The people's voice of reason

Articles written by john

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  • Robert E. Lee: An Exemplary American

    John M Taylor|Jan 1, 2024

    The assaults on Robert E. Lee and anyone who fought for Southern Independence never abate. Lee symbolizes most things his critics hate – he was a devout Christian, he believed in the sovereignty of the States within a voluntary federal republic, his primary allegiance was to Virginia (his “country”), and he felt “Union” at the point of a bayonet undermined the entire American experiment in self-government. One might ask: Why did the colonies seek independence if the goal was replication of the m...

  • Advent and the Whimsical Nature of Christmas

    John W. Giles|Jan 1, 2024

    We know that Christmas is centered around the birth of Jesus, the Christ child, but what is it about the Christmas season that is so different from the rest of the year? Kindness seems to emerge, benevolence is more prevalent, evil thoughts take a pause, differences are often suspended, and “Merry Christmas” greetings broadcast in the market square are jubilant as if to say, “God Bless You.” It is a centuries old quest to somehow bottle the grandeur, supernatural attributes, and ambienc...

  • But no one believes Jesus was born December 25 - Do they?

    Col. John Eidsmoe|Dec 1, 2023

    That’s the way many want to celebrate Christmas today. The secularizers note that America is more diverse than it used to be, that we shouldn’t offend others, that saying “Merry Christmas” might be bad for business, and that public Christmas observances might even violate the First Amendment. Then they deliver their crowning blow: “Besides, everybody knows Jesus wasn’t born in December.” But saying “everybody knows” begs the question, as saying “all scholars agree” defines anyone who doesn’t ag...

  • Christ is Born - Glorify Him!

    John Sophocleus|Dec 1, 2023

    This year’s Christmas column is once again intended to be at least one sobering moment in veneration of our Saviour’s birth; reaffirming the importance of standing against tyranny in this world. My devout, wholehearted prayer is all who know the Power of Jesus Christ’s teachings will take Him into their hearts this blessed season and overcome alethophobic [fear of truth] distractions and destruction by those make government(s) their god. Little surprise as more deny/reject God’s Truth, enabled...

  • Mr. Speaker: Why Is CASINO GAMBLING Expansion A Priority?

    John W. Giles|Dec 1, 2023

    Mr. Speaker, I read with great interest and frustration the 1819 News article, “Rampant' illegal gambling in Jefferson County shows need for enforcement arm, House Speaker Ledbetter says.” In the past, advocacy for legalized gambling was all about the need for additional revenues. Now that state coffers are overflowing with surplus revenue in the General and Education Trust Funds, however, the “new message” to legalize gambling has turned into the need for a Gaming Regulatory Commiss...

  • Mill, Dickens and Southern Independence

    John M Taylor|Dec 1, 2023

    T he War for Southern Independence impacte d events worldwide. In Great Britain debates raged as to why their “American Co usins” w ere i n conflict. Two renowned Englishmen – John Stuart Mill and Charles Dickens -- sparred over this very matter. This was not their first disagreement. John Stuart Mill was a poli tica l eco nomi st, politic ian, and p hilosopher who endorsed utilitarianism, a theory that advocated maximizati on of h ap pin ess and well -being. He supp orted fre e speec h, free...

  • The Legacy of Lyndon

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2023

    In my November article about the JFK assassination and others, some people might conclude that Lyndon Johnson’s misdeeds, or at least most of them, had already been covered. After all, his assassinations alone were worthy of a dozen public executions. What more could he have done? There is much more—as Amazon would say it, “A Truckload More.” LBJ was not a nice man by any stretch. He was a heavy drinker and had no qualms about maintaining simultaneous sexual partners. He was very ill-man...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Nov 1, 2023

    We know the basic Pilgrim story: The Pilgrims crossed the Atlantic in the Mayflower to find the freedom to worship God as the Bible commands, established a colony at Plymouth, faced great hardships that took the lives of half of them the first winter, but somehow managed to survive and held a feast to thank God for bringing them through these hardships to a land of blessing. All true. But few realize that forced communal living was a major cause of the Pilgrims’ suffering. How did that h...

  • Who Killed JFK?

