The people's voice of reason

Articles written by John Martin

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 108

  • Planned Obsolescence

    John Martin|Mar 2, 2025

    Planned Obsolescence is a recent and hideous idea that was never even considered in business practices until the early 1900’s. It wastes our resources, time, and money. It benefits nobody but criminals and greedy corporate profiteers. Its origin is a dark chapter in our history. On December 23, 1924, a group of leaders from the world’s major light bulb manufacturers met in Geneva, Switzerland to exchange ideas on business practices. These included Germany’s Osram, the Netherlands’ Philips...

  • Into the Scrap Heap

    John Martin|Feb 7, 2025

    Now that our Department Of Government Efficiency is getting started, we must immediately work on its top priorities—to slash spending, save money, and more importantly, to release the people from the grip of bureaucracy—TO GET GOVERNMENT OUT OF THE WAY AND LEAVE PEOPLE ALONE. To do this, we must focus on the departments and programs we must eliminate first. Here is a short list: 1. The invasive and abusive 2. The counter-productive 3. The non-productive 4. The poor producers Obviously the top...

  • Tesla's Next Challenge

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2024

    Although it still remains the electric car superpower, Tesla is beginning to slip behind its Chinese competitors in the production of really affordable vehicles for lower income people. With its launch of the Model 2 Redwood, beginning as low as $19,500, it has taken a step in the right direction. But Tesla is still far behind BYD, which builds several really inexpensive cars, like the Seagull with a sticker price of only $10,000. Throughout history, while most makers were targeting middle and...

  • MOMMAS, Don't Let Your BABIES Grow Up to be SHYSTERS

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2024

    This is a true story. On February 12, 2019, at the UPS hub in Fulton County, Georgia, a UPS semi was leaving via a three lane exit that curved to the right. The driver decided to stop there for a while in the right lane to update his log or whatever, straddling the center lane line and thus blocking the right lane plus half of the center lane. Another semi from I-Ship (not real name) was right behind him and steered to the far left side of the left lane to get around the UPS truck. In spite of...

  • Better Highways at Lower Cost

    John Martin|Aug 1, 2024

    This past May, June, and July, 2024, along Highway 231 in Wetumpka, our “illustrious” Alabama Highway Department has been hard at work from the Wal-Mart north to the old Montgomery Highway with construction cones all over the place. Somehow, the department had decided that dozens of raised “islands” in the highway’s center would help make traffic safer and more expedient. Do these contraptions really have any value? Do they enhance safety? Do they help the traffic flow? And how much extra tax...

  • Argentina's Miracle Worker

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2024

    Back in 2018, I wrote an article about Zimbabwe when it was poised to become blessed with a great economic recovery. In 2008, Tendai Biti became finance minister, and in a 30 minute speech, he announced the end of essentially all government interference in the economy. He treated Zimbabwe to instant free markets. Regulations, licensure, import permits, and exchange and price controls all went out the window. In 2009, Biti replaced his country’s worthless hyperinflated dollars with U.S. d...

  • America's Greatest Gold Heist

    John Martin|Jun 1, 2024

    Franklin Delano Roosevelt was one of several ruthless U. S. presidents who has been grossly overated by numerous historisns. If his ratings had been based on the quantity of his actions, they could be considered correct, but based on the devastating harm that he did to our nation much of the time, they were very, very wrong. In fact, if we wanted to rank our presidents correctly, with rare exceptions, the best ones were the ones who did the least—who refused to tamper with our constitution a...

  • Elon vs the UAW

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2024

    Nearly everybody knows that Elon Musk does not like unions—just like he does not like oppressive big government and other violators of free markets and individual liberty. Although purported to be enforcers of fair wages and safe working environments, unions tend to be invasive, coercive, and sometimes criminal. The United Auto Workers is one of them. There is no question that the UAW is lusting to get its meat hooks onto America’s newest, greatest, most prosperous, and most valuable aut...

  • The Invasion of the Destitutes

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2024

    Right now, America is suffering from the greatest invasion of foreigners in its entire history. Our borders are now so porous, they are utterly ineffective in keeping out many of the world’s most dangerous people. Just this past year, some three million migrants—nearly all of them penniless, destitute peasants—have poured across our southern border, overwhelming our barricades and security forces. An estimated 30 million more are still waiting in Mexico for their turns to assault it and take...

  • America's First Nitrogen Execution

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2024

    This past January 25, Alabama established a new milestone to implement the kindest, safest, simplest, and most practical method of execution known to man—nitrogen asphyxiation. Oklahoma was the first state to adopt this new procedure. In April 2015, Governor Mary Fallin signed a bill to allow it, and on March 14, 2018, Attorney General Mike Hunter and Corrections Director Joe M. Allbaugh approved it as the primary method of execution. In March 2018, Alabama became the third state, after O...

  • The Threat from Hamas

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2024

    Just before dawn on Saturday morning, October 7, 2023, about 4000 people gathered in a remote part of southern Israel north of the Re'im kibbutz, about 3.7 miles east of Gaza and began celebrating the last day of the Sukkot holiday with a Supernova music festival. Organizers had promised a "journey of unity and love" with dance, music, art, and drinks. The people were happy and cheerful as they danced and prepared for the gala event. Without warning, Hamas militants arrived in motorized...

  • The Legacy of Lyndon

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2023

    In my November article about the JFK assassination and others, some people might conclude that Lyndon Johnson’s misdeeds, or at least most of them, had already been covered. After all, his assassinations alone were worthy of a dozen public executions. What more could he have done? There is much more—as Amazon would say it, “A Truckload More.” LBJ was not a nice man by any stretch. He was a heavy drinker and had no qualms about maintaining simultaneous sexual partners. He was very ill-man...

