The people's voice of reason

Articles written by ron holtsford

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  • Do I need to think about any legal issues for the New Year?

    Ron Holtsford|Jan 1, 2016

    Without specifics about yourself I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m presume you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. After all you are a year older; you may have gotten married, had a new child, had a child reach the age of majority (19 years), gotten divorced or suffered the death of a spouse or even a child. Your financial est...

  • Do the Pastafarians ridicule the First Amendment?

    Ron Holtsford|Dec 1, 2015

    So what in the world is a Pastafarian? The Pastafarians “worship” the Flying Spaghetti Monster and their “church” may also be referred to as the Church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster. It seems in 2005, that a Bobby Henderson wrote a letter to the Kansas State Board of Education complaining about their decision to teach intelligent design/ creationism in addition to evolution. In his letter he argues against intelligent design and said that any time a scientist carbon dates any object that a...

  • Congratulations to the Alabama Gazette on hitting sixteen years of publication. How has the law changed in these sixteen years? PART II

    Ron Holtsford|Nov 1, 2015

    This series of articles has been reviewing important United States Supreme Court issues since the Alabama Gazette began publication in 2000. My how the times have changed. The, Winter v. Natural Resources Defense Council , 555 U.S. 7 (2008) case seemed to be more about common sense than anything. Knowing that the Navy had scheduled training missions off the coast of California for 2009, the environmentalists sought to stop their use of sonar. The environmentalists claimed that the use of sonar...

  • Congratulations to the Alabama Gazette on hitting sixteen years of publication. How has the law changed in these sixteen years?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2015

    Article III, Section I of the Unites States says, “The judicial Power of the United States, shall be vested in one supreme Court, and in such inferior Courts as the Congress may from time to time ordain and establish.” Because the supreme law of the land is vested in the United States Supreme Court, lets look at some cases since 2000. In 2000, in Boy Scouts of America et al. v. Dale, 530 U.S. 640, a five to four vote stated essentially that, “the presence of that person affects in a signi...

  • Q - I bought a new car last October; it's a brand that I have always had good luck with. I have had problems with it that the service department can't seem to always replicate and it has been in for repairs a total of twelve days. Because of all of the repairs I only have eight thousand miles on it. Does this car meet the definition of a lemon?

    Ron Holtsford|Sep 1, 2015

    Truly you have a troublesome car, but at this point your car has not met the definition of a vehicle with a nonconforming condition under the Alabama Lemon Law. I am assuming this car was purchased from a dealer whose manufacturer has dealers in Alabama. Though not apparent in your case, if you ordered an obscure new vehicle you could have an additional problem in that it may not meet the definition of a Motor Vehicle Dealer under the definition of Alabama Code, 1975, §8-20A-1. which says “The p...

  • The Supremes and the Baby Boomers

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2015

    Some recent reactive changes in perception of heritage and rulings by the Supremes have recently left me quite dismayed. Not the legendary singing group but the men and women that don the black robes as Justices of the United State Supreme Court. Five of the nine are Baby Boomers and Republican presidents nominated five of the now sitting Justices. Some of the truths in my life were no longer deemed truths and for the past several weeks I have tried to make sense of them and wondered what would...

  • I Am Considering Selling My Business; What Do I Need To Consider From A Legal Standpoint?

    Ron Holtsford|Jul 1, 2015

    There are several things to consider and much of that is based on the type of entity that your business may fall under. For starters is it a sole proprietorship, a partnership, a Limited Liability Company (LLC) or Limited Liability Partnership (LLP), a Corporation or a couple other forms that no longer exist? Have you talked to your accountant to consider tax implications? How are you valuing the price of the business? Are you selling the whole business or only a part of it? Are you selling the...

  • Even After You Are Dead Can There Be Legal Consequences?

    Ron Holtsford|Jun 1, 2015

    The question sounds almost silly (pardons to the submitting reader), but there are legal consequences of sorts and in many years gone by it was taken much more seriously in certain cases. Beginning with life insurance, the industry typically will not pay life insurance proceeds to beneficiaries in cases where someone has taken their own life within two years (may vary by company) of the policy being issued. So if anyone is so compelled to financially benefit their beneficiaries, they will have a...

  • What Are The Types Of Lawyers?

