The people's voice of reason

Articles written by john

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  • Two Faced Senator Teletubby

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2023

    Another one of our overcompensated ‘public servants’ made Alabama proud with potato-head mutterings and dim-witted TV comments this past month. Sunday talking head ‘Tube-R-ville’ mispronunciation amplify despair of how little Teletubby’s handlers improved performance of this highly subsidized (this IS Auburn) football coach milking the RSA on par with Florida resident Jay Jacobs… that is, if one controls for Tubberville’s shorter duration at Alabama’s hog-though on the Plains. Lee County Comm...

  • Battle for America ~ Fought on Seven Hills?

    John W. Giles|Jul 1, 2023

    What does Joseph Stalin (Soviet Union), Adolf Hitler (Nazi), Mao Tse-tung (Communist Chinese Marxist) and Joe Biden have in common? They all have their opposition arrested, grossly abusing the power of government for political purposes. Trump’s record as President, earned him the respect and unbreakable loyalty among the masses. He has become a global threat on so many fronts to enumerate, why is this? President Trump, at every turn was stumbling across sacred cash cows, discovering c...

  • Applauding SCotUS...with Caveats

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2023

    On June 8, 2023 SCotUS affirmed the federal District Court [Allen v. Milligan] finding Alabama's Congressional map likely violated the Voting Rights Act. I applaud this inferior decision, polluted by a century of unconstitutional mappings... driven by the arbitrary 435 limit concentrating power to HoR members. Sadly, SCotUS shows little resolve to follow the Constitution and make our House representative again, so I submit strong caveats on how to proceed with elections after redistricting for...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jul 1, 2023

    Those who think of something more than hotdogs or fireworks on the 4th of July, generally honor the day as a patriotic holiday, the birth of American independence. But if we believe the Bible to be the Word of God, we must ask whether the Declaration and the War for Independence which followed were consistent with the Bible. If not, can we truly celebrate Independence Day? Romans 13:1 commands, "Let every soul be subject to the higher powers," and I Peter 2:13 enjoins us to "Submit yourselves...

  • Moonbat Mendacity

    John M Taylor|Jul 1, 2023

    Following the suggestion of a fellow Alabama Gazette columnist, I read through “Let’s celebrate the real history of Jefferson Davis”, by Josh Moon. No surprise—it is just more “Righteous Cause” blather. The sub-title claims the South fought to “protect” slavery, yet the institution was constitutionally legal and Abe Lincoln and the Republicans stated ad nauseum that they had no intention or authority to interfere with slavery where it existed. A central reason for Republican opposition to s...

  • The National Debt Catastrophe

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2023

    A debt ceiling crisis is a phenomenon that occurs on a regular basis in our crazy spendthrift Congress. Since its members are spending other people's money, the great majority of them relentlessly throw it around without any consideration about the consequences imposed upon our country's economy. Then later, when the bills come due, and they discover that they have already spent beyond their Constitutional limit, they plead for another increase in our national debt ceiling. And if they don't...


    John W. Giles|Jun 1, 2023

    Every night at 7 pm central, I join 3.5 million plus Tucker Carlson viewers looking at the lava lamp saying, so what do we do now? Many of us have abandoned Fox, because of this gross, misguided judgment of firing a stellar example of pure journalism. Why would a publicly traded company who lives and dies by the value of their stock, fire the highest rated news show with target rich demographics. His base is coveted by advertisers with 490,000 viewers between the ages of 25-54. Many of my...

  • Resolve for I&R [Initiative and Referendum] in Birmingham

    John Sophocleus|Jun 1, 2023

    Oppressed Birmingham citizens may appreciate LPA [Libertarian Party of Alabama] efforts for greater access to their ballots. Their Executive Committee recently approved a resolution introduced by District Representative Patrick Merritt [Region 3] to support Birmingham citizens using I&R, see Article 3.15(b) link: to restore some of their cherished liberty. I&R enables citizens to place measures on their respective...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Jun 1, 2023

    In 2011, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas decried "an Establishment Clause jurisprudence in shambles." Unable to come to a consensus, the Court has shifted from one theory to another, with confusing, conflicting, and sometimes bizarre results. Over the past several decades the Court has struck down school prayer (1962) and Bible reading (1963) but allowed prayer at town board meetings (2014), prohibited (1948) but later allowed (1952) released-time programs whereby children could be release...

