The people's voice of reason

Articles written by ste

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  • Free For All ~ God's Amazing Grace

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Nov 1, 2019

    Free For All is the name of a new book I have written set to be released this December! The subtitle is 4 Things God’s Amazing Grace Can Do For You. In this book, we will explore four different ways we can experience God’s grace. God’s grace is truly free for all. The following is an excerpt from Free For All set to be released this December on Amazon. We find this SCUBA story in the chapter of the book where we explore God’s prevenient grace and the fact that it goes before us and surroun...

  • 2020 Senate Race Right around the Corner. GOP Field is Probably Set.

    Steve Flowers|Oct 1, 2019

    Even though qualifying does not begin until October 8, 2019, the field is probably set for the GOP Primary in March to unseat the anomaly Democrat, Doug Jones, who is sitting in Alabama’s Republican U.S. Senate Seat. First District Congressman Bradley Bryne and Secretary of State John Merrill may be the favorites to lead the field and square off in a runoff. Either of the two will probably win by a 60-40 margin over Jones in November. The wild card in the race is the iconic character, Roy M...

  • 9 Ways to Conceal Movement While Hunting

    Steve Long|Oct 1, 2019

    New research out of the University of Georgia Deer Lab is providing unique insight into the rate at which white-tailed deer process visual images and how they perceive their environment. It appears that deer actually receive visual information at a much faster rate than we do, making them more sensitive to movement. Any movement to them will appear to be in slow motion, which, of course, allows them to react more quickly. And, while this finding is true at all times of the day, it is at sunrise...

  • Just A Few of My Favorite Quotes

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Oct 1, 2019

    We all need to be encouraged, inspired and challenged, right? One of the ways I do that is by reading quotes. So, I often search for and screenshot quotes I like and keep them on my iPhone for future reference. Here are a few of my favorite quotes: “Not all of us can do great things. But we can do small things with great love.” – Mother Teresa “Stand for what is right even if you stand alone.” – Martin Luther King, Jr. “Our lives begin to end the day we become silent about things that matter....

  • Two Open Congressional Seats in the Heart of Dixie in 2020

    Steve Flowers|Sep 1, 2019

    Governor Kay Ivey has had a very successful first year as governor. One of the coups she pulled off was getting the legislature to pass legislation granting the governor the power to appoint the Board of Pardons and Paroles. The new law will give her all the new appointments to the Parole Board. Previously, the three-member Board picked the director. The new law went into effect on September 1, 2019 and Gov. Ivey wasted no time selecting the new director. She appointed longtime political...

  • 10 Big Trends in the U.S. Deer Harvest

    Steve Long|Sep 1, 2019

    White-tailed deer are the most important game species in North America. More hunters pursue whitetails than any other species, and whitetail hunters contribute more financially than any other hunter segment. Collectively speaking, whitetails are the foundation of the entire hunting industry. That’s why each year QDMA gathers data from state and provincial wildlife agencies, the nation’s leading deer researchers, and other sources to provide the only “State of the Whitetail” available: our Whi...

  • The Five Seasons of a Great Life (What season are you in right now?)

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Sep 1, 2019

    Part Two This month we continue exploring the seasons of the great life of King David with Part Two in our series. Last month we covered the first two seasons: The Season of Bethlehem and the Season of Gibeah. This month we will look at the last three. Have you ever considered that your life is a journey through different seasons? Your life is not just a meaningless series of ups and downs but rather an evolution of you becoming all you were designed and meant to be! Of course, when it comes to...

  • Those Who Bake the Pie Get to Eat It

    Steve Flowers|Aug 1, 2019

    Governor Kay Ivey’s first legislative session of the quadrennium was very successful. Her prowess at getting things accomplished with this Legislature has been remarkable. She knows what she is doing. It should not be surprising given her background and experience. Kay Ivey has been around state government for most of her adult life. She has dealt with the Legislature for over four decades. Her adroitness in the passage of the Infrastructure package was similar to the legislative success e...

  • The Five Seasons of a Great Life (What season are you in right now?)

