The people's voice of reason

Articles written by ste

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  • It's Official – Alabama will have New Congressional Districts.

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2023

    It’s official and final, Alabama will elect our seven member congressional delegation under new lines next year. The federal court has spoken. The special master drawing the lines has acted and the final omnipotent power, the U.S. Supreme Court, has concurred and confirmed the decision. It is over. The result that the plaintiffs desired has been decreed by the courts. There will be a new second majority Black Congressional district. This accomplishment has been sought for decades. Now the q...

  • Legacy

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2023

    The Three Big Impact Quesions Several years ago I read about a survey that was taken of 100 people over the age of 90. They were ask this simple question: If you had your life to live all over again, what would you do different? The top three responses were: 1. I would reflect more. 2. I would risk more. 3. I would invest more in things that outlast me. These three responses served as a catalyst to me and caused me to start thinking about the impact I wanted to make with my life. I want to live...

  • Summer Political Happenings

    Steve Flowers|Sep 1, 2023

    As the long hot summer ends and Labor Day approaches, let’s take a look back at what occurred over the last three summer months, politically. First of all, it was one of the hottest summers on record. Temperatures soared into the hundreds as early as late June. On one of those late June days, one of the hottest political events of the year occurred. The annual Tomato Sandwich Lunch event hosted by Alabama Agriculture Commissioner Rick Pate was the biggest, yet. The twentieth annual Tomato S...

  • Legacy

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Sep 1, 2023

    This series on “Legacy: Outlive Your Life” will be a three part series focused on what I call “The Big Three Life/Legacy Questions”: 1.The Heart Question: Is my heart growing bigger? 2.The Joy Question: Is my joy going deeper? 3.The Passion Question: Is my passion getting hotter? In part one we will focus on the heart question. Is my heart growing bigger? In other words, is my love for God and for others growing bigger? Jesus said, “Love one another as I have loved you.” -John 15:12 And the dis...

  • If Alabama Loses Space Command, It Is Because We Lost Shelby

    Steve Flowers|Aug 1, 2023

    Make no mistake about it, the decision as to where the heralded National Space Command Headquarters will be located is political. If you think otherwise, you are politically naïve. Senator Richard Shelby is the reason and only reason that the federal military officials even considered moving Space Command from Colorado to Huntsville, Alabama in the first place, period. Folks, you are just beginning to see the impact Senator Shelby’s retirement meant to the State of Alabama. Our freshman co...

  • Truth Is Like A Lion

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Aug 1, 2023

    Two of my favorite truth quotes are: “You will know the truth and the truth will set you free.” -Jesus, John 8:32 And … The Apostle Paul states, “ Love does not delight in evil but rejoices in the truth.” -1 Corinthians 13:6 God is truth. When we tell the truth, we live as God wants us to live and as God has commanded us to live. “You must not testify falsely against your neighbor.” Or “You shall not lie.” -Exodus 20:16 When we lie, we go against what God expects of us, and we disobey His Comma...

  • Annual Legislative Session Successful

    Steve Flowers|Aug 1, 2023

    The recently completed Regular Session of the Alabama legislature was a success. It began on a high note and ended positively. Why? There was plenty of money to spend. Both the General Fund Budget and the Education Budget had historic amounts of money. Most of the focus of the Session was on budgeting, as it should be, because that is the only constitutional mandate that the legislature is tasked with in the 105 day Regular Session. Gov. Kay Ivey laid out her agenda in her State of the State...

  • The Alabama Community College System

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2023

    Sometimes overlooked and often unsung, Alabama’s community and technical colleges are on a roll. It is time they get the recognition they deserve as workhorses for the state’s economy. There are 24 community and technical colleges in the state, located on 50 different campuses with over 130 service locations. This means every Alabamian reading these words is close to incredible education and training opportunities. The colleges offer over 300 degrees and certifications, and award more than 30,...

  • Do The Hard Stuff!

