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Another milestone in Alabama’s illustrious country music history occurred when Jamey Johnson became an official member of the Grand Ole Opry. My wife Judy and I were very fortunate to be Jamey’s guest at this momentous occasion. This is an important exclamation point for the eleven-time Grammy nominated songwriter and true son of Alabama. Jamey is one of few musicians in the history of country music to win two Song of the Year Awards from both the Academy of Country Music and the Country Mus...
Elon Musk is not a Republican. He was a registered Independent when he voted in California. He is not a conservative. His past political donations have included Hillary Clinton, Barack Obama and California’s super liberal Governor Gavin Newson. Once big fans of the CEO of Tesla and his electric cars left wing liberal elites in technology, the media, and government now claim Musk is a supervillain in a class with their arch enemy Donald Trump. Why? It’s simple: He wants free speech; they don...
Joe Biden has shown his true colors. He has sold us out lock, stock and barrel to the most leftist fringe elements of the Democrat Party. He now worships at the altar of the Green New Deal. In his own words, “No more subsidies for the fossil fuel industry; no more drilling including offshoren; no ability for the oil industry to continue to drill period. It ends.” Under President Trump, we had regained our energy independence much to the chagrin of the global elites. When he took office, Bid...
“Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it.” No truer words have ever been spoken. I am worried that the Alabama Republican Party is forgetting the past and what events lead to the rise of their party in Alabama. The year was 1986. The Democratic Party was in control. It was time to pick a successor to George Wallace who had dominated Alabama politics for two decades. Lt. Governor Bill Baxley had been waiting in the wings since the early 1970s. He had served as Attorney Gen...
Critical race theory (CRT) is an academic discipline, formulated in the 1990s, built on the intellectual framework of identity-based Marxism. Among its claims, it teaches that the color of a person’s skin is more important than as Martin Luther King exalted “the content of a person’s character.” It is antithetical to all we believe as Alabamians. In August, the Alabama State School Board passed a resolution that banned the teaching of certain concepts or tenets that promote Critical Race Th...
Biden made history in his first year in office for all the wrong reasons. He has the worst approval rating in the history of modern polling for a President’s first year. When he first took office, he had high approval ratings and the Congress was controlled by his own Democratic party. It has been all downhill since. His presidency and definitely the country would be better off if after his inauguration had he just gone back to Delaware and slept for a year in his basement bunker where he ran h...
I am doing everything in my power to assure that Republicans take back the United States House and Senate in next year’s midterm elections. The road to taking back the Senate goes through Georgia and Herschel Walker. Herschel is a patriot, and he is running for Senate for all the right reasons. He loves America and he loves Georgia. When asked about why he is running by radio host Clay Travis he stated “My life ain’t about me. It’s about helping other people.” He knows that current Left Wing...
I am using this month’s column to pay tribute to an American singer and Patriot, Lee Greenwood, whose song “God Bless the U.S.A” has resonated in the hearts of millions of Americans since 1984. Greenwood recently attended a celebration in his honor at the Von Braun Center in Huntsville. Lee Greenwood, a Grammy award winner, CMA award winner, ACM award winner and has achieved over twenty top 10 singles, was celebrated on Tuesday night October 12, 2021, at the Von Braun Center in Huntsvi...
The self-inflicted crisis on the border may be Biden's biggest disaster which is saying a lot for an administration in total turmoil. The out-of-control U.S. - Mexico border disaster has sparked stinging criticism for the Biden administration from both Democrats and Republicans, which is a difficult political feat. When asked why he has not been to the border, Biden said he has been too busy with, among other things, foreign travel. He has made one single trip. He also stated he has spent time...
Every 9/11 I take a moment, to reflect on that dark day in our history when we were blindsided by terrorists so evil that before this attack it was almost inconceivable what they were willing to do to innocent civilians in the name of Allah. It was also a day of unmatched heroism by the first responders and the beginning of a time of great unity and sacrifice as Americans put aside their differences. We were united in our country’s efforts to track down and punish those responsible for the c...
As I watched 13 brave American heroes being brought home after being killed in Afghanistan, it was tragic and heartbreaking. All but one were in their early to mid-twenties. They choose to defend the homeland while many of their classmates are playing beer pong, hanging out at the beach and enjoying life without regard to the dangerous world we live in. They gave their lives for freedom and are shining examples of what it really means to be an American. They and their fellow heroes who...
President Biden and the Democrats led by Chairman of the Senate Budget Committee, self-avowed Socialist Bernie Sanders, have proposed an unbelievable $6 trillion budget for fiscal year 2022. This budget would have the federal government spend more as a share of the economy than at any other time since World War II when we were fighting for our survival as a country. According to the non-partisan Tax Foundation this level of spending would immediately slash economic growth while killing tens of...
Editor’s Note: On Wednesday, May 12, 2021, Republicans quickly voted to oust Cheney from her position. Stefanik was voted as her successor the following Friday. In February I authored a Resolution that was adopted by the Alabama State Republican Executive Committee calling for the removal of Never Trumper Liz Cheney from her position as Chair of the Republican Conference. Unfortunately, she is still in her position of power. With each passing day it is becoming more and more apparent that Liz...
