The people's voice of reason

Articles written by Paul Demarco

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  • Alabama Legislature back in Montgomery for Busy Session Ahead

    Paul DeMarco|Feb 7, 2025

    The Alabama Legislature are returning to the Statehouse this week for the 2025 regular session with a full agenda. This past month all of the headlines were from Washington DC, but there is plenty of hometown business to attend to right here in Alabama. Alabama lawmakers have rightly said they plan on making public safety one of their top priorities. Deservingly so considering how much violent crime rocked the state in 2024. Governor Kay Ivey herself has said this is her most important focus...

  • Alabama Should Look to Louisiana's Major Tax Reform Package to Benefit State Citizens

    Paul DeMarco|Feb 7, 2025

    February 23, 2025 - There has been talk about tax reform in Alabama through the years. While there has been work around the edges, it is not what a lot of politicians have promised. However, one of our neighbors has tackled it head on. Lousiana Governor Jeff Landry called the state legislature into special session this past November. The session’s focus was Lousiana’s tax structure and to overhaul the state’s tax code. During the session, lawmakers passed bills that in most cases require voter a...

  • Alabama Public Safety Should be Alabama Governor Kay Ivey's Top Legislative Priority for 2025

    Paul DeMarco|Dec 1, 2024

    As we move into 2025, Alabama Governor Kay Ivey will have the last two years of her long tenure as the state’s top executive. The Governor has taken on tough issues during her tenure in office, but has maintained her popularity. Actually she has ranked annually as one of the most popular governors in the Nation. Ivey worked her way up from reading clerk in the Alabama Legislature, to state treasurer, then Lieutenant Governor and now Governor. She has made history in her ascent to the s...

  • Public Safety Legislation Looks to be on Agenda for Upcoming Legislative Session

    Paul DeMarco|Dec 1, 2024

    January 21, 2025 - The year 2024 was a violent one in Alabama. With the high amount of crime across the state, particularly, in the large metropolitan areas, local officials could not solve the problems alone. It is now up to Alabama leaders to tackle public safety issues that have not been solved at the local level. There are a multitude of reasons for the violence in this country, including what has happened across the country with new no bail laws and the release of prisoners across the...

  • Secretary of State Leading Efforts to Fight Voter Fraud for Upcoming Elections in Alabama

    Paul DeMarco|Oct 1, 2024

    With just some four weeks to the big election day, we are going to hear more about the integrity of the election results on November 5th. Following the 2020 elections, there were a lot of questions around the Nation about potential voter fraud, including right here in Alabama . Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen is doing his part to stop any efforts to commit fraud at the ballot box. Allen has also aggressively worked to make sure only Alabama citizens can vote by working to remove names off...

  • Alabama Leaders Should Make Permanent Removal of Grocery Tax Reduction A Priority

    Paul DeMarco|Sep 1, 2024

    One of the major issues in this year’s presidential election has been the increase in grocery prices. Actually, over the past three and a half years, the price of food has gone up by some 22 percent. Thus, everyone is paying attention to how much they spend to put dinner on the table for their families. Alabama leaders made an effort two years ago to help consumers' wallets and pocketbooks by reducing the grocery tax by 1 percent on September 1, 2023. A second 1 percent was to be reduced this S...

  • Alabama Construction Industry Important Pillar of State's Economy

    Paul DeMarco|Sep 1, 2024

    Since the pandemic, the Alabama economy has had its ups and downs. However, the good news is that the business climate in Alabama has outperformed other states. One sector of the Alabama business community that has really increased is the construction industry. A recent study by the Associated Builders and Contractors of Alabama showed that between 2015 to 2021 there was a 97 percent increase in commercial construction output to the tune of $9.4 billion. When you look at the direct impacts on al...

  • Alabama Lawmakers Need to Address Comprehensive Criminal Justice Reform

    Paul DeMarco|Aug 1, 2024

    The crime in Alabama has everyone reeling from violence across the state, particularly in places like Birmingham, Montgomery and Mobile. However, we have seen criminal acts in rural parts of the state increase as well. There are a number of reasons for how dangerous the streets have become. One of the factors is the progressive’s slanderous attacks on law enforcement that have hurt the morale and recruitment of more officers. The defund the police movement has actually led to fewer officers p...

  • Labor Day Traditional Kick Off to Campaign Season in Alabama for November Elections

    Paul DeMarco|Aug 1, 2024

    With summer unofficially over this week and Labor Day soon, election season will really begin in earnest. The November election is just around the corner, which means the candidates are about to spend all of their campaign funds to get out the vote. And with over 3.8 million voters in the Alabama, there is a lot of work to do in the coming weeks. With the election on November 5th, there is a little more than eight weeks for these candidates to persuade voters that they are the right person for t...

  • Alabama Legislature Must Reject Efforts to Release Violent Felons from State Prisons

    Paul DeMarco|Apr 1, 2024

    Unfortunately, a recent tragic murder in Chicago should raise red flags right here in Alabama. One day after being released on parole from an Illinois prison, a violent felon has been accused of stabbing his ex-girlfriend and murdering her 11-year old son. Soon thereafter two members of the Illinois Parole Board, one of whom was the Chair, resigned after what the Illinois Governor described as a lack of careful consideration of the evidence related to the domestic violence threats of the felon....

  • Alabama Legislature Must Reject Efforts to Release Violent Felons from State Prisons

    Paul DeMarco|Apr 1, 2024

    Unfortunately, a recent tragic murder in Chicago should raise red flags right here in Alabama. One day after being released on parole from an Illinois prison, a violent felon has been accused of stabbing his ex-girlfriend and murdering her 11-year old son. Soon thereafter two members of the Illinois Parole Board, one of whom was the Chair, resigned after what the Illinois Governor described as a lack of careful consideration of the evidence related to the domestic violence threats of the felon....