    Ron Holtsford|May 1, 2015

    United States lawyers or attorneys practice in many areas such as insurance defense, consumer issues, elder law, social security, admiralty, estate planning, bankruptcy, tax, business entities, criminal, health law, military, divorce, adoption, probate, immigration, government related and many other areas. As a guess there are probably more than forty or so practice areas. Additionally, beyond the Juris Doctorate (JD) degree or older LL.B (Bachelor of Laws), attorneys may seek a Master of Laws...

  • Q. It appears to me that real estate can be owned in different ways and sold or given to someone else in different ways. Can you simplify some of these terms and conditions?

    Ron Holtsford|Apr 1, 2015

    Real estate practice among lawyers can be difficult when determining who has rightful ownership of real property. It’s just about as difficult to begin a generic discussion. The best form of ownership is, fee simple absolute. It is absolute in ownership and allows the owner to sell to whomever and to bequeath to whomever. An earlier form called fee tail, was many years ago abolished in Alabama and called for land inheritance of certain heirs. If those heirs ran out, then the land went back to t...

  • What Merit Does Judge Moore's Argument Have In Relation To Gay Marriage In Alabama?

    Ron Holtsford|Mar 15, 2015

    The Constitutional law in Alabama bans marriage between two people of the same sex. It is law. The Amendment was overwhelmingly approved by Alabama’s voters. As a law, there was no decision by the Alabama Supreme Court that the law was unConstitutional. Now a Federal District Court Judge has ma­­de a ruling based on a case in Mobile County. Judge Callie Granade’s ruling was based on the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution which states, “Section 1. All persons born or natural...

  • How can the Federal Government force the State of Alabama to accept same sex marriage?

    Ron Holtsford|Feb 15, 2015

    In 1996 the Defense of Marriage Act was passed by Congress, which stated that States did not have to accept same sex marriages performed in States that allowed such. Section 3 placed into law a non-recognition of same-sex marriage for all federal purposes, which included governmental employee insurance benefits, social security survivors' benefits, bankruptcy, immigration, and the filing of joint tax returns. This also excluded same-sex spouses from the laws that protect families of federal...

  • Do I Need To Think About Any Legal Issues For The New Year?

    Ron Holtsford|Jan 15, 2015

    You have not mentioned specifics about yourself so I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m sure that you looked at your financial estate planning (401k, mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. Your financial estate planning goes hand in hand with your legal estate planning and you should discuss that with your lawyer, not that he or she will try to advise you on whether your inv...

  • What is Legalism?

    Ron Holtsford|Dec 1, 2014

    Legalism is in the broadest sense a strict and maybe even overbearing adherence to laws. In Chinese philosophy, legalism attained prominence in about 500 to 200 B.C. Legalism in Chinese philosophy is a belief that government should be modeled reactively to a belief that the human condition is one of selfishness and short sidedness. Therefore for a ruler to be effective, they believed that the people must be absolutely loyal based on a set of laws with strong governmental control and a set of...

  • Thanks (for lawyers) Giving

    Ron Holtsford|Nov 1, 2014

    Last month, the Alabama State Bar celebrated Pro Bono Month. Pro Bono in this context is the offering of free legal services to low income individuals. October was filled with events on almost every day, which included workshops for the elderly, homeless, clinics for legal issues sometimes encountered by low-income individuals such as eviction and domestic issues and even guidance for individuals that might represent themselves in District Court. These events were available all over the State....

  • What Is The Place Of Sharia Law In The United States?

    Ron Holtsford|Oct 1, 2014

    There is no reason for any foreign law to contradict, circumvent or supersede the laws of the United States or the laws of the independent states. However, there are times when international laws should be considered. Within the United States, Article IV, Section 1 is often referred to as the "Full Faith and Credit Clause" of the United States Constitution. This essentially means that acts that fall legally within the laws of one state are recognized in any other state. If a marriage takes place...

  • What is the significance of the Magna Carta?

    Ron Holtsford|Sep 1, 2014

    I recently read an article in the American Bar Association Journal online concerning a speech that United States Supreme Court Chief Justice John Roberts gave recently about the significance of the Magna Carta. As you may recall, many of the Barons in England were disgruntled with the King John I. What they really wanted to do was to replace King John but they didn’t have a favorable replacement. As an alternative, King John met them at Runnymede on the bank of the River Thames, which is not far...

  • What is National Make A Will Month?

