The people's voice of reason

Articles written by perry o hooper jr

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  • Katie Britt a Brilliant Choice

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    In the grand stage of American politics, where politicians come and go, few currently shine as bright as our own Senator Katie Britt. Her selection to deliver the Republican Response to President Biden’s State of the Union address is not merely just another speech opportunity, it’s a masterstroke of political acumen and foresight. Senator Britt, a beacon of conservative values and unwavering dedication, embodies the very essence of what it means to be a Republican in these tumultuous times. Born...

  • Welcome Brandon

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    Let me welcome Brandon Moseley to the Capital City’s own Alabama Gazette. Brandon is a veteran political journalist. He brings to the table a wealth of experience and a track record of balanced reporting. His credentials speak volumes, with a distinguished career that has spanned various facets of media and political journalism, earning him the title of the most recognizable name in Alabama political reporting. Moseley's ability to dissect complex political narratives and present them in an a...

  • A Time to Unify

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    As we celebrate the significant milestone of President Trump once again securing the Republican Presidential Nomination it's imperative that we, as leaders and stewards of Republican values, take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of this victory and the path that lies ahead. We may have supported other candidates in the process of selecting Donald J Trump as our nominee, but the people have spoken. This victory is more than a primary win. It must serve as a beacon that guides us towards...

  • Bully Biden Threatens Our Democracy

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Recently this poignant reminder echoed through the halls of Congress in light of President Joe Biden’s threats at the 2024 State of the Union address aimed at the Supreme Court and its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. He threatened, “Women are not without electoral, electoral power — excuse me — electoral or political power. You’re about to realize just how much you’re right about that,” during h...

  • Easter message

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    During this Easter season, as we gather with friends and family let our hearts be full of gratitude as we remember the ultimate sacrifice and the triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must make this Easter a time of reflection, renewal, and rejoicing, for it marks the moment when our greatest fear, death itself was vanquished, giving us eternal hope and life. As we celebrate this sacred day, let us also remember the values that have sculpted our great nation. America...

  • Ensuring Accountability and Effective Management in Medicaid

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    The Alabama legislature is currently considering expanding Medicaid. This has been a hot topic for debate since the enactment of the Affordable Care Act, better known as Obamacare in March of 2010. Currently various reports suggest that Medicaid expansion is needed for the continued viability of many of Alabama’s hospitals and health care providers and the health of Alabamians who rely on the program for their health care needs. While I applaud those who care for those with great need, we m...

  • Term Limits - the Time for Action is Now

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Feb 1, 2024

    As we mark the 73rd anniversary of the 22nd Amendment, which set term limits for the U.S. President, it is past time to act on the much-needed broader application of this principle – The United States Congress. The amendment was a bold step towards ensuring fresh perspectives and dynamic leadership at the highest level. It was deemed essential for the presidency; we must extend this wisdom to Congress. Our Founding Fathers had a vision for America's legislature that's far removed from the c...

  • Dick Brewbaker for Congress: A True Conservative

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Feb 1, 2024

    In the heart of Alabama’s District 2 Congressional race, where the stakes have never been higher, a candidate has emerged of high character and unwavering conservative values and Make America Great Again fervor, my good friend, Dick Brewbaker. Dick stands as the epitome of what it means to be a true patriot, a successful businessman, and a citizen lawmaker who not only talks the talk but walks the walk. As this race is crucial to which party controls Congress heats up, it is crucial to r...

  • Iran Played Biden and the World Lost…Again

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Nov 1, 2023

    Let's not mince words: Joe Biden and his administration have been played like a Stradivarius by the Iranians and their proxy terrorists Hamas. Do you think the timing of the Hamas attacks on Israel was random? Think again. This attack was not only meticulously planned but also executed with the singular goal of causing maximum damage to Israeli society, timed perfectly to coincide with Simchat Torah—almost 50 years to the day after the Yom Kippur War began. How's that for Iranian planning? W...

  • We Must Reclaim Our Global Leadership

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Oct 1, 2023

    America is falling far behind in the global arms race – specifically in the realm of hypersonic missile technology. With China and Russia making leaps and bounds, boasting speeds of Mach 10 and Mach 27 respectively, the United States finds itself in an unfamiliar, even precarious, position: playing catch-up. To truly grasp the magnitude of the challenge we face, it's essential to understand the sheer speed of these hypersonic missiles. Mach 10 is an astounding 7,672 mph, while Mach 27 is an a...

  • Protecting American Soil: A prudent step in troubled times

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Sep 1, 2023

    Alabama ranks among the top three states in land owned by foreign interest, a startling fact that places at risk Alabama’s large number of vital military bases and facilities and, by extension, our national security. Our soil in the wrong hands can function as a base for spy operations, a safe haven for terrorist activities just to mention a few potential consequences. This unsettling reality has not gone unnoticed. Concerned citizen and Lafayette native Greg Lowery, whose family's t...

  • America Needs Senator Tommy Tuberville

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2023

    As a former legislator and lifelong conservative Republican, I have come to understand the distinct and often harsh tone of politics in America. The game is played tough, and those who shy away from the hard tackles of debate and policy often find themselves on the sidelines. I have been in the trenches, and I know the quality of a true fighter when I see one. Today, I want to talk about a warrior of a different kind who has transitioned his battle from the football field to the U.S. Senate — S...

  • Never Apologize for Being Right

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2023

    We are once again in the middle of another absurd chapter of the liberal Democrats and their willing allies in the media attacking the values that most Alabamians live by. This time, the crosshairs are on Jason Aldean, targeted over his new song and accompanying video, "Try That In A Small Town." The charge, predictably, is racism and pro-lynching — a baffling claim considering the song makes absolutely no reference to race whatsoever. Instead, Aldean sings about the 2020 summer riots which, i...