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jul 1, 2023

    Over the years, I have witnessed hundreds of people fall away from God and the church. Many of these were avid believers that faithfully followed Jesus, passionately worshipped every Sunday and boldly witnessed to their faith. And they simply walked away from it all. What happened to them? Why did they simply walk away from God and their faith in Christ? Some may ask, “Why and how did they backslide?” I am convinced that the major reason people fall away from God and the church is not bec...

  • Lurleen Wallace

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2023

    Kay Ivey is Alabama's second female governor. Lurleen Wallace was the first. Ironically, Kay Ivey's idol and impetus for striving to be governor was Lurleen Wallace. Kay's first involvement in state politics was as a campaign worker for Governor Lurleen's 1966 race for governor when Kay Ivey was a student at Auburn. It was 55 year ago in May 1968 that our first female governor, Lurleen Wallace, passed away. She was a genuinely humble person. Lurleen Wallace was very popular. The state fell in...

  • The Three Big C's

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jun 1, 2023

    Congratulations to all the High School and College graduates! On behalf of all of us in the cities, towns and communities across Alabama, we honor your accomplishments, and we are proud of each of you! No doubt all of you have been blessed, encouraged and challenged by some great Baccalaureate Addresses and Commencement Speeches. But, may I add my three cheers and offer “Three Big C’s” to think about as you step out into your next season of life? This advice also applies to all who wish to th...

  • Our National Debt is Unsustainable

    Steve Flowers|May 1, 2023

    As the first Regular Session of the Quadrennium evolves there are a myriad of complex issues arising. I am reminded of three simple truisms regarding the Alabama legislature and the governing of the State of Alabama. First of all, if anything significant or controversial or any major initiative is to be addressed, then it is dealt with in the first year of the four-year quadrennium. Thus, giving legislators three years before their constituents vote on them again. The political pragmatism and...

  • Unleash His Power within You

    Dr. Lester Spencer|May 1, 2023

    Would you love to experience fresh power in your life? You can! Many people feel powerless in so many areas of their lives. Many feel powerless to change their circumstances, their anxieties, their worries, their relationships, their marriages, their children, their financial conditions, their jobs, their bad habits, their addictions, their attitudes and so many other things in their lives they would like to change. Did you know that Jesus came to offer us the power to change as well as the...

  • 2026 Governor's Race Has Begun

    Steve Flowers|Apr 1, 2023

    Alabama's original 1901 Constitution had a law whereby the governor could only serve one four-year term and not succeed themselves. In 1968, the law was changed and since then the governor and all other constitutional offices in the state can now serve two consecutive terms. This one term and you are done, made for a very interesting, anticipated, and competitive governor's race every four years. They could begin four years in advance in earnest, and they would begin. Since Kay Ivey will be...

  • What Are You Betting Your Life On?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Apr 1, 2023

    Everyone is betting their life on something! What are you betting your life on? I am betting my life on the fact that Jesus is who he said he is! “I am the way, the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me.” - Jesus, John 14:6 I am the way. Jesus said this in a conversation with the disciples at the last supper. He had just told the disciples that he must go away. And that they knew the way to where he was going. He was speaking about his arrest later that night and his...

  • Three Great Alabama Preachers:

    Steve Flowers|Mar 1, 2023

    Many of you may be surprised to know that politicians and preachers are often friends while on earth. They actually run in the same circles in their communities as well as around the state. It has been my pleasure to have known a good many Godly ministers. During my lifetime here in our beloved state of Alabama, there have been some outstanding ministers, but three men stand out as legendary and will go down in the annals of Alabama history as the three greatest preachers of this generation....

  • The Biggest Trap - The Spirit of Offense

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Mar 1, 2023

    Would you say you are easily offended? Or would you say, like most people do, “I have thick skin so I am not easily offended.” But I would say to you that all of us can be offended, and all of us will be offended and probably many times by many people. Being offended is an inevitable part of life. Even Jesus said so…. “It is impossible that no offenses should come…” Jesus, Luke 17:1 NKJV In other words, it is impossible to avoid being offended by someone. Offenses are inevitable. If we are obse...

