The people's voice of reason

Articles written by perry o hooper jr

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  • Defending Our Republic - We Must Stop Shomari Figures and the Progressive Caucus

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    The Congressional Progressive Caucus, huge supporters of Shomari Figures, has just put forth an agenda so radical that it threatens to dismantle the very essence of our nation. Under the guise of progress and reform, this agenda seeks to impose a sweeping, government-controlled overhaul of healthcare, housing, and Financial Institutions. It aims to redistribute wealth on an unprecedented scale, undermining the principles of free enterprise and individual liberty that have defined America for gen...

  • The Trump Effect Drawing Massive Crowds in the Heart of Liberal America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    Befuddled Biden is helpless to do anything about it. Let us dive into the phenomenal success of President Trump’s latest fundraising event in San Francisco, hosted by venture capitalists David Sacks and Chamath Palihapitiya. This was no ordinary event—this was a powerhouse gathering that brought in a staggering $12 million, far exceeding the initial goal of $5 million. Held in the exclusive Pacific Heights neighborhood, the event saw tickets selling for $50,000 per person, with a premium tie...

  • Biden Hides While Trump Leads

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    President Joe Biden has retreated to Camp David for an entire week of debate preparation. It’s another glaring example of his neglect of duties as President of the United States. Instead of leading the country, Biden is in isolation with his campaign staff. This escapade at “Debate Camp” led by his former Chief of Staff Ron Klain, highlights the stark contrast between Biden’s hands-off approach and Trump’s relentless schedule leading up to the debate. Biden’s decision to spend seven days at Cam...

  • David Black, Republican Stalwart and Advocate for the Shoals, Dies at 65

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Jun 1, 2024

    David Black, a prominent Republican leader and tireless advocate for the Shoals region, passed away peacefully at his home. He was 65. Mr. Black, a dedicated member of the Republican State Executive Committee, played a pivotal role in transforming the political landscape of the Northwest corner of Alabama. Once a Democratic stronghold, the Shoals area now boasts a robust Republican presence, thanks in large part to Black's relentless organizing efforts. For decades, he hosted Republican...

  • Alabama on Path for Economic Prosperity

    Perry O Hooper Jr|May 1, 2024

    In what is the crowning economic achievement for this legislative session, Governor Kay Ivey and the state’s legislative leadership have once again demonstrated their unwavering commitment to the prosperity of Alabamians. With the signing of the groundbreaking “Working for Alabama” legislative package, Alabama has taken a monumental step towards transforming its workforce and invigorating its economy. This bipartisan effort is a testament to the power of collaboration and the shared visio...

  • On the Brink: The High Stakes of Alabama's 2nd Congressional District Election Our country is at a crossroads, teetering on the edge of disaster.

    Perry O Hooper Jr|May 1, 2024

    The path we are currently on is one of rampant government overreach, economic stagnation, and a disturbing erosion of our constitutional freedoms. The radical left’s agenda is pushing us further away from the foundational principles that made America great. We cannot stand idly by as our nation is led astray by those who prioritize political correctness over common sense, and special interests over the needs of hardworking Americans. It is imperative that we change course now, restoring the v...

  • A Battle for the Soul of America: Trump's Enduring Popularity in the Face of Lawfare and Media Attacks

    Perry O Hooper Jr|May 1, 2024

    Picture this: You have tens of thousands of Trump supporters, many waiting for days, gathering in deep blue Wildwood, New Jersey, for a rally after Trump is forced to waste an entire week in a show trial. Despite facing a staggering 91 felony counts and enduring non-stop negative media coverage, Trump is more popular than ever. Americans have awakened to the reality that these charges against Trump are nothing more than lawfare-a politically motivated weaponization of the justice system...

  • Biden's Blunder – "It's the Economy, Stupid"

    Perry O Hooper Jr|May 1, 2024

    James Carville’s famous adage, “It’s the economy, stupid” has never been more relevant than today, a truth Biden has completely ignored. Instead of addressing the pressing economic concerns of the American taxpayer, Biden has chosen to pander to the leftist agenda, leaving hardworking citizens to shoulder the burden of his misguided policies. Over the past four years, the cost of living has skyrocketed. From the price of eggs to gasoline and rent, inflation is squeezing American families the mos...

