The people's voice of reason

Articles written by john

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  • Bama Senate Showdown – Trump vs. Shelby / McConnell

    John W. Giles|Aug 1, 2021

    In 2022, Alabama will elect a U.S. Senator to fill the seat held by Senator Richard Shelby for four decades. In 1986, as a skilled personal injury trial lawyer and shrewd Democrat candidate, Shelby beat the esteemed GOP A|dmiral Jeremiah Denton in a character assassination campaign. As Chairman and now ranking member of the U.S. Senate Appropriations committee, Shelby has channeled billions into Alabama, which has been good for the state economy, federal contractors, but used by Shelby as a...

  • Term Limits

    John Martin|Aug 1, 2021

    During the last several decades, various people and groups have proposed term limits as a solution for stopping abuses done by politicians. The big argument is to return political offices back to people who actually want to serve for the public good instead of using the offices for their careers and political objectives. The idea sounds like a noble one. Our country was founded on the principle of citizen legislators—people who volunteered for limited times to perform public services for very m...

  • Hamming it Up in Hubbardland

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2021

    Inveterate readers won’t be surprised I found it timely to revisit ongoing “Malice in Hubbardland” type corruption given the observed persistence here in Lee County… even while former House Speaker Hubbard serves his inconsistently reduced sentences in State corrections. In fact, ALDoC facilities he shepherded toward the current unconstitutional result while ‘serving’ in Montgomery. The spirit of Sponge Bob Riley, Yella Grubber, Bride of Felonstein, et al remains alive and thriving. Long time fe...

  • Davis, O'Connor, and the Right of Self-Government

    John M Taylor|Jul 1, 2021

    July is an important month in the American Republic. Long-standing traditions surrounding the 4th inspire many individuals to be thankful they are Americans. Holiday celebrations often include fireworks, flags, barbecues, and other activities. After the 1776 Declaration of Independence and a bloody war, the colonies successfully seceded from the British Empire. At the war’s conclusion, the 1783 Treaty of Paris, defined the parties to the agreement: Great Britain on one side and thirteen ...

  • Change Agent or Conformist – A New Line In The Sand

    John W. Giles|Jul 1, 2021

    Your silence is not only viewed as an endorsement, but adversarial notions will prevail with no visible opposition. A Change Agent has their finger in the dyke, while a Conformist runs for cover. The human body has been divinely created with adrenal glands, producing the natural chemical Adrenaline, which triggers the flight or fight reactions. America was born out of opposition to Great Britain’s overreach; America can be defeated without the first shot being fired. Nikita Khrushchev, former P...

  • The PGM Dilemma

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2021

    What are PGMs, you ask? They are platinum group metals. There are six of them—ruthenium, rhodium, palladium, osmium, iridium, and platinum. They are noble metals—highly resistant to corrosion, acids, and decomposition. Like gold, they are also very rare—the rarest and least abundant stable metals in the Earth’s crust. Here they are listed in milligrams per kilogram (below right). Below, they are listed in parts per billion. Two sources show considerable disagreement on some of them. The discrep...

  • Out of Afghanistan

    John Martin|Jun 1, 2021

    For well over a century, America has always remained the most powerful nation on the planet. In that context, it is a good thing; no other nation would lay a hand on us unless it wanted to be annihilated. However, this power also has a dark side—opportunities for warmongers and profiteers to generate huge fortunes from unspeakable destruction around the world and the mass murders of millions. From the 20th century onward, we have been at almost continuous war. World War I was claimed to be ...

  • DC Statehood: time to take a "Mulligan"

    John Sophocleus|Jun 1, 2021

    US Constitution: Article 1, Section 8, Clause 17 “To exercise exclusive Legislation in all Cases whatsoever, over such District (not exceeding ten Miles square) as may, by Cession of particular States, and the Acceptance of Congress, become the Seat of Government of the United States, and to exercise like Authority over all Places purchased by the Consent of the Legislature of the State in which the same shall be, for the Erection of Forts, Magazines, Arsenals, dock-Yards, and other needful B...