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2023

    This month marks the 60th anniversary of the most controversial presidential assassination in American history—that of John F. Kennedy. It stands supreme in suspicions of corruption and cover-ups. In spite of tons of evidence to prove otherwise, the official historical record still claims that it was planned and performed by a lone assassin—Lee Harvey Oswald. Even today, there are still people who believe he acted alone. Evidence clearly shows that Oswald was actually a patsy to divert att...

  • 25th Anniversary: Bulldozer v. M-14

    John Sophocleus|Nov 1, 2023

    Alabama Gazette’s 24th Anniversary evoked recalling a 25th anniversary. My first column submitted at the end of last century addressed Kelo type unconstitutional takings via eminent domain abuse. I’m a victim of armed robbery and one who’s exercised his 2nd Amendment civil right as intended by ’intelligent designers’ of the 1787-9 ratified Constitution. I hold more respect for the criminal who attempted pistol whipping me with a nickel plated revolver while robbing this former Shell Station ...

  • That Devilish Battle Hymn

    John M Taylor|Nov 1, 2023

    Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn stated: “To destroy a people, you must first sever their roots.” An example of Southerner’s historical ignorance is manifested in The Battle Hymn of the Republic, written by Unitarian “minister” Julia Ward Howe. Julia Ward was born in New York City in 1819 but spent much of her youth in Boston, Massachusetts. She was related to the affluent Astors of New York and her brother, Sam Ward, was a Wall Street financier (sometimes called “War Street” due to the promotion and...

  • The "Gift" That Keeps on Giving ~ 20th Anniversary

    John W. Giles|Nov 1, 2023

    On the heels of the U.S. Supreme Court overturning Roe vs. Wade, ground zero for saving lives of the unborn children is taking place in approximately 72 pregnancy resource centers across the state. Post Roe Vs. Wade, the pressure at these centers has intensified. This good news is traffic has increased, yielding in saving more lives, but the interchange is soaring operating cost. Phone calls, office visits, counseling sessions, expanding office hours and demands on staff are being felt in these...

  • Seven Pillars of Conservatism

    John W. Giles|Oct 1, 2023

    If you have read any of my previous work, we talk a lot about economic, social, moral and constitutional conservatism. This level of conservatism does not happen by accident. It takes years to develop a depth in conservatism; this is why you do not want a novice Republican running for office, they will always disappoint you. One cannot wake up one day and say Republicans are winning, decide to qualify, color in the conservative squares and off you go. Very Shallow Thinking!! Let’s discuss the S...

  • Appeal to Judges Manasco, Moorer & Marcus; Mapping Our Future

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2023

    As expected, the three Judge panel in Birmingham rejected another disingenuous Congressional district voting map submitted by our Montgomery politburo. Much ink has spilled w.r.t. keeping ‘communities of interest’ intact… one manifestation of ever cascading collateral damage driven by addressing symptoms instead of repairing the problem as population continually increases. We’ve witnessed far too much rhetoric evoking the 14th Amendment’s Equal Protection Clause and Section 2 of the Voting Ri...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Oct 1, 2023

    During a recent speaking engagement in Columbus, Ohio, I asked to see the Columbus statue near City Hall. My hosts sadly informed me that, after a protest that claimed Columbus had engaged in violence and enslaved Native Americas, in 2020 the statue had been placed in storage and will be replaced by “a work of art that better represents the people of Columbus.” Why, we should ask, did Columbus come to America? It wasn’t to prove the world is round; every educated person in 1492 knew that. Isaia...

  • Tascalusa's Burial Ground

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2023

    This month marks the 483rd anniversary of Hernando de Soto's great battle at Mauvila, a location that so far has not been found and examined. But one thing that has been discovered is a small mound complex that yielded the graves of important natives who had fought there, possibly including the great chief, Tascalusa. The Pine Log Creek site (1Ba462), in the Alabama-Tombigbee Confluence Basin, might have seemed to be a routine native-American burial at first, but it has turned out to be a...