  • Northerners Opposed to Coercion

    John M Taylor|Jun 1, 2023

    Jefferson Davis not only received verbal criticism, he was also subjected to physical abuse when he was held in a Union prison awaiting a trial that never happened; however, he never backed down from his belief in the sovereignty of the States. In 1846, Davis described the only source of the Federal Government’s powers: “I answer, it is the creature of the States; as such it could have no inherent power, all it possesses was delegated by the States.” Many Northerners agreed that the Union is vo...


    John Martin|Jun 1, 2023

    Before you even read any farther, take a look at this short video. It is absolutely FRIGHTENING. This is a new mega-prison in El Salvador, especially designed to house and punish the country's vicious drug gangs. Look at them—handcuffed, leg shackled, and herded like cattle. Think about it. Would you want anything like this in YOUR state, in YOUR county, or anywhere NEAR where you live? Even when locked in prison, could you feel s...

  • A Quest For Truth ~ A Journey Home!

    John W. Giles|May 1, 2023

    At six years old traveling with my family and passing several churches along our way to church, I recall asking my father, who is right and why are there so many different churches? My father did not have an answer. Fast forwarding as an adult, routine discussions in Christian circles were often centered around; what did the New Testament Church look like? Every church wishes to emulate the early church this side of the resurrection. Since the reformation in 1517, this discussion continues with...

  • Lee County Installations: more Ivey Poison

    John Sophocleus|May 1, 2023

    On April 10th Richard Lagrand (who recently lost reelection as the incumbent last summer) was reinstalled to Lee County Commission District 5 by Gov. Ivey, reaffirming her fidelity to ACCA, BCA, et al corruption over the citizens of Lee County. The death of Commissioner Harris (see my February 2022 Gazette column) soon after taking office provided a perfect example for Ivey to show resolve on holding a special election with an entire term of office unexpired. Obviously this wouldn’t bode well w...

  • The Rise of Tesla

    John Martin|May 1, 2023

    As long-range battery technology advances by leaps and bounds, there is no question that the popularity of electric cars and trucks will rapidly advance in the next few decades, due primarily to far greater fuel economy and expected shortages of petroleum and possible cutoffs from OPEC and other hostile countries. Ford, General Motors, Toyota, and many others are ramping up production. But one company is far ahead—TESLA. It makes ONLY EVs. In July, 2003, Martin Eberhard and Marc Tarpenning f...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|May 1, 2023

    Maybe in North Korea, maybe in Cuba, maybe in Iran – but not in the United States, the land of religious liberty. Well, maybe in Boston, or San Francisco – but certainly not in Selma, Alabama, right in the center of the Bible belt. But it happened. A man was arrested for preaching the Gospel of Jesus Christ on the street. It was Halloween 2022. People in Selma were walking, some in costume, in an annual Monster March. And Rickey Caster, a Georgia street evangelist accompanied by his sister, came...

  • Lincoln, Republicans, and Corporate Welfare

    John M Taylor|May 1, 2023

    “I supported President Lincoln. I believed his war policy would be the only way to save the country, but I see my mistake. I visited Washington a few weeks ago, and I saw the corruption of the present administration—and so long as Abraham Lincoln and his Cabinet are in power, so long will war continue. And for what? For the preservation of the Constitution and the Union? No, but for the sake of politicians and government contractors.” J.P. Morgan—American financier and banker, 1864. Many individ...

  • The Smartest Political Guy in The Room

    John W. Giles|Apr 1, 2023

    Being involved in Republican politics for 43 years, and serving in two gubernatorial administrations, enables you to meet some pretty smart people. I often reflect by saying many people have skyscraper tall opinions, but ankle deep in factual based positions. When it comes to economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatism, very few have a depth on the issues along with the institutional and historical background all in one package. Curiosity peaking yet? Rush Limbaugh was the...