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Aug 1, 2019

    Part One Have you ever considered that your life is a journey through different seasons? Your life is not just a meaningless series of ups and downs but rather an evolution of you becoming all you were designed and meant to be! Of course, when it comes to the seasons of life, one can evolve into a wiser person who grows closer and closer to their creator through each season or one can chose to waste each season and keep repeating the same bad habits and learn nothing. One path leads to a more in...

  • Legislative Session for Most Part Successful, Especially for Governor Kay Ivey

    Steve Flowers|Jul 1, 2019

    The 2019 Legislative Session was one of the most controversial yet productive sessions in memory. Governor Kay Ivey’s first Session of the Quadrennial was a roaring success. It’s hard to remember a governor getting everything they wanted since the George Wallace heydays. Wallace in his prime simply controlled the legislature. It was more like an appendage of the governor’s office. Kay Ivey has apparently taken a page from the old Wallace playbook. By the way, that is probably apropos as Kay c...

  • Lets Protect Our Resources

    Steve Long|Jul 1, 2019

    Conservation. It's a word with a whole lot of different meanings to different people. While the general idea might be the same, it's a distant after thought for many Americans. To those of us in the outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking or camping, conservation is a constant effort to maintain the precious resources we have. As a member of QDMA, conservation is one of my primary goals. After all, you can't go deer hunting if there aren't any deer left! The amount of research and education we...

  • Things Happy People Do

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jul 1, 2019

    “Don’t Worry. Be Happy!” Remember that song? It was written and sung by Bobby McFerrin and was a huge hit in 1988! It is still a popular song at parties, bars and football games. It sounds so easy. Just don’t worry and you will be happy. But the truth is there are a lot of unhappy people, aren’t there? I do think most folks really want to be happy, but many just don’t know how. Happiness, many believe, is related to luck or a positive attitude or providence. But I believe happiness is very sim...

  • Road Rage and Deer Hunting Bills Await Senate Action

    Steve Flowers|Jun 1, 2019

    Over 20 years ago when I was a legislator the State Trooper assigned to my county asked if he could come visit with me. “Of course,” I said. When he came he had a somber look on his face. I thought maybe he had a serious personal problem or had lost a loved one. He began, “This may not sound like a major highway problem, but one of the things that causes a good many accidents and incidents on our roads is people driving slow in the left lane and not moving over.” I never pursued legisla...

  • Good Stewards of The Woods and Waters!

    Steve Long|Jun 1, 2019

    Conservation. It's a word with a whole lot of different meanings to different people. While the general idea might be the same, it's a distant after thought for many Americans. To those of us in the outdoors, hunting, fishing, hiking or camping, conservation is a constant effort to maintain the precious resources we have. As a member of QDMA, conservation is one of my primary goals. After all, you can't go deer hunting if there aren't any deer left! The amount of research and education we...

  • The Greatest Leader Who Ever Lived!

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Jun 1, 2019

    Who was the greatest leader who ever lived? Before you answer, let me give you a definition of leadership. John Maxwell defines leadership this way: “Leadership is influence. Nothing more and nothing less.” So, to put the question another way, who has been the most influential person in history? It’s not a trick question. You may be thinking like the little boy when the preacher was doing a Children’s Moment one Sunday morning. The Preacher asked the kids, “what is brown, furry, climbs tr...

  • Prisons Issue - Front/Center

    Steve Flowers|May 1, 2019

    Folks, taking care of prisoners is not a popular political issue. However, every so often Alabama politicians pragmatically have to acquiesce to the mandates of federal judges and grant our transgressing citizens their rights as determined by the courts. Federal Courts have determined that our felons deserve the rights to adequate imprisonment. You just cannot log them in, lock them up, and give them a basic bunk and rations three times a day. Courts want them to have sufficient space and...