  • Time to End the Nonsense

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    Amidst the troubling rise of anti-Semitic protests and near-riots sweeping across our nation’s college campuses including cancellation of graduation ceremonies by the University of Southern California because of fear of violence, the University of Florida (UF) has emerged not just as a bastion of higher learning but as a fortress of common sense and decency. The policies recently issued by UF in response to these disturbing events offer a blueprint that every university in America should a...

  • In the Spirit of Faith and Leadership Celebrating Bruce Pearl's 10 years at Auburn

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In a world filled with transient values and fleeting allegiances, the integrity and steadfastness of certain rare individuals stand as beacons of light, guiding others toward paths of righteousness and communal unity. At the top of the list is Coach Bruce Pearl, whose life and career embody principles that resonate deeply with the values we all should cherish. It is not merely his remarkable success as a coach that merits acclaim but, more profoundly, his unwavering dedication to his faith, his...

  • The Choice is Clear

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In the high-stakes Republican primary runoff for Alabama's 2nd Congressional District, there is one clear cut choice Dick Brewbaker. Make no bones about it, the winner in November may well determine which party controls the US House of Representatives. As someone who's navigated the choppy waters of Alabama politics alongside Dick, I'm here to throw my full support behind him. This isn't just about backing a friend but a leader who has always practiced what he preached; it's about recognizing...

  • Biden's Bluff: A One-Word Foreign Policy Disaster

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    When the stakes are high and the dangers are real, America expects its President to stand firm, to assert power, not to whisper timidly. Yet, in what could only be described as the most limp-wristed attempt at deterrence in history by an American President, Joe Biden issued a one-word warning to a hostile Iran: “Don’t.” This single utterance was supposed to prevent retaliation against Israel following the airstrike that eliminated an Iranian general. Predictably, it failed spectacularly. Late...

  • Unlocking Second Chances: How Is Redefining Rehabilitation Through Employment

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    There’s an inspiring story of innovation taking place right here in Alabama. It is a story of personal responsibility, powered by the engines of free enterprise in a discipline that rarely sees fresh innovative ideas. At the center of this renaissance is, an organization that has brilliantly harnessed the power of the marketplace to address one of America’s most persistent challenges: reintegrating former offenders into mainstream society as taxpaying citizens. Ree...

  • The Price Hornsby Act: Alabama's Stand Against a Silent Epidemic

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In the heart of Alabama, a crisis looms—a silent predator stealing the promise and potential of our youth. Fentanyl, a lethal synthetic opioid, is wreaking havoc across the nation, and Alabama is no exception. The time to act is now, and the Alabama Senate and sponsor Jay Hovey (R) Auburn have the ball in their court. They must pass House Bill 280, also known as the Price Hornsby Act, to protect our children from the deadly grasp of this drug. Representative Joe Lovvorn, inspired by the s...

  • The Intifada Comes to America

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    As hard as it is for me to admit, it is time we talk seriously about the limits of freedom of speech. As a staunch defender of our First Amendment rights, even I cannot ignore the chaos unfolding across America. From the streets of Dearborn, Michigan to the streets of New York city they are protests that border on outright riots that are raging unchecked. On campuses of so-called elite schools like Columbia and Yale University to state schools including the University of Texas and Ohio State...

  • From Hot Dogs to Heartfelt Stories: Celebrating the Life of Theo Katechis

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In the heart of downtown Montgomery, where the pulse of our state's political life beats the strongest, Theo Katechis offered more than just hot dogs; he served generous helpings of community and compassion. His passing on Wednesday leaves a void not just on historic Dexter Avenue, but in the hearts of all who knew him. The first time I walked into Chris' Hot Dogs, I was ten with my father then the Probate Judge of Montgomery. It was more than a meal; it was a lesson in the fabric of our communi...

