Sorted by date Results 26 - 50 of 134
Prior to Sunday school on the morning of January 15 in the year of our Lord 2023, brethren at Green Chapel Missionary Baptist Church informed me Commissioner John Andrew Harris, Sr. died Saturday night. A long time kinship with Commissioner Harris (in our home phone speed-dial short list) prompted the first thing which came to mind; all the calls we exchanged these past decades. My bride would often get the phone and delight in John Andrew’s demeanor… either delightfully excited or solemnly ser...
Feedback from last month's postscript compels writing more on Kat Privett-Duren who was the first courageous soul at AU to stand against the malicious administrator recently disciplined in federal court by upholding Professor Stern's First Amendment civil right. How little local Lee County media covered this unlikely victory against such abusive power is revealing. Helps one understand how wrongdoing of this sort in our city/county government, hospitals, school systems, etc. continues...
Straight-ticket voting AND the most restrictive ballot access laws in the nation; which will once again block political competition in Alabama. Most notable, even with mass straight-ticket and ‘write-in’ gubernatorial race votes (trumping up signature requirements to impede competition) was Dr. James ‘Jimmy’ Blake’s 3% result. This would suffice for ballot retention in most States. Some voters, who actually take voting seriously (didn’t mindlessly bubble-mark the Blue or Red socialist p...
To those who don’t want to be a part of the Bloods or Crips political gang…. Straight-ticket voting enables a voter to cast all their votes for one party with a single mark at the top of the ballot. This duopoly party enhancing practice finally died in most States. Little surprise it remains in uncompetitive/ballot access blocked Alabama which is among the last with six other States still sufferin...
Bill Britt (4/18/18 Alabama Political Reporter) stated current and former BCA [Business Council of Alabama] members thought the board’s vote demanding Bill Canary’s resignation was good news for our State’s future. Some were angry BCA Chairman Perry Hand wanted to keep Canary until fall. APR’s sources said Hand’s timing was designed for BCA to further influence election outcomes; control campaign donations and win enough races to rally a comeback. Hand seemed willing to risk everythin...
Champions of political competition often cite Alabama with the most restrictive ballot access laws in 50 States. Any non-duopoly political party wanting access/inclusion on the upcoming Nov. 8th general election ballot printing was required to submit over 51,000 verified signatures. Given the history of being blocked from ballots, debates, media coverage, etc. the LPA [Libertarian Party of Alabama] submitted almost 80,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s Office reducing ‘wiggle roo...
I can almost hear FDR’s shrill voice enunciating these words in my “mind’s ear.” The nation’s capitol was fatuously and ignorantly attacked… Apropos to evoke FDR as a traditional, big govt. New York Republican turned Democrat that drove the last nails in the Party of Jefferson coffin. TJ championed the long road to freedom and independence which morphed into the hegemonic coalition we observe today after the success of the newly formed Republican Party four score after Jefferson penned our...
More rumblings in ‘low turnout’ Lee County as voters try to reject Hubbardland, the epicenter of corruption in our State. Although in prison and well paid with back door hush money via the Auburn mafia/Yellagrubber coconspirators [] Felon Hubbard still calls the shots. Reading Mike’s ‘code’ from prison dialog transcripts leaves little doubt. The Hubbard Boulevard visual ma...
With all due respect to Gov. Ivey’s high-steppin’ through the bovine (dare I type BCA?) excrement, my beautiful bride took a sigh of relief as all the Dumb Ads disappeared Wednesday after the 5/24 primary. Still clueless what “No step too high for a high-stepper,” means, but it didn’t win my most Dumb Ad award. It was nonetheless a good political ‘weapon of mass distraction’ by this BCA incumbent’s handlers. More on that later… In spite of challenger ads touting Kay’s snubbing of ‘Don an...
As expected, Joe’s approval numbers are in the ‘Trumpster.’ Duopoly voter buyer’s remorse once again set in as election hype attenuates. You’ll find admission of remorse difficult to extract from any Joesophant (blind Biden supporter) as was the case with MAGAts (blind Trump supporters) after the 2016 election Kabuki show. Readers of past columns may recall my explanation of stolen Presidential elections as taken from the PEOPLE under our current, very UN-representative republic results....
Longtime Alabama Gazette contributor Sheriff Derrick Cunningham’s service as President of the Alabama Sheriff’s Association (since January 2020) came to a close with installation of Sheriff Jay Jones last month. One can easily imagine Sheriff Cunningham, among the most respected Gazette supporters, was ready for a break after quickly walking into the Covid response quagmire. Perhaps Sheriff Cunningham could impose on Sheriff Jones to submit articles of interest at times as his succeeding Pre...
Once upon a time, I’ve been told, students were taught ‘taxation without representation’ as a trigger in our first war for independence. Sadly, it wasn’t something stressed in my government school approved education. Thankfully enough true teachers remained to direct me toward some of the more important clauses of our Declaration and Constitution. Some classmates may also cite old textbooks stored in the back of a high-school classroom where I’d try to hide (bored in trig class, desperate...
