The people's voice of reason

Articles written by john

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  • Lincoln's Dilemma: Inconvenient Facts Likely to be Omitted

    John M Taylor|Mar 1, 2022

    Advertisements for “Lincoln’s Dilemma” have been aggressively promoted. It is said to begin with the January 6, 2020, event that some call a riot and some call an “insurrection”—a so-called insurrection with no weapons, individuals walking around taking pictures and chatting with Capitol personnel, and a few mysterious instigators with seemingly nefarious intentions, e.g., Utah’s John Sullivan (connected to CNN) and Ray Epps. In similar fashion, competing views of the War Between the States ex...

  • FreedomWorks

    John Martin|Feb 1, 2022

    For over 25 years, FreedomWorks has stood to support and protect limited government, minimal taxes, free markets, personal autonomy, and the rule of law. FreedomWorks supports a variety of political reforms that include... 1. TERM LIMITS-Sever incumbents' ties with special interests. 2. EDUCATION REFORM-Bring private competition to public education. Give kids and parents real choices and opportunities. 3. DIGITAL BILL OF RIGHTS-Ensure that the U.S. Constitution's protections are included in the...

  • We're NOT a Democracy!

    John Sophocleus|Feb 1, 2022

    There... I’ve finally typed it. Dr. Franklin didn’t answer, “You have a democracy - as long as you can keep it!” in Philadelphia after closing the Constitutional Convention. Framers and Delegates understood the ills and ends of all democracies, devoutly to be avoided. No matter how many times this poor nomenclature is bantered about by corrupt politburo members - from my county commission, to Goat Hill, all the way up to Moscow on the Potomac -- it doesn’t alter the design submitted and adopt...

  • The Hampton Roads Conference

    John M Taylor|Feb 1, 2022

    Government-approved “history books” claim the War Between the States/Civil War was fought over slavery; however, the main characters in both North and South, including Jefferson Davis and Abraham Lincoln, insisted that was not the casus belli. The Hampton Roads Conference provides further insight. In early January 1865 (after over 3½ years of struggle) American journalist Francis Blair spearheaded an effort to have both sides meet face-to-face to work out a compromise. Blair was concerned abou...

  • SCotUS: What Would Solomon Do?

    John Sophocleus|Jan 1, 2022

    Many thanks for all the wonderful correspondences on my Christmas 2021 column: Christ is Born, Glorify Him! Pleasantly surprised how many included kind inquiry on my “Tough Roe to Hoe” column [] evoking Solomon’s wisdom. This third king of Israel reigned circa 968-928 BC, heralded for his wise judgments. One of the more notable Solomon decisions I wanted readers to recall comes from 1 Kings 3:16-28 reproduced (New...

  • CRT, DEI, and Marxist Indoctrination

    John M Taylor|Jan 1, 2022

    Any society which suppresses the heritage of its conquered minorities, prevents their history or denies them their symbols, has sown the seeds of their own destruction. – William Wallace Governments seeking to destroy history typically start with the “low-hanging fruit.” The demonization of the South has been in play for decades. The South and the North were/are different—two separate and distinct countries always made sense. Many see the smearing of the South merely as a starting point to sprea...

  • Big Pharma's War against Humanity

    John Martin|Jan 1, 2022

    Just last year (2021), in an interview with ABC’s George Stephanopoulos, Pfizer CEO Albert Boulra made the following statement: “We are very proud of what we have done…. There is no other company that can claim to have done so much good to humanity as we have done.” So much good to humanity? Really—like monopolizing the Epipen and jacking up its price from $100 to $600—and now teaming up with government fascists to forcibly administer its version of Jim Jones’ cyanide-laced Kool-Aid. Let’s check...

  • The Day of Infamy

    John Martin|Dec 1, 2021

    Author’s Note: Because this December 7 is the 80th anniversary of the tragedy at Pearl Harbor, I am re-publishing my December 2018 article. This is a very important history lesson that every American should learn and remember—one that almost no schools or history books are willing to disclose. In the 1920’s and ‘30’s, we the people of the United States still retained vivid memories of the horrors of World War I—“The War to End all Wars.” Two decades later, when WWII erupted in Europe, we held...