  • Snakes in the Grass

    John Taylor|Jun 1, 2021

    “The rivers are full of crocodile nasties, and He who made kittens put snakes in the grass.” Ian Anderson I attended and briefly spoke to House State Government committees in Montgomery in support of House Bill 242 and in opposition to House Bill 43. It was quite an experience observing how the political machine functions in the State of Alabama. The assault on Alabama’s Southern and/or Confederate history was eye-opening, especially discovering who was for and against some of these bills. A noticeable degree of animosity also seeped throu...

  • Christos Anesti! – i.e. "Christ is Risen!"

    John Sophocleus|May 1, 2021

    Or perhaps “Cheese-toast [sic] Anesti!” to fans who recall actor John Corbett’s poor attempt at psittacism in the 2002 movie My Big Fat Greek Wedding as “Ian Miller.” A few Greeks found the movie a little ‘insulting’ or ‘too stereotypical’ but I’m not among them. I find it healthy to laugh at oneself when apropos and even savour the idiosyncratic characteristics embedded in one’s culture. Quite often there are delightful reasons stereotypes of this sort emerge over time to highlight our differe...

  • Reverse Recidivism Rate

    John W. Giles|May 1, 2021

    One of Alabama Governor Kay Ivey’s current legislative pushes is to fund new prisons, improve the current institutions, and reform the criminal justice system, to which she has faced many obstacles. This article written by John W. Giles and published in the Alabama Gazette May 2019, is good to review in light of the State’s failing, overcrowding prison system ... ------------------------------------------------ Recidivism rate is the tendency of a criminal to commit a crime and return to pri...

  • Dangerous Vaccines

    John Martin|May 1, 2021

    On January 5 of this year, baseball legend Henry Aaron received his COVID-19 vaccine and then promptly tweeted that Coronavirus vaccinations are safe and that all black Americans should get the shots: “I was proud to get the COVID-19 vaccine earlier today at Morehouse School of Medicine. I hope you do the same!” Two and a half weeks later, on January 22, Aaron passed away. Some people suspect that it was a result of the vaccine. Since the new Coronavirus vaccines were administered, people have s...

  • Clement L. Vallandigham: A Victim of Lincoln's Regime

    John M Taylor|May 1, 2021

    We observe many modern instances of government overreach. A look at Abe Lincoln’s regime will echo much of what we now witness – Clement Laird Vallandigham’s case is an example. [Denied free speech & habeas corpus rights.] Vallandigham, born in 1820 in New Lisbon, Ohio, was educated at New Lisbon Academy and Jefferson College in Canonsburg, Pennsylvania. He built a respected law practice and became a popular political speaker. In 1845, he became the youngest member of the Ohio State legis...

  • How Our Politburo Puts the AU in FrAUd

    John Sophocleus|Apr 1, 2021

    Column readers these past dozen years will recall AU administration frequently begs attention. Distortion of this once grand institution into another corrupt arm of the Lowder-Hubbard graft machine is well documented. Hope recent imprisonment of Felon Hubbard (further dashed by a suspiciously reduced sentence) would induce a renaissance at Auburn University seems foolhardy upon closer observation of recent events. Noteworthy from past writings of the early ‘Bentley daze’ efforts to rei...

  • Gambling ~ Good Public Policy or Pandemic?

    John W. Giles|Apr 1, 2021

    In March of 1999, my phone rang and it was General Charlie Condon, the Attorney General for the State of South Carolina. I was the newly installed President of the Christian Coalition of Alabama as of January 1999. He gave me a strong sober warning about the future plague consuming our state, if we legalized gambling. His warning in that conversation will never be forgotten and I wanted to share it with you. I was in the Fob James Administration in 1998, when Lt. Governor Don Siegelman unseated...

  • Tax Filing Headaches

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2021

    Once again, it is time for all Americans to endure the annual ritual of filing and paying their income taxes. Every year, it seems to become more time consuming and more problematic. Last year, the IRS published some new schedules to go with the form 1040 and its numerous schedules. However, they did not replace or substitute for any existing paperwork. They were in addition to it. The bad news was that this small booklet didn’t include any of the other schedules that we had filed in the past a...