    Ron Holtsford|Aug 1, 2014

    Apparently the National Make A Will Month runs during August of each year. I have no idea who made it up and didn’t know it existed until I heard a Legal Zoom advertisement. Certainly any month is a good month to have a new Last Will and Testament prepared or rewritten; don’t wait for August to roll around each year to think about it. I have never looked at the Legal Zoom products but I have had internet Wills come my way and they usually are flawed because the maker didn’t understand the statut...

  • Why Is It Not Criminal To Burn A United States Flag?

    Ron Holtsford|Jul 1, 2014

    If done in a manner of disrespect, patriotically and emotionally I would think that it would be criminal and I would say give that individual a chance to live in another country! The United States Code §43-1-8 says: Sec. 8. Respect for flag ...No disrespect should be shown to the flag of the United States of America; the flag should not be dipped to any person or thing. Regimental colors, State flags, and organization or institutional flags are to be dipped as a mark of honor. (a) The flag shoul...

  • War On ChristIanity, Part II

    Ron Holtsford|Jun 1, 2014

    As I reviewed the published article in THE ALABAMA GAZETTE from May 2014, I had the realization that another front has been used to attack Christianity; the movies. From about the time that Clark Gable uttered his “d” word in Gone With the Wind, producers and directors have pushed the envelope with “mild” profanity to non-stop profanity, sexual innuendo to outright nudity and sex on the silver screen. This includes the gross violence on the screen. When I was a kid most of the movies were family...

  • Some of the headlines I see suggest that there is a war on Christianity. What do you see and don't Christians have rights?

    Ron Holtsford|May 1, 2014

    I see the headlines that you see and certainly there are groups that object to Christianity. It seems that more of the objections come from secular groups than religions having differing view points. Perusing the news today I see the following all by Todd Starnes posted on the internet: Atheists Strong Arm Wrestling Team over Bible Verse Air Force Academy Orders Cadet to Remove Bible Verse Teacher Faces Possible Firing for Sharing Bible Verse Mandrallius Robinson of The Greenville (SC) News...

  • Whenever I Try To Find Out About A Friend In The Hospital They Won't Tell Me Like They Did Years Ago And I See This Acronym HIPAA With Health Privacy Issues. What Is All Of This?

    Ron Holtsford|Apr 1, 2014

    HIPAA is the Health Information Portability and Accountability Act. Congress passed the law in 1996, but the Privacy and Security portions were not signed into law until 2003. For purposes of this answer I am going to cover the Privacy and Security laws forward. In 2009 the Health Information Technology for Economic and Clinical Health Act (HITECH) was enacted to make the sharing of electronic medical records (EMR) or electronic health records (EHR) to be more efficient which includes...

  • NSA Has Unconstitutionally Breached The Trust Of The American People

    Ron Holtsford|Mar 1, 2014

    The NSA has unconstitutionally monitored the telephone and email logs of American citizens and breached the trust that we should have in our privacy. Have there been other times when the actions of our Government overstepped it’s bounds? The National Security Agency not only intercepted the telephone calls of suspected terrorists but also collected in bulk the logs of telephone calls and emails of ordinary citizens. Monitoring also included the personal cell phone of our ally, Chancellor A...

  • The NSA Has Unconstitutionally Monitored The Telephone And Email Logs Of American Citizens And Breached The Trust That We Should Have In Our Privacy.

    Ron Holtsford|Feb 1, 2014

    The National Security Agency not only intercepted the telephone calls of suspected terrorists but also collected in bulk the logs of telephone calls and emails of ordinary citizens. Monitoring also included the personal cell phone of our ally, Chancellor Angela Merkel of Germany. Apparently the monitoring of Merkel has gone on for many years during her ascent to the Chancellorship. The earliest overreach that I am familiar with is by United States President Abraham Lincoln during the War...

  • Do I Need To Think About Any Legal Issues For The New Year?

    Ron Holtsford|Jan 1, 2014

    You have not mentioned specifics about yourself so I’ll make this answer generic in a personal and in a business sense. I’m sure that you looked at your financial estate planning (401k), mutual funds, stocks and bonds, life insurance, etc) and as you do you also think about your legal estate planning. Your financial estate planning goes hand in hand with your legal estate planning and you should discuss that with your lawyer, not that he or she will try to advise you on whether your inv...

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