  • The Auburn Greed 2.0

    John Sophocleus|Apr 1, 2023

    Five years ago my Alabama Gazette column featured a rendition of The Auburn Creed (originally penned by George Petrie in 1943) aptly re-titled The Auburn Greed. Petrie’s original prose righteously opens with this preamble impressed upon all Auburn students as follows: “I believe that this is a practical world and that I can count only on what I earn. Therefore, I believe in work, hard work.” Four score and steadfast tyranny of many high-plains grifters - e.g., Bobby (FDIC) Lowder, Ed Richa...

  • Electric Cars

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2023

    Electric cars are not new; they have been around for more than a century. According to Wikipedia, the first one was built by Robert Anderson in the 1830's. In 1884, Thomas Parker built one and equipped it with “his own specially-designed high-capacity rechargeable batteries.” In 1888, Andreas Flocken created a “Flocken Elektrowagen,” which some people claimed was the first “real” electric car. In September, 1910, two Bailey Electrics completed a 1000 mile endurance run from New York to Mount Wa...

  • Coercion: Union by Force

    John M Taylor|Apr 1, 2023

    Marjorie Taylor Greene’s recent “national divorce” comments angered nationalists, globalists, and others who view these United States as an “unbreakable union.” How could such authoritarian thinking evolve from a country that was founded on individualism, voluntary self-government, and belief in God? At least part of this agenda can be traced to the Southern States being militarily forced back into a Union they democratically voted to leave. Abe Lincoln rebuffed multiple compromise efforts initi...

  • Simple Math: 3 + 3 = Trump

    John W. Giles|Mar 1, 2023

    The 2024 race for the White House has begun. Trump has announced, others in the GOP and Democrats are expected to follow. Before we fast forward too much, I would like to hit the pause button, rewind, and review a little going back to the 2020 race for the White House. What is the 3 + 3 all about, stay with me and I will explain. In the early months of 2020, Trump was positioned as invincible. His undisputed record was unmatched by any sitting President in my 68 years. The economy was roaring, c...

  • Witness: Economic Lynching in Lee County

    John Sophocleus|Mar 1, 2023

    In the Spirit of 'never again' a few painfully addressed an ugly past of lynching documented by the Lee County Remembrance Project - specifically Messrs John Moss, George Hart, Charles Humphries, Samuel Harris and Charles Miller. As mankind evolves... cloaking evil to fool oneself and others, a 'new and improved' lynching method was witnessed by observers willing/able to understand the destruction of Willie Philpot, an accomplished young entrepreneur squashed by the anti-business/pro-political...

  • The Waco Holocaust

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2023

    This Month (March, 2023) marks the 30th anniversary of one of America's most hideous examples of terrorism and mass murder. Although there have been some others with greater death tolls, this one entailed unconscionable cruelty. The raid on David Koresh and the Branch Davidians by the ATF and FBI at Waco, Texas was a perfect example of something our government should never do under any circumstances. Besides constitutional and ethics violations, these people, under the authority and direction...

  • The Corwin Amendment (The Original Thirteenth Amendment)

    John M Taylor|Mar 1, 2023

    From the mid-1900s to modern times, the government-approved narrative has been that the South fought a war to protect slavery. This was denied by Southerners, e.g., Jefferson Davis, Robert E. Lee, Richard Taylor, E. P. Alexander, Raphael Semmes, and Northerners, e.g., George Lunt, Simon Cameron, Edward Channing, and for at least the first half of the war, U.S. Grant and Abraham Lincoln. Slavery in America had never been more secure than on the eve of the war. Congress’ July 23, 1861, r...

  • The "Gift" That Keeps on Giving ~ 20th Anniversary

    John W. Giles|Feb 1, 2023

    On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, ground zero for saving lives of the unborn children is taking place in approximately 72 pregnancy resource centers across the state. Post Roe Vs. Wade, the pressure at these centers has intensified. This good news is traffic has increased, yielding in saving more lives, but the interchange is soaring operating cost. Phone calls, office visits, counseling sessions, expanding office hours and demands on staff are being felt in these...

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