Sorted by date Results 1 - 25 of 40
Autauga County Alabama SHERIFF’S OFFICE Sheriff Joe Sedinger Lowndes County Sheriff’s Office Chief Deputy Chris West appointed as Sheriff of Lowndes County Newly appointed Sheriff of Lowndes County, Chris West, admits he can never fill the shoes of former Sheriff “Big John” but that he will be a vessel and the best sheriff he can be. He already has plans to increase patrol and combat crime. West served as Chief Deputy under Sheriff “Big John” and Lowndes County for several years in many capaci...
Happy Retirement Barbara! The Sheriff’s Office hosted a retirement party for Mrs. Barbara Rhodes this afternoon. Mrs. Barbara has been part of the backbone of the Sheriff’s Office for the past 17 years. Her smiling face will be greatly missed around the office. We wish her a long and healthy retirement. We will miss you! Please visit soon!...
Prattville to Honor Founders of Fireworks Celebration Prattville will celebrate 30 years of fireworks in 2019 with a full day of activities and an amazing fireworks show on Thursday, July 4. It all started as a salute to Prattville’s sesquicentennial and the birthday of its founder, Daniel Pratt. The City of Prattville is proud to salute the original Fireworks Committee as Grand Marshals of the 2019 Independence Day Parade. Willis Potts, Buddy Buckner and Joe Mathis, were the original f...
Prattville Farmers Market It’s time for fresh fruit and vegetables grown locally right here in the River Region! The Grand Opening of the Prattville/Autauga Farmers Market is Saturday, June 1, from 7:00am to 12 noon. In addition to our fresh, locally-grown produce, our Grand Opening will feature Prattville’s own award-winning and nationally recognized author of Southern Bite cookbook and food blog, Stacey Little, creating delicious dishes with produce from our market. There will be live mus...
Welcome Spring! As winter comes to a close and we welcome spring, we at the Autauga County Sheriff’s Office remember that spring is a great time in our community – a new soccer, baseball and softball season begins, spring break is approaching, and graduation draws near for our students. We all enjoy celebrating these good times in our community. If our deputies – including our reserve deputies – can help with traffic control or security monitoring at special events, please call us well in advanc...
THREE NEW DEPUTIES FOR AUTAUGA COUNTY The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office graduated three new Deputies from the Alabama Advanced Criminal Justice Academy on February 26, 2019. Sheriff Sedinger swore these deputies in on February 28, 2019. Help us welcome Deputy T. Manley, Deputy A. Evans and Deputy T. Powell to the Sheriff’s Office....
Autauga County Sheriff's Office 162 West Fourth Street Prattville, AL 36067-3049 Phone: (334) 361-2500 Chief Deputy........................................... 334-361-2502 Metro Jail................................................ 334-361-2600 Drug Enforcement.................................... 334-361-2540 Secret Witness....................................... 334-361-3803 Investigation............................................ 334-361-2520 Dispatch...........................
Happy New Year from the Autauga County Sheriff's Office It gives me great pleasure to announce that the Autauga County Sheriff's Office will be hosting another Citizens Academy! The classes will be held two nights a week starting on Thursday, February 21, 2019 beginning at 6:00 pm at the Autauga County Sheriff's Office in the Squad Room. The remaining classes will be held on Tuesdays and Thursdays for the next four consecutive weeks, also beginning at 6:00pm with snacks provided. The Academy is...
Merry Christmas from the Autauga County Sheriff's Office!...
"Fill the Patrol Car" The Autauga County Sheriff's Office held a "Fill the Patrol Car" with school supplies campaign during the month of July. They set up at participating Dollar Generals in Autauga County collecting supplies and donations. All the supplies were divided between the rural schools and the donations were used to purchase missing items and additional supplies to make each delivery equal. After school started the Sheriff visited each school and delivered the school supplies. Each...
The Autauga County Sheriff's Office graduated 20 students from all areas of Autauga County in their inaugural Autauga County Sheriff's Citizens Academy on July 24, 2018. The 8 week class, held June 4, 2018 – July 24, 2018, was filled with information on all the aspects of the Sheriff's Office, to include: History of the Sheriff's Office, Patrol Division, Metro Jail Tour, Dispatch, Administration, Narcotics, Crime Prevention, Investigations, Digital Forensics and a Ride-A-Long with a Deputy. T...
The Autauga County Sheriff's Office had a blast at the 2018 Prattville CityFest! It was a HOT day and we would like to Thank Everyone who came out to help "Cool Off" our Deputies, News Anchors and Cops, in an effort to raise much needed funding for the Central Alabama CrimeStoppers. Through your generous donations we were able to exceed our goal we had set this year! We hope to see you next year at the Prattville CityFest. We would also like to give a shout out to AKD for sponsoring and designin...
Prattville Cityfest Friday, 5/11 and Saturday 5/12...