  • Confederate Indians

    John M Taylor|Oct 1, 2023

    Recently, the Native American Guardians Association (NAGA) lobbied the Washington Commanders football team to bring back the Redskins name. Billy Dieckman, Kiowa Tribe member and NAGA adviser, described Redskins as “a status symbol for elite warriors.” (Fox News) A poll was cited showing 90% of American Indians see it as a positive term. It is also likely that some American Indians do not appreciate being canceled, such as the way Land O Lakes terminated the “Mia” image (some Indians support...

  • Teutoburg Forest: The battle that saved our common law

    Col. John Eidsmoe|Sep 1, 2023

    2,014 years ago, around the 9th of September of 9 A.D., two events were happening that would change the world. In Galilee, a Child was growing up who would die on a Cross for the sins of the world. And 1,500 miles to the northwest, in Teutoburg Forest of northern Germany, some 18,000 Germanic warriors were waiting in grim silence as the 17th, 18th, and 19th Roman legions drew near. Little did they realize that the blood they would spill that day would decide the future of Western civilization...

  • Funeral Ripoffs

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2023

    Have you ever thought about what goes on in the funeral industry? Have you ever wondered why just about every product and service related to a funeral is grossly overpriced—with a price that is often not even disclosed until after the family is stuck with paying it? Welcome to America's most extreme price gouging—gouging that is MANDATED BY LAW. In our early days, families took care of their own according to their own traditions and religious beliefs. Procedures varied widely. Some might see...

  • Thousands of Lee County dissidents

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2023

    A most stirring column this year explains the economic lynching of Mr. Willie Philpot and his growing business [ViroTek] killed by Lee County. This anticompetitive, ACCA/BCA type clown-show of politburo members is currently led by the most corrupt ‘public servant’ Commissioner Gary Long. Lee County voters removed the previous anti-business/pro-cronyism ringleader [Ham] in the 2022 primary run-off. ‘Follow-up’ to my March 2023 Gazette column [

  • The New England slave trade

    John M Taylor|Sep 1, 2023

    The enemies of the South are all around. One of the most repugnant is Elizabeth “The Fake Indian” Warren. You also have Lloyd “The Wokester” Austin, who seems to have periodic battles with the English language; Mark “The Mannequin” Milley, who appears to have had brain surgery that went awry; and a gang of so-called historians who worship at the foot of Abe Lincoln and blame America’s “ills” on the South. As the Brits would say: bollocks! The political football that leftists and “race hustler...

  • I Could Have Done More!!!

    John W. Giles|Aug 1, 2023

    For the second Saturday in a row, my wife and I went to see ‘Sound of Freedom.” As the credits were playing, Jim Caviezel was doing the wrap charging all who saw the movie to tell the story and take action. I was reduced to tears both times seeing the movie. My mind immediately was drawn to Oskar Schindler. At the end of WWII, he was leaving the factory surrounded by Jews he had saved. They presented him with a thank you letter signed by all factory workers, gave him a handmade pure gold rin...


    Col. John Eidsmoe|Aug 1, 2023

    Last month's column, "Declaration of Independence: Rebellion, or Interposition?" asked whether the Declaration of Independence and the War for Independence that followed were consistent with the Bible's admonition that we are to obey the civil authorities (Romans 13:1-7; I Peter 2:13). We saw that civil disobedience is sometimes justified (Exodus 1; Daniel 3, 6; Acts 5:29); but further, we saw that the American War for Independence was neither rebellion nor civil disobedience; it was lawful...


    John Martin|Aug 1, 2023

    **The views of submitted editorials may not be the express views of The Alabama Gazette** Rape is one of the most heinous crimes a man can commit against a woman. It has existed since before the dawn of history and has remained a serious problem in many parts of the world right until the present day. A 2001 WHO study revealed that 20% of women worldwide had been rape or attempted rape victims at least once. In 2011, the CDC said that one in five women in America are sexually assaulted, and more...

  • Nathan Bedford Forrest Revisited

    John M Taylor|Aug 1, 2023

    In the October 2022 Alabama Gazette I covered part of the legacy of Nathan Bedford Forrest ( If anyone has been a victim of “the winners write the history,” it is Forrest. From his humble Tennessee roots, Forrest was the quintessential self-made man, a masterful military leader, and the antithesis of most of his critics. After his father died, sixteen-year-old Forrest became the...

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