  • Who Killed JFK?

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2023

    This month marks the 60th anniversary of the most controversial presidential assassination in American history—that of John F. Kennedy. It stands supreme in suspicions of corruption and cover-ups. In spite of tons of evidence to prove otherwise, the official historical record still claims that it was planned and performed by a lone assassin—Lee Harvey Oswald. Even today, there are still people who believe he acted alone. Evidence clearly shows that Oswald was actually a patsy to divert att...

  • Tascalusa's Burial Ground

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2023

    This month marks the 483rd anniversary of Hernando de Soto's great battle at Mauvila, a location that so far has not been found and examined. But one thing that has been discovered is a small mound complex that yielded the graves of important natives who had fought there, possibly including the great chief, Tascalusa. The Pine Log Creek site (1Ba462), in the Alabama-Tombigbee Confluence Basin, might have seemed to be a routine native-American burial at first, but it has turned out to be a...

  • Funeral Ripoffs

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2023

    Have you ever thought about what goes on in the funeral industry? Have you ever wondered why just about every product and service related to a funeral is grossly overpriced—with a price that is often not even disclosed until after the family is stuck with paying it? Welcome to America's most extreme price gouging—gouging that is MANDATED BY LAW. In our early days, families took care of their own according to their own traditions and religious beliefs. Procedures varied widely. Some might see...


    John Martin|Aug 1, 2023

    **The views of submitted editorials may not be the express views of The Alabama Gazette** Rape is one of the most heinous crimes a man can commit against a woman. It has existed since before the dawn of history and has remained a serious problem in many parts of the world right until the present day. A 2001 WHO study revealed that 20% of women worldwide had been rape or attempted rape victims at least once. In 2011, the CDC said that one in five women in America are sexually assaulted, and more...

  • The National Debt Catastrophe

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2023

    A debt ceiling crisis is a phenomenon that occurs on a regular basis in our crazy spendthrift Congress. Since its members are spending other people's money, the great majority of them relentlessly throw it around without any consideration about the consequences imposed upon our country's economy. Then later, when the bills come due, and they discover that they have already spent beyond their Constitutional limit, they plead for another increase in our national debt ceiling. And if they don't...


    John Martin|Jun 1, 2023

    Before you even read any farther, take a look at this short video. It is absolutely FRIGHTENING. This is a new mega-prison in El Salvador, especially designed to house and punish the country's vicious drug gangs. Look at them—handcuffed, leg shackled, and herded like cattle. Think about it. Would you want anything like this in YOUR state, in YOUR county, or anywhere NEAR where you live? Even when locked in prison, could you feel s...

  • The Rise of Tesla

    John Martin|May 1, 2023

    As long-range battery technology advances by leaps and bounds, there is no question that the popularity of electric cars and trucks will rapidly advance in the next few decades, due primarily to far greater fuel economy and expected shortages of petroleum and possible cutoffs from OPEC and other hostile countries. Ford, General Motors, Toyota, and many others are ramping up production. But one company is far ahead—TESLA. It makes ONLY EVs. In July, 2003, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning f...

  • Electric Cars

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2023

    Electric cars are not new; they have been around for more than a century. According to Wikipedia, the first one was built by Robert Anderson in the 1830's. In 1884, Thomas Parker built one and equipped it with “his own specially-designed high-capacity rechargeable batteries.” In 1888, Andreas Flocken created a “Flocken Elektrowagen,” which some people claimed was the first “real” electric car. In September, 1910, two Bailey Electrics completed a 1000 mile endurance run from New York to Mount Wa...

  • The Waco Holocaust

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2023

    This Month (March, 2023) marks the 30th anniversary of one of America's most hideous examples of terrorism and mass murder. Although there have been some others with greater death tolls, this one entailed unconscionable cruelty. The raid on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians by the ATF and FBI at Waco, Texas was a perfect example of something our government should never do under any circumstances. Besides constitutional and ethics violations, these people, under the authority and direction...

  • The Tyrants Strike Again

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2023

    Here we go—another dirty trick from the Biden regime. Back when he hired his new army of 78,000 new IRS agents, nearly tripling the roughly 45,000 we already had, greedy Joe Biden claimed he was only going after “the rich tax cheats.” Now we have the proof that his real targets are poor people—specifically the poor WORKING people. In my October article, I already mentioned that tax collections from wealthy people, in spite of their much higher tax rates, generate only a tiny fraction of the rev...

  • Our Congressional Report Cards

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2023

    After a disputed, bitter, (and in several cases possibly fraudulent) general election this past November, let’s take a look at what we might expect for the next two years. We could ask ourselves, “What happened to the expected red wave? Why did so many Democrats win elections that had been in Republican strongholds?” The clear evidence points directly to the Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe vs Wade combined with large numbers of extreme social hard-liners in many states recently pushing for dr...

  • Environmental Madness

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2022

    For the past several decades, the news media and others have reported dire warnings about what we must do to protect the world we live in. Today, the big claimed bugaboo is “climate change.” Politicians worldwide claim that our consumption of fossil fuels (petroleum and coal) is destroying our planet with “greenhouse gases.” Their proposed “solution” is to force all of us to switch to “sustainable” sources of energy and implement a “carbon tax” to enforce it. Climate change is real. That’s natur...

  • The Libertarian Alternative

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2022

    On the 8th of this month, we will be going to the polls to vote for and against various candidates in this year's mid-term general election. For some offices, we won't have much of a choice-the lesser of two evils-typically a lack luster Republican against an even more lackluster, if not tyrannical, Democrat. That is the routine of many elections, and this year is no exception. Nearly all of our really fine candidates met defeat in the Republican primary. These include our brightest star, Mo...

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