This year for the Dunk – A – COP We hope everyone will come out and take a shot a deputy, police officer or news anchor during the Prattville City Fest on May 12th. All proceeds raised will go to the Central Alabama CrimeStoppers to be used to pay reward money for crime tips....
The Autauga County Sheriff Office visited the Autaugaville Senior Center on February 6, 2018 Sheriff Joe Sedinger spoke to the citizens on the role of the Sheriff and the responsibilities of the Sheriff's Office. Sheriff Sedinger also spoke on scams like "You have Won a Prize", IRS scams, and Grandchildren scams, and the importance of protecting your identity. He answered several questions from the crowd. Autaugaville Senior Center 2416 Dutch Bend Street Autaugaville, AL 36003 (334) 365-1449...
Autauga County Sheriff's Office 2017 CrimeStopper of the Year Congratulations to Investigator Steven Geon for being named Autauga County Sheriff's Office Crime Stopper of the Year for 2017. Investigator Geon received the award for the following reason. In April 2017 Investigator Geon took a report of a 9 year old girl who has been sexually abused by her biological father. Investigator Geon during his investigation obtained a confession from the offender. Geon charged the offender with 2 counts...
We are here to insure that you have a safe 2018. The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office Special Operations Unit is comprised of trained specialists who are tasked with resolving high-risk tactical situations. Some of the tasks the SOU is responsible for include; high-risk arrest warrants, search warrants, hostage/barricaded gunman situations, crowd control, dignitary protection, and escorting high-risk detainees. The SOU also assist neighboring and federal law enforcement agencies with search w...
Church Safety The Autauga County Sheriff's Office giving a presentation on Church Security to 9 local churches. Sheriff Sedinger and Lt. Campbell gave the presentation. This presentation was requested by several local pastors following the church shooting in Texas a few weeks ago. We are glad to assist our local pastors and churches as needed....
Mission Statement We, the professional men and women of the Autauga County Sheriff's Office, are committed to defend the Constitution of the United States and the State of Alabama. As law enforcement officers, we declare our fundamental duties to serve the community; to safeguard lives and property; and to protect the innocent, weak, and the peaceful from evil while we respect the constitutional rights of all to liberty, quality, and justice. We will fairly and diligently enforce all laws bringi...
A Town Hall Meeting was held in Autaugaville on Monday, August 28, 2017. About 40 local residents were in attendance to hear from their local and state officials. This was the best turn out we had for the events. We would like to thank the citizens for coming out and showing their support. The speakers for the event were: District Court Judge Joy Booth, Autaugaville Mayor Curtis Stoudemire, Sheriff Joe Sedinger, District 88 Representative Paul Beckman, District 2 Commissioner John Thrailkill,...
There was a Town Hall Meeting held at the Jones Community Center on July 17, 2017. About 35 residents from the area were in attendance. There were hot dogs, chips and drinks served to all that attended. We would like to thank the ladies of the Jones Community who provided desserts and tea for everyone. We would like to thank all the speakers who came out and spoke with the residents: Secretary of State John Merrill, Circuit Court Judge Bill Lewis, District Court Judge Joy Booth, District 88...
There was a Town Hall Meeting held at the Vida Community Center on June 13, 2017. About 25 residents from the area were in attendance. There were hotdogs, chips and drinks served to all that attended. The residents heard from the Sheriff's Office, Revenue Office, Circuit Clerk's Office, Probate Judge, Circuit Court Judge, and House Representatives from District 42 and 88. The meeting was held to inform the citizens of what all the offices do and services offered. There was a time after each...
Sheriff Joe Sedinger invited all the County Employees and Courthouse Staff to have Lunch with the Sheriff. This was an appreciation lunch for all the employees as a thank you for supporting the Sheriff's Office. The Sheriff's Office works daily with these departments. Lunch consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, baked beans, potato salad, mac & cheese, chips, desert and drinks. We would like to thank Merchant Food for the utensil kits, Buffalo Rock for the drinks, Arnold's Bread for the buns, and...
The Autauga County Sheriff's Office participated with Law Day for many 2nd graders from Autauga County public and private schools on Friday April 7, 2017. The kids are greeted by Sheriff Sedinger and escorted to the Courtroom to watch the mock trial between Mr. Pig and the Big Bad Wolf. It is fun for all who participate and watch. The children also get to visit with Eddie Eagle and McGruff the Crime Dog, as well as get their fingerprints made, visit with the Prattville Police and Fire...
The Autauga County Sheriff’s Office launched a new Website on February 1, 2017 where residents can find the latest information regarding the operations of the Sheriff’s Office. The new Website will serve as an information resource for the public and assist with community policing efforts. The new Website,, features press releases, messages from Sheriff Joe Sedinger, as well as pages on the services of each division of the Sheriff’s Office. Other features of the Websi...