  • Unanimous Victory: How the Price Hornsby Act Paves the Way for Safer Alabama Schools

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In a triumphant victory for the health and future of Alabama’s youth, the Senate has passed the Price Hornsby Act with a resounding unanimous vote of 35-0. This critical piece of legislation, skillfully shepherded through the legislative process by Representative Joe Lovvorn and Senator Jay Hovey, now awaits the signature of Governor Kay Ivey. It is imperative that Governor Ivey sign this bill into law without delay and that State Superintendent of Education Dr. Eric Mackey fast-track its i...

  • The Great Deception: How FBI Agents Staged Fake Classified Photo at Mar-a-Lago

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    If you are a non-believer and need proof that the Biden administration is engaged in what can only be described as a blatant, orchestrated witch hunt against Donald Trump, look no further than the recent revelations about the FBI’s staging of photographs of classified documents. This is not just political theater; it is an absolute travesty of justice. The story, as reported by Julie Kelley and others, unfolds like a poorly scripted play. The FBI, directed by those in the highest levels of t...

  • Unanimous Victory: How the Price Hornsby Act Paves the Way for Safer Alabama Schools

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Apr 1, 2024

    In a triumphant victory for the health and future of Alabama’s youth, the Senate has passed the Price Hornsby Act with a resounding unanimous vote of 35-0. This critical piece of legislation, skillfully shepherded through the legislative process by Representative Joe Lovvorn and Senator Jay Hovey, now awaits the signature of Governor Kay Ivey. It is imperative that Governor Ivey sign this bill into law without delay and that State Superintendent of Education Dr. Eric Mackey fast-track its i...

  • Transforming Alabama - Kay Ivey's Blueprint for the Future

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    In Governor Kay Ivey’s State of the State Address, we witnessed a masterclass in leadership and vision, particularly in the domain of education. As a long-time observer and participant in the political arena, it's rare to encounter a moment where clarity of purpose and commitment to action align as perfectly as they did in Governor Ivey's address. Her words were not just rhetoric, they were a loud call for a brighter future for Alabama's children and a testament to her unwavering dedication t...

  • Katie Britt a Brilliant Choice

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    In the grand stage of American politics, where politicians come and go, few currently shine as bright as our own Senator Katie Britt. Her selection to deliver the Republican Response to President Biden’s State of the Union address is not merely just another speech opportunity, it’s a masterstroke of political acumen and foresight. Senator Britt, a beacon of conservative values and unwavering dedication, embodies the very essence of what it means to be a Republican in these tumultuous times. Born...

  • Welcome Brandon

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    Let me welcome Brandon Moseley to the Capital City’s own Alabama Gazette. Brandon is a veteran political journalist. He brings to the table a wealth of experience and a track record of balanced reporting. His credentials speak volumes, with a distinguished career that has spanned various facets of media and political journalism, earning him the title of the most recognizable name in Alabama political reporting. Moseley's ability to dissect complex political narratives and present them in an a...

  • A Time to Unify

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    As we celebrate the significant milestone of President Trump once again securing the Republican Presidential Nomination it's imperative that we, as leaders and stewards of Republican values, take a moment to reflect on the true meaning of this victory and the path that lies ahead. We may have supported other candidates in the process of selecting Donald J Trump as our nominee, but the people have spoken. This victory is more than a primary win. It must serve as a beacon that guides us towards...

  • Bully Biden Threatens Our Democracy

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    In the words of Ronald Reagan, “Freedom is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Recently this poignant reminder echoed through the halls of Congress in light of President Joe Biden’s threats at the 2024 State of the Union address aimed at the Supreme Court and its decision in Dobbs v. Jackson. He threatened, “Women are not without electoral, electoral power — excuse me — electoral or political power. You’re about to realize just how much you’re right about that,” during h...

  • Easter message

    Perry O Hooper Jr|Mar 1, 2024

    During this Easter season, as we gather with friends and family let our hearts be full of gratitude as we remember the ultimate sacrifice and the triumphant resurrection of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. We must make this Easter a time of reflection, renewal, and rejoicing, for it marks the moment when our greatest fear, death itself was vanquished, giving us eternal hope and life. As we celebrate this sacred day, let us also remember the values that have sculpted our great nation. America...

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