  • Safeguarding Parental Rights: A Cornerstone for a Strong America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2023

    Strong Republican conservative Kenneth Paschal introduced and shepherded through the 2023 Alabama legislative session a very important bill that is sorely needed in today’s world dominated by far left leaning institutions. This bill which is now law does one thing. It protects parental rights. Every State needs to adopt a similar law if it has not. As we navigate the complex landscape of modern society, one fundamental principle remains unwavering: the significance and importance of parental r...


    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2023

    Right here in the Heart of Dixie, amidst our rich traditions and enduring values, a somber shadow is being cast over our beloved Alabama. This specter is not of an external invader or a natural calamity, but a silent, insidious crisis sweeping through our communities, threatening our most precious resource - our youth. The teenage drug overdose statistics are not just alarming, they are a stark warning, a call to immediate action. Our bright, promising torchbearers of tomorrow are falling prey t...


    Perry O Hooper Jr|Aug 1, 2022

    On his 4-day trip to the Middle East, Joe Biden gave a new definition to Barack Obama’s foreign policy of “Leading from Behind,” and it is not good. “The Shot Heard ‘Round the World” refers to the opening gun shoot in April 1775 in the opening battle in our War of Independence from the tyranny of King George and the British Empire. Americans were seeking their God giving rights of independence. The fist bump seen round the world will be forever remembered as the greeting that Joe Biden gave Saud...

  • Jamey Johnson ~ True Son of Alabama

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jul 1, 2022

    Another milestone in Alabama’s illustrious country music history occurred when Jamey Johnson became an official member of the Grand Ole Opry. My wife Judy and I were very fortunate to be Jamey’s guest at this momentous occasion. This is an important exclamation point for the eleven-time Grammy nominated songwriter and true son of Alabama. Jamey is one of few musicians in the history of country music to win two Song of the Year Awards from both the Academy of Country Music and the Country Mus...

  • Biden on a Mission to Destroy American Economy

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2022

    Elon Musk is not a Republican. He was a registered Independent when he voted in California. He is not a conservative. His past political donations have included Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and California’s super liberal Governor Gavin Newson. Once big fans of the CEO of Tesla and his electric cars left wing liberal elites in technology, the media, and government now claim Musk is a supervillain in a class with their arch enemy Donald Trump. Why? It’s simple: He wants free speech; they don...

  • Biden on a Mission to Destroy American Economy

    Perry O Hooper Jr|May 1, 2022

    Joe Biden has shown his true colors. He has sold us out lock, stock and barrel to the most leftist fringe elements of the Democrat Party. He now worships at the altar of the Green New Deal. In his own words, “No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry; no more drilling including offshoren; no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. It ends.” Under President Trump, we had regained our energy independence much to the chagrin of the global elites. When he took office, Bid...

  • The Time Has Passed for Smoke-Filled Rooms

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2022

    “Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” No truer words have ever been spoken. I am worried that the Alabama Republican Party is forgetting the past and what events lead to the rise of their party in Alabama. The year was 1986. The Democratic Party was in control. It was time to pick a successor to George Wallace who had dominated Alabama politics for two decades. Lt. Governor Bill Baxley had been waiting in the wings since the early 1970s. He had served as Attorney Gen...

  • Teaching of Critical Race Theory has no Place in Alabama Education

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2022

    Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Among its claims, it teaches that the color of a person’s skin is more important than as Martin Luther King exalted “the content of a person’s character.” It is antithetical to all we believe as Alabamians. In August, the Alabama State School Board passed a resolution that banned the teaching of certain concepts or tenets that promote Critical Race Th...

  • Biden Makes History

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Feb 1, 2022

    Biden made history in his first year in office for all the wrong reasons. He has the worst approval rating in the history of modern polling for a President’s first year. When he first took office, he had high approval ratings and the Congress was controlled by his own Democratic party. It has been all downhill since. His presidency and definitely the country would be better off if after his inauguration had he just gone back to Delaware and slept for a year in his basement bunker where he ran h...

  • Herschel Walker for Georgia and America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jan 1, 2022

    I am doing everything in my power to assure that Republicans take back the United States House and Senate in next year’s midterm elections. The road to taking back the Senate goes through Georgia and Herschel Walker. Herschel is a patriot, and he is running for Senate for all the right reasons. He loves America and he loves Georgia. When asked about why he is running by radio host Clay Travis he stated “My life ain’t about me. It’s about helping other people.” He knows that current Left Wing...

  • I'm Proud to be an American ...

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Dec 1, 2021

    I am using this month’s column to pay tribute to an American singer and Patriot, Lee Greenwood, whose song “God Bless the U.S.A” has resonated in the hearts of millions of Americans since 1984. Greenwood recently attended a celebration in his honor at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville. Lee Greenwood, a Grammy award winner, CMA award winner, ACM award winner and has achieved over twenty top 10 singles, was celebrated on Tuesday night October 12, 2021, at the Von Braun Center in Huntsvi...

  • Border Disorder

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Nov 1, 2021

    The self-inflicted crisis on the border may be Biden's biggest disaster which is saying a lot for an administration in total turmoil. The out-of-control U.S. - Mexico border disaster has sparked stinging criticism for the Biden administration from both Democrats and Republicans, which is a difficult political feat. When asked why he has not been to the border, Biden said he has been too busy with, among other things, foreign travel. He has made one single trip. He also stated he has spent time...

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