  • Christ is Born; Glorify Him!

    John Sophocleus|Dec 1, 2021

    Many orthodox Christians celebrate Christmas Day circa January 7 to remember Jesus Christ's birth described in the Christian Bible. This date works to the Julian calendar which pre-dates the Gregorian calendar, more commonly applied/used today. Santa (along with the Easter Bunny) was among many things included in my grandparents ‘New World’ education. The story of ‘Santa Claus’ more familiar to my grandparents began with Nicholas, born during the third century in the village of Patara in Asia...

  • A Perspective on the Fourteenth Amendment

    John M Taylor|Dec 1, 2021

    There has been considerable controversy regarding the Fourteenth Amendment. A brief look into its origin and history reveals, “something is rotten in Denmark.” Although it was “adopted” on July 28, 1868, it was never legally ratified. The following is a summary of each section: Section 1: “All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the state wherein they reside.” It asserts that no State can make laws to abridge their rights, de...

  • Could It Be Me

    John W. Giles|Nov 1, 2021

    Liberalism, manifesting itself as socialist communism is now confronting American citizens at every intersection of life. It appears that our great nation, the city on a hill is a vortex of water spiraling down the sink into the drain, almost at a helpless rate of speed. Good people, who have pretty much been casual observers, are now incensed and asking the question, Could It Be Me??? Around 1944, my mother was a Bell Telephone Operator in Pine Bluff Arkansas. She noticed billboards to and...

  • Police Reforms

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2021

    In the beginning, when we first established policemen, their purpose was for one thing – to function as peace officers – to protect the citizens from thugs and thieves, and to deal with them accordingly. In those days, our laws were much simpler, and any reasonably intelligent person could understand them and their purpose – to protect people and their property from the wrongdoings of others. The police had no problems with befriending the public, and with only the rarest exceptions of abuse...

  • Bo Knows Corruption?

    John Sophocleus|Nov 1, 2021

    In this chapter of Malice in Hubbardland our “I like Mike” minions pollute the legacy of our greatest college athlete from Alabama last century and only professional athlete in history named an All-Star in both baseball and football. After soiling the repute of a great soldier/CiC like Eisenhower, little surprise these same political thugs and jock-sniffers would have no shame evoking the ‘athletic support’ of a star like Vincent Edward (Bo) Jackson to reduce consequences of their wrongdo...

  • Maryland, Lincoln, and Treason

    John Taylor|Nov 1, 2021

    What is treason? Article III, Section 3 of the U.S. Constitution defines it: “Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their Enemies, giving them Aid and Comfort.” Using the plurals “them” and their” the text is clearly referencing the States—the sovereign entities described in the 1783 Treaty of Paris. After Lincoln called for 75,000 troops to invade the seceded States, Virginia reversed course and decided they would not be a party...

  • Tough "Roe" to Hoe

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2021

    I suspect most Alabama Gazette readers share my distain for (non-defensive) abortion as much as any other premeditated murder. Those who endure my lengthy columns know where I stand on the issue as a legal matter. Apropos to open this 22nd Anniversary issue column with thanks for the honour to be included in this wonderful paper which allows such dissenting views on ‘long standing’ precedents. Problems of this sort persist aided and abetted by jurists (like Chief Justice Roberts installed by...

  • Robert E. Lee: American Patriot

    John M Taylor|Oct 1, 2021

    The moral and economic decline of these united States is obvious. In many ways, this country has become unrecognizable. Part of the deterioration can be traced to the inferior quality of officials elected to key positions at all levels of government, combined with their support of radical and often immoral issues. The dearth of ethical individuals in public life may now be worse than at any other time in the life of the republic. As a student of American history, I am unaware of any American...

  • It's A "Right" – BEWARE!!!

    John W. Giles|Oct 1, 2021

    I will begin this article with a simple question: Is Public Education a Right? One may be reluctant to respond, after reading the title of this article. Let me recast this; I encourage you to ask a co-worker, neighbor or friend this question without any preface. My guess is they would quickly respond with a resounding yes, Public Education is a “Right.” Wrong answer, let me explain. In my view, our founding fathers were brilliant, deep thinkers and devout countrymen, who shaped our country on...