There... I’ve finally typed it. Dr. Franklin didn’t answer, “You have a democracy - as long as you can keep it!” in Philadelphia after closing the Constitutional Convention. Framers and Delegates understood the ills and ends of all democracies, devoutly to be avoided. No matter how many times this poor nomenclature is bantered about by corrupt politburo members - from my county commission, to Goat Hill, all the way up to Moscow on the Potomac -- it doesn’t alter the design submitted and adopt...
Many thanks for all the wonderful correspondences on my Christmas 2021 column: Christ is Born, Glorify Him! Pleasantly surprised how many included kind inquiry on my “Tough Roe to Hoe” column [] evoking Solomon’s wisdom. This third king of Israel reigned circa 968-928 BC, heralded for his wise judgments. One of the more notable Solomon decisions I wanted readers to recall comes from 1 Kings 3:16-28 reproduced (New...
Many orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day circa January 7 to remember Jesus Christ's birth described in the Christian Bible. This date works to the Julian calendar which pre-dates the Gregorian calendar, more commonly applied/used today. Santa (along with the Easter Bunny) was among many things included in my grandparents ‘New World’ education. The story of ‘Santa Claus’ more familiar to my grandparents began with Nicholas, born during the third century in the village of Patara in Asia...
In this chapter of Malice in Hubbardland our “I like Mike” minions pollute the legacy of our greatest college athlete from Alabama last century and only professional athlete in history named an All-Star in both baseball and football. After soiling the repute of a great soldier/CiC like Eisenhower, little surprise these same political thugs and jock-sniffers would have no shame evoking the ‘athletic support’ of a star like Vincent Edward (Bo) Jackson to reduce consequences of their wrongdo...
I suspect most Alabama Gazette readers share my distain for (non-defensive) abortion as much as any other premeditated murder. Those who endure my lengthy columns know where I stand on the issue as a legal matter. Apropos to open this 22nd Anniversary issue column with thanks for the honour to be included in this wonderful paper which allows such dissenting views on ‘long standing’ precedents. Problems of this sort persist aided and abetted by jurists (like Chief Justice Roberts installed by...
Submitted for your (dis)approval. Our next chapter of ‘Malice in Hubbardland’ addresses ‘I like Mike’ minions pressing the Lee County delegation to impose zoning on all remaining Beats (like recently duped Beat 13) instead of each beat voting. ‘Flyover country’ must be incorporated into their “Lee City” vision (think UN Agenda 21) Master Plan these statists fought so long and hard to accomplish these past decades. Conveniently, this already written Lee County Master Plan is their foundatio...
Our next chapter of “Malice in Hubbardland” type corruption in Lee County reveals even more malfeasance while observing flawless (from jury selection to plea agreement) intendance by the jurist our Alabama Supreme Court appointed to preside over Lee County DA Brandon Hughes’ ethics case, Judge Pamela (Willis) Bacshab. This “retired” Colbert County Judge has many decades of experience ‘in the trenches.’ According to a UNA biography, Baschab started as an Assistant DA in Mobile County before...
Inveterate readers won’t be surprised I found it timely to revisit ongoing “Malice in Hubbardland” type corruption given the observed persistence here in Lee County… even while former House Speaker Hubbard serves his inconsistently reduced sentences in State corrections. In fact, ALDoC facilities he shepherded toward the current unconstitutional result while ‘serving’ in Montgomery. The spirit of Sponge Bob Riley, Yella Grubber, Bride of Felonstein, et al remains alive and thriving. Long time fe...
US Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 “To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful B...
Or perhaps “Cheese-toast [sic] Anesti!” to fans who recall actor John Corbett’s poor attempt at psittacism in the 2002 movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding as “Ian Miller.” A few Greeks found the movie a little ‘insulting’ or ‘too stereotypical’ but I’m not among them. I find it healthy to laugh at oneself when apropos and even savour the idiosyncratic characteristics embedded in one’s culture. Quite often there are delightful reasons stereotypes of this sort emerge over time to highlight our differe...
Column readers these past dozen years will recall AU administration frequently begs attention. Distortion of this once grand institution into another corrupt arm of the Lowder-Hubbard graft machine is well documented. Hope recent imprisonment of Felon Hubbard (further dashed by a suspiciously reduced sentence) would induce a renaissance at Auburn University seems foolhardy upon closer observation of recent events. Noteworthy from past writings of the early ‘Bentley daze’ efforts to rei...
Some may recall my 2019 column on Gov. Ivey’s new and improved ACCA, BCA, et al bulldozer tactics deployed where Goat Hill legislators ‘passed the gas’ tax to fuel a more over-built/unsustainable road system in Alabama. That familiar Goat flatulence odor is again in the air to build prisons. No doubt our low class, high-end political prostitutes (Armistead to Waggoner type ‘Hubbard grubbers’) will prosper as usual. Montgomery is once again emitting the familiar loud, foul smell on par with all...
I ask forgiveness from any reader who recalls JFK’s famous 1962 quote, but paraphrasing seemed apropos after comments on last month’s column addressing ‘peaceful transfers of power’ bantered about by mass media, politburo members and pundits. I’ve wondered what my parents thought when hearing, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” from this soon to be assassinated President making such great gains toward freedom – e.g., reducing the outrageous...