  • Mari Grace Brooks

    Steve Long|May 1, 2019

    Since the dust has settled from this turkey season, I want to tell the amazing story of an accomplished young turkey hunter. Her name is Mari Grace Brooks from Grady Alabama, and she is 13 years old. Mari Grace successfully completed the double Grand Slam in a single season. This is totally unheard of and possibly the first 13-year-old female ever do such an unimaginable task in one year. Honestly, I know only a handful of grown men that it took a life time of hunting to accomplish one Grand...

  • The Fire at Notre Dame Why it Matters to You and Me?

    Dr. Lester Spencer|May 1, 2019

    The construction of the beautiful Gothic Cathedral, Notre Dame, “The Cathedral of Paris”, began during the reign of King Louis VII in 1163 AD and was completed in 1345 AD. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site and a worldwide Parisian icon. It was the location of some of the most important moments in the history of France and survived many wars including WWI and WWII. It has inspired the architecture and construction of many Catholic and Protestant Churches around the world. Notre Dame is the off...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Apr 1, 2019

    State Budgets: Priority Number One After their successful special five-day Special Session, the Legislature has been in their Regular Session for a few weeks now. The Session will end in June so it is about one-fourth over. Almost one-third of the members are new, freshmen if you will. Even though they are, for the most part a bright and talented group, they are still wet behind the ears when it comes to legislative ways. Most are still striving to find their way to the bathrooms. Most major...

  • Turkey season has kicked off now in Alabama!

    Steve Long|Apr 1, 2019

    Turkey season has kicked off now in Alabama, and yes I was very fortunate to kill an opening day gobbler. I’ve seen plenty of action while helping hunters and huntresses chase after those elusive birds. Now, while some folks have started the season with a big bang, knocking down turkeys well before the mornings really started, there are also folks out there who just can’t quite get the rascals to fly down from the roost in the right direction. Some of these birds have been talkative, and som...

  • He is Risen!

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Apr 1, 2019

    The Heart of the Christian Faith is the Resurrection! The Christian faith is based upon an event and that event is the resurrection of Jesus Christ. As Paul said in his letter to the Philippians, "All I want is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection." (Phil. 3:10) Why was the resurrection so important to Paul. Because he knew that everything hinged on the fact and the power of this event. Paul understood the following facts very well. Through his death on the cross,...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Mar 1, 2019

    State Revenues Up as Legislature Prepares for Session and Crafting of State Budgets March 6, 2019 The Governor has been inaugurated and the Legislature has had its organizational session. The quadrennium has begun. Therefore, it is time for our state officials to get to work. Among the three branches of government, Legislative, Executive and Judicial, our 1901 Alabama Constitution renders our Legislative Branch as the most powerful. Some of you who witnessed the Wallace Era may disagree and...

  • Speckled Trout Fishing In Mobile Bay | Finatics Fishing Charters

    Steve Long|Mar 1, 2019

    Finatics Fishing Charters offers every kind of fishing you could think of in and around the Gulf of Mexico and the Mobile Bay system. With that being said we cut our teeth and continue to target SPECKLED TROUT more than any other fish. Along with being a wonderful fish for the dinner table, it is a great fish to target whether you’re a novice or a seasoned fisherman. They can be caught all year long and have a 10 fish per person limit in Alabama. In this post I am going to be focused on the n...

  • The Lifesaving Station

    Dr. Lester Spencer|Mar 1, 2019

    On a dangerous seacoast where shipwrecks often occur, there was once a crude little life-saving station. The building was just a hut, and there was only one boat, but the few devoted members kept a constant watch over the sea, and with no thought for themselves went out day and night tirelessly searching for those who were lost. Some of those who were saved and various others in the surrounding area wanted to become associated with the station and gave of their time, money, and effort to...

  • Inside the Statehouse

    Steve Flowers|Feb 1, 2019

    Infrastructure Program Should Be Priority 1 As the new quadrennium crests in Alabama government, everybody looks toward a new beginning. There is a new fresh four years ahead for the newly elected leaders. They are overwhelmingly Republican. The Governor is Republican and all of the accompanying constitutional officeholders are members of the GOP. More importantly, the State Legislature, both the House and the Senate are Republicans. In fact, over two-thirds of each chamber are Republican. It...

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