many people, even Christians, don’t really understand. Most haven’t a clue who John Wesley was, and many Christians have no idea the influence that his teachings, his thoughts, and his writings still have upon the church today. The Methodist movement later became the Methodist church and the Wesleyan churches around the world, but Wesley’s influence was far greater than just the M...

  • Incumbency Prevails in Secondary Constitutional Offices

    Steve Flowers|Apr 1, 2022

    Incumbency is a potent, powerful, inherent advantage in politics. That fact is playing out to the nines in this year’s Alabama secondary constitutional and down ballot races. Several of the constitutional office incumbents do not have Republican or Democratic opposition. Of course, having a Democratic opponent is the same as not having an opponent in a statewide race in Alabama. A Democrat cannot win in a statewide contest in the Heart of Dixie. Lt. Governor Will Ainsworth will be elected to a...

  • The Courageous Christ

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Apr 1, 2022

    Courage is defined as “the ability to control fear and to be willing to deal with and face something that is dangerous, difficult or unpleasant.” Another source defines courage as “the quality of being brave: the ability to face danger, difficulty, uncertainty, or pain without being overcome by fear or being deflected from a chosen course of action.” This certainly describes Jesus Christ, especially during Holy Week as he faced the brutality of the Roman form of execution on a wooden cross....

  • The 2022 World Games Will Showcase Alabama

    Steve Flowers|Mar 1, 2022

    Allow me to deviate from politics to discuss an important event for our state. The World Games 2022 will place Birmingham and the entire state of Alabama squarely in the global spotlight. Believe it or not, this once-in-a-lifetime event is only a few months away with approximately 3,600 athletes from more than 100 countries and up to 500,000 visitors expected to flood Birmingham for one of the world’s largest athletic competitions. Folks, there are many questions about the World Games 2022. Is i...

  • 11 Commandments for Relating to People

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Mar 1, 2022

    1. Speak to people. There is nothing as nice as a cheerful word or greeting. 2. Smile at people. It takes seventy-two muscles to frown, only fourteen to smile. 3. Call people by name. The sweetest music to anyone’s ears is the sound of his or her own name. 4. Be friendly and helpful. 5. Be cordial. Let’s speak and act as though we are grateful people. 6. Be genuinely interested in people. If we try, we can like almost everyone. 7. Be generous with praise – cautious with criticism. 8. Be consi...

  • Will Gambling Be Addressed in 2022?

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2022

    As the final regular legislative session of the quadrennium evolves, it is apparent that the legislature will not touch any substantive or controversial issues, but simply pass the budgets and go home to campaign. It is election year in the Heart of Dixie. If legislators are listening to their constituents, they are hearing one thing – Alabamians want their legislators to allow them the right to vote on receiving their fair share of the money from gambling in Alabama. They are simply sick and t...

  • Envision Your Future (Begin with End in Mind)

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Feb 1, 2022

    On January 10, 2022, Georgia finally won the NCAA College Football Playoff by beating the University of Alabama in the National College Football Championship game. They are now the undisputed National Champions. Stetson Bennett, the Georgia Quarterback, was named the Offensive MVP of the Championship Game. Bennett is 23 years old and was a walk-on to the Georgia Football Team in 2017. He is 5-foot 11˝˙'´, 175 pounds. Not very big for an SEC QB. But he had had a dream since he was a kid. He dr...

  • State Senate Will Have Little Turnover in 2022

    Steve Flowers|Jan 1, 2022

    [The year ] 2022 was anticipated to be an exciting competitive election year. However, it is going to be a yawn of a political year. If you thought there was no competition for the constitutional offices and the House of Representatives’ seats in next year’s elections, then you have not seen anything like the lack of turnover in the Alabama State Senate. Incumbency will prevail. In fact, the power of incumbency in the Alabama State Senate is on par with the incumbent return percentage for Con...

  • 2022 – Make It The Best Year Ever (Here is how you do it!)

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jan 1, 2022

    Get Outside I recently read that the average person spends 93% of their life indoors! Wow! That is unbelievable. And sad. That means that if you live to be 100 years old, you will have spent 93 of those years indoors and only 7 years in God’s amazing and beautiful creation. God created us to be outside and to enjoy His creation. Our souls need it. Our bodies need it. Our minds need it. In the 23rd Psalm we witness one of the most important ways God soothes our souls, “He makes me lie down in...

  • Reapportionment Done. Legislative Races Begin.

    Steve Flowers|Dec 1, 2021

    The new lines are finally drawn for next year’s state legislative and congressional elections. They have just made it under the wire for the late January qualifying deadline and the May 24, 2022 primary elections. The legislature should not be blamed for the late formulation of the lines because the U.S. Census Bureau did not produce the final detail figures until September 30, 2021. Therefore, the state legislature did a Herculean job by getting the lines drawn so quickly. They went into specia...

  • In the Beginning was the Word…

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Dec 1, 2021

    John’s version of the Christmas story begins like this: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God and the Word was God. He was with God in the beginning.Through Him all things were made; without Him nothing was made that was made. ... The Word became flesh and made His dwelling among us.” – John 1:1-3, 14 The Word, as referred to here, in the Greek language is Logos. The Logos is the Word, reason or plan. In Ancient Greek philosophy and early Christian theology the Logos is the...

  • Redistricting Session Underway

    Steve Flowers|Nov 1, 2021

    Every 10 years the nation has a census count. There is a reason for that dissemination of our population. The United States and concurrently the Alabama Constitution require a census to determine how many Congressional Seats each state will have. Then you also have to determine how those districts are designed to reflect that each congressional district is properly and equally apportioned. On the state level the legislative districts have to be dealt with the same way. The state legislature of...

  • The Wise, the Foolish and the Evil

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2021

    “The wise can see where they are going, but fools walk in the dark.” Ecclesiastes 2:14 “For the evil person has no future; the lamp of the wicked will be put out.” Proverbs 24:20 In his bestselling book, Necessary Endings, Dr Henry Cloud explains to us that there are three kinds of people: the wise, the foolish and the evil. One of the most memorable talks I have ever heard and actually remembered was Dr Clouds talk on this same subject. I have found this to be some of the most helpful advice...

  • We Now Have a Very Youthful Federal Judiciary in Alabama

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2021

    Our senior senator, Richard Shelby, has left an indelible legacy and imprint on our state. Every corner of the state has been the recipient of his prowess at bringing home the bacon to the Heart of Dixie. Every university has enjoyed a largesse of federal dollars. He has made the Huntsville Redstone Arsenal one of the most renowned high technology regions in the nation, not to mention placing the FBI’s second home in Huntsville. Shelby’s accomplishments for Alabama would take a book to enu...

  • Truth is Like a Lion

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2021

    A young boy was the key witness in an important lawsuit. The attorney had put the boy through a rigorous cross-examination and had been unable to shake his concise, damaging testimony. He had given clear answers to all questions. In a stern voice, the attorney asked, “Your father has been telling you how to testify, hasn’t he?” “Yes,” said the boy. “Now,” said the attorney with smug satisfaction, “just tell us what your father told you to say.” “Well,” replied the boy, “My father told me that th...

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