  • Government Trespassers

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2021

    Nearly everybody understands the concepts of trespass—the violation of other people’s bodies and property. It can range from the petty (walking across one’s lawn) to more serious (hunting or fishing without permission) to the outright criminal (theft and vandalism). Most people understand that we should respect each other’s property, as well as their right to peacefully enjoy it without outside interference. Unfortunately, there are some who do not. One of the popular misconceptions is that pu...

  • The Biden Surge – Illegal Afghans

    John W. Giles|Sep 1, 2021

    The Biden Surge of illegal immigrants from the southern border and now Afghanistan has hit the exponential curve. As of this date, only 4,500 of the 75,000 removed from Afghanistan are Americans. Illegal Afghan immigrants being flown in U.S. funded aircraft are on their way to America. Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan and Great Britain (G7) have begged Biden to force a deadline extension with the Taliban for the removal of Americans and allies from Afghanistan, he has ignored their plight....

  • Twilight Zoning: beatin-up a county for "Lee City"

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2021

    Submitted for your (dis)approval. Our next chapter of ‘Malice in Hubbardland’ addresses ‘I like Mike’ minions pressing the Lee County delegation to impose zoning on all remaining Beats (like recently duped Beat 13) instead of each beat voting. ‘Flyover country’ must be incorporated into their “Lee City” vision (think UN Agenda 21) Master Plan these statists fought so long and hard to accomplish these past decades. Conveniently, this already written Lee County Master Plan is their foundatio...

  • Astute Observations of Mr. Charles Dickens

    John M Taylor|Sep 1, 2021

    Western civilization has produced an enormous number of brilliant individuals. English writer Charles John Huffam Dickens would definitely be in the top echelon. Not only was Dickens a great writer, he was compassionate about those less fortunate, an opponent of slavery, and a frequent critic of the so-called “elites.” Dickens possessed a remarkable degree of social and political acuity. Dickens was born in 1812 in Landport, Hampshire, England, and died in 1870 in Higham, Kent, England. During h...

  • Prison Reform

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2021

    (Editor’s note: Please enjoy John Martin’s complete article here. In print, it will be a two-part series in the September and October issues.) We can be thankful that Governor Kay Ivey’s insane proposal to build and then rent three new mega-prisons has so far bitten the dust—as it should have. But “Poison Ivey” has not yet given up. And she has not even thought about any rational solutions to end our prison overcrowding problem. Building and filling up more gulags is a “solution...

  • There is a Lady Crying in the Harbor

    John W. Giles|Sep 1, 2021

    Friday September 14, 2001 – President Bush Called For Prayer – On Friday September 14, 2001, I was awakened at 3:00 am with overwhelming grief for our nation on the heels of the September 11th attack. All I could see was the Statue of Liberty crying over her nation and was compelled to pour my heart out on paper, reflecting the pain felt by every American during this time of a national tragedy. Her name is Liberty and she is a 22-story tower of strength overshadowing the NY Harbor, which sym...

  • Beatin' Around the Bush in Hubbardland

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2021

    Our next chapter of “Malice in Hubbardland” type corruption in Lee County reveals even more malfeasance while observing flawless (from jury selection to plea agreement) intendance by the jurist our Alabama Supreme Court appointed to preside over Lee County DA Brandon Hughes’ ethics case, Judge Pamela (Willis) Bacshab. This “retired” Colbert County Judge has many decades of experience ‘in the trenches.’ According to a UNA biography, Baschab started as an Assistant DA in Mobile County before...

  • The Historical Significance of Anthony Johnson

    John M Taylor|Aug 1, 2021

    We are constantly bombarded with issues instigated by individuals attempting to cause division in America. For example, the 1619 Project (reminiscent of something in the old parody magazine, National Lampoon), Critical Race Theory (an outgrowth of Marxism), and a seemingly endless stream of individuals who insist they are victims. What kind of parent would want their children to consider themselves victims? As Booker T. Washington observed: “Nothing ever comes to one, that is worth having, e...

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