Joe Biden’ Infrastructure Plan is not about Infrastructure but about a radical transformation of the entire American economy. This is what the world’s elites like to call “The Great Reset.” Joe Biden campaigned and was elected as a good ole moderate Democrat. He pledged repeatedly to work across party lines and reach a consensus on issues that all Americans regardless of party affiliation, can agree upon. He has governed however, just the opposite. As Professor emeritus of political science...
When completely unfounded and unverified accusations of sexual misconduct against Supreme Court Nominee Brett Cavanagh came out of the blue, Senator Elizabeth Warren and other leading Democrats screamed, “They must be believed.” The left demanded an FBI investigation into decades old allegations. They held up the confirmation hearings from proceeding. They made speeches on the record from the Senate floor. They contended Cavanaugh was unfit for the court merely because of the accusations. Edi...
In 1948, Winston Churchill warned that if we do not learn from history, we are condemned to repeat it. The United States has had a nine member Supreme Court for 150 years and it has served us well. Court Packing does not mean that the President replaces current Justices who retire or die. Court Packing means that the President and a Liberal Legislature adds seats to the Supreme Court until they are able to control the outcome of cases heard by the Court, thus imposing their political philosophy...
President Donald J. Trump accomplished more than any President in our Country’s history. He is the greatest President ever. As a member of the Alabama Republican Executive Committee, I will pass the Resolution during our Winter Meeting in February and I will work to get every State Republican Executive Committee in the Country to pass the same Resolution. WHEREAS, President Donald J. Trump was one of the greatest and most effective Presidents in the 245-year history of this Republic; and W...
The run-off Senate elections in Georgia are the most consequential elections in American history. If the Democrats sweep these two elections, there will be no checks against a Biden Administration fully implementing its high tax, high regulation, globalist agenda. If the Republicans hold on to one of these seats, The Senate will have the ability to “throttle” the Democrat Agenda. Close to home, Alabama Senator Richard Shelby is the Chairman of the Senate Appropriations Committee. This makes him...
With so much news to absorb in recent months, it has been easy to overlook the continuing small business crisis in our state. While we have been preoccupied by the mounting Coronavirus cases and deaths, soaring unemployment, unprecedented political turmoil, thousands of Alabama small businesses have been teetering on the brink of bankruptcy. This is not their fault. They were ordered to close their doors. These businesses employ more than half of all Alabamians and are major drivers of our...
The Historic “Abraham Accords” Peace Deal was signed at the White House on Tuesday September 15th, 2020 between Israel, The United Arab Emirates and Bahrain. The Middle East will never be the same. President Trump signed the documents as the official witness. This is only the second such deal in the history of Israel in which Arab countries formally recognized Israel’s right to exist. The Deal would not have been possible without the intervention and negotiation skills of President Trump. The P...
After 40 plus years of public service Joe Biden has found a new set of friends and policy advisors, the most radical members of the Democratic Party. This is a terrible sign for all freedom loving Americans. Their overwhelming desire is to transform the United Sates into a socialist nightmare. He clinched victory in the Democrat Party primary with the help of the “old guard”, the establishment wing of the Democrat Party. Once his nomination became inevitable, the former Vice President immediatel...
A police officer has the often-thankless job of seeing to it that we all abide by the law. From armed robbery to running a stop sign, it’s all against the law. This job is not high paying, requires long hours, is personally challenging, and very frustrating. However, unlike must jobs, it is a calling. Most police officers love their job and bend over backwards to do it right, even under the worst circumstances. Chief Finley and Sheriff Cunningham and their officers do an outstanding job here i...
I feel like I am in the middle of a bad dream. Across our great country, spineless elected officials are turning our streets and neighborhoods over to angry mobs of looters and thieves. At this writing, in Seattle, unbelievably led by members of the City Council, 6 city blocks, including a police precinct, have been turned over to armed members of the anarchist group Antifa. Exact statistics are unknown, but there currently seems to be between 300-400 full-time squatters who have taken up...
There are many unsung heroes in Alabama’s fight against the Wuhan novel Coronavirus-19. 175 of them are working tirelessly in the Unified Command center, a “war room” set up by the Governor to lead Alabama’s 24/7 response to the pandemic. Located in the RSA Tower in downtown Montgomery, Alabama’s Unified Command for COVID-19 Response is a team comprised of four state agencies – the Alabama Department of Public Health (ADPH), Alabama Emergency Management Agency (AEMA), Alabama National Gu...
In times of crisis every day Americans become heroes. They put their talents to work to serve their neighbors. They truly become their brother’s keepers. A Brooklyn Physician in the Epicenter of the virus in New York may have said it best. She served her mandatory quarantine period after being exposed to the virus and told Time magazine: “I am a mother of three children. I have an 11-year-old, an 8-year-old, and a 5-year-old. I chose medicine to really help people. My husband, my parents, my...