  • Shelby's Last Hurrah Will Benefit Alabamians for Generations

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2023

    Richard Shelby’s last week as our United States Senator was poetically amazing. The nation watched as he gave his farewell address to the Senate. His speech was followed by a tribute from his longtime friend Senator Patrick Leahey. Senator Shelby and Senator Leahey from Vermont are best friends and co-chaired the U.S. Senate Appropriations Committee together for their final six-year terms, which ended January 3, 2023. They walked out together after a lasting three decade partnership. The n...

  • Two New U.S. Senators for Alabama

    Steve Flowers|Jan 1, 2023

    Richard Shelby walked out of the U.S. Senate this week after 36 years. Walking out with him is almost all of Alabama's seniority and power in Washington. Seniority equates into power in the Halls of Congress, especially in the Senate. National publications have illustrated the fact that Alabama has benefited more than all 50 states from federal earmarked funds due to one man, Richard Shelby. It will be impossible to replace Shelby. His legacy will last for generations, especially in Huntsville,...

  • Yes! In 2023, you can be an "Overcomer"!

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jan 1, 2023

    Marcus Luttrell, a former Navy Seal, wrote a book about the deadliest day in Navy Seal history. The book was entitled Lone Survivor and was later made into a very successful movie starring Matt Wahlberg as Marcus Luttrell. Marcus and three other Navy Seals were sent on a secret mission into the mountains of Afghanistan in 2005 to attack top Taliban leaders who were gathering in a small village for a high level meeting. It was supposed to be a quick in and out mission. But things went south...

  • Kay Ivey is Governor Again

    Steve Flowers|Dec 1, 2022

    Governor Kay Ivey’s 2022 reelection victory run has been very impressive. Some of you may be wondering how quickly I have been able to resolve that she has indeed culminated her victorious run when the General Election was held Tuesday and my column’s published date is Wednesday. It is simply as I have told you numerous times over the past two decades, winning the Republican Primary for governor in the Heart of Dixie is tantamount to election. The General Election is Alabama is an afterthought....

  • Why Celebrate Christmas?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Dec 1, 2022

    In his book, The Purpose of Christmas, Rick Warren states, “Regardless of your background, religion, problems or circumstances, Christmas really is the best news you could get. Beneath all the visible sights and sounds of Christmas are some simple yet profound truths that can transform your life for the better here on earth and for forever in eternity.” Pastor Rick is exactly right! Here are three simple reasons why we should celebrate Christmas and why it can have a profound impact on our liv...

  • Election Year Observations

    Steve Flowers|Nov 1, 2022

    This 2022 Election Year in Alabama has been monumental and memorable. Any gubernatorial year is big in the state. It is the brass ring of Alabama politics to be governor. However, the race to succeed our Senior Senator Richard Shelby has been the marquee contest. This year will be the last hurrah for our two leading political figures in the state. Senator Richard Shelby is retiring after 36 years in the U.S. Senate at age 88. Governor Kay Ivey will be elected to her final term as Governor at...

  • Dangerous Encounter with African Elephants

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2022

    Several years ago, I took my daughter on a medical mission trip to southern Zimbabwe. Ciara had just graduated from high school and was about to begin nursing school. We were working with our ministry partners there, Saving Safaris; while I helped with drilling wells and renovating schools, Ciara worked in medical clinics fitting people with glasses and volunteering at Mutare Provincial, a Methodist mission hospital that has been around for decades. It was a wonderful time with my girl, who seal...

  • Alabama State Board of Education

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2022

    School board members are some of the most selfless public servants in Alabama. This accolade goes to the Alabama State Board of Education, and more specifically local school board members. These members are tasked with a very important mission but receive very little compensation for their time and efforts. They are indeed public servants. The Alabama State Board of Education is a nine member body that sets public education policy for K-12 schools. The governor is an ex-officio member of the...

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