  • Abraham Lincoln's Reason for War

    John M Taylor|Apr 1, 2021

    Abe Lincoln was determined to keep the Union together and deny Southern Independence. Although antithetical to the creation of these united States, the “unbreakable union myth” was supported by some in Lincoln’s era as it is now; however, there is more to the story. Lincoln stated the pivotal reason for war in his First Inaugural Address of Monday, March 4, 1861: “The power confided to me will be used to hold, occupy, and possess the property and places belonging to the Government and to coll...

  • Rush a Man Way Ahead of His Time

    John W. Giles|Mar 1, 2021

    In 1987, I sold my portion of Giles Enterprises and did a little real estate development in 1988 and in 1989 joined the Hunt Administration as Small Business Advocate for the State of Alabama. Also in 1988, on a scratchy low powered AM radio station in Montgomery, Alabama, a strange, but different kind of radio talk show was launched, “The Rush Limbaugh Show.” I was 34 then, and now 31 years later, I am 65 and still mesmerized by the depth, insight, revelation and the almost prophetic sense Rus...

  • Picking A U.S. Senator – Proven Tried Tested

    John W. Giles|Mar 1, 2021

    Years ago, in my manufacturing days at Giles Enterprises, we used the term “Flash Point” to describe when a chicken frying machine system would collapse, and the shortening exploded into a raging fire. In order to obtain an Underwriters Laboratories Certification (UL), we had to make sure that each fryer had the adequate infrastructure, dual thermostats; warning signals and much more to make sure that each new frying device was proven, tried and tested before the regulators allowed the pro...

  • That Smell: more 'gas tax' Goat Hill methane to build prisons…

    John Sophocleus|Mar 1, 2021

    Some may recall my 2019 column on Gov. Ivey’s new and improved ACCA, BCA, et al bulldozer tactics deployed where Goat Hill legislators ‘passed the gas’ tax to fuel a more over-built/unsustainable road system in Alabama. That familiar Goat flatulence odor is again in the air to build prisons. No doubt our low class, high-end political prostitutes (Armistead to Waggoner type ‘Hubbard grubbers’) will prosper as usual. Montgomery is once again emitting the familiar loud, foul smell on par with all...

  • The First Amendment and Lincoln's Regime

    John M Taylor|Mar 1, 2021

    “Freedom of speech and freedom of the press, precious relics of former history, must not be construed too largely.” – William T. Sherman The First Amendment: Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances. In these times, we see blatant, unapologetic levels of censo...

  • The Biden Regime

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2021

    After winning the greatest scam election in history, Joe Biden and his comrades are wasting no time in their crusade to wreck the world’s greatest nation. Right off the bat on his very first day, vindictive Joe signed 15 executive orders to undo Donald Trump’s actions to save our republic. Of course, dozens of additional executive actions are being added to these. With an effective majority in both the House and the Senate, the fundamental rights of all Americans are once again (after Oba...

  • The Rally of January 6

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2021

    Today’s American people who are well informed can have no difficulty understanding that Donald Trump has been one of our most patriotic presidents in recent years. But because “The Donald” had refused to go along with our current corrupt elected and appointed officials and fought the Deep State with everything he had, the so-called “mainstream” news media and certain portions of our population have literally crucified him in their efforts to shame and defeat him on all fronts. The latest ac...

  • Those Who Make Peaceful Divorce Impossible Will Make Domestic Violence Inevitable

    John Sophocleus|Feb 1, 2021

    I ask forgiveness from any reader who recalls JFK’s famous 1962 quote, but paraphrasing seemed apropos after comments on last month’s column addressing ‘peaceful transfers of power’ bantered about by mass media, politburo members and pundits. I’ve wondered what my parents thought when hearing, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable,” from this soon to be assassinated President making such great gains toward freedom – e.g., reducing the outrageous...

  • Marxist Hatred of the South

    John M Taylor|Feb 1, 2021

    “I wouldn’t know, I’ve only ever killed communists.” Polish soldier Rafal Gan-Ganowicz’s likely facetious response when asked what it was like to kill a human being. In a 2015 YouTube video, BLM (Black Lives Matter) co-founder Patrisse Cullors described herself and fellow organizers as “trained Marxists.” Radical leftists (e.g., Antifa) seem determined to destroy America and Marxists appear to have a long-standing hatred for Southern Christians. Marxists, whose religion is Communism, su...

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