The people's voice of reason

Articles written by john

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  • The Gettysburg Address: Lincolnian Sophistry

    John M Taylor|Nov 1, 2022

    Being born in the middle of the Baby Boom, I have seen society improve in some ways and deteriorate in others. Declines in education are well documented. Although a large percentage of teachers seek to properly educate students, some have political agendas contrary to that of the traditional Christian South. Thinking back, it is clear parts of this agenda were under way during my youth, i.e., we were taught mostly “Yankee history.” (Post-war, Brown University President Dr. Francis Wayland sai...

  • The Libertarian Alternative

    John Martin|Nov 1, 2022

    On the 8th of this month, we will be going to the polls to vote for and against various candidates in this year's mid-term general election. For some offices, we won't have much of a choice-the lesser of two evils-typically a lack luster Republican against an even more lackluster, if not tyrannical, Democrat. That is the routine of many elections, and this year is no exception. Nearly all of our really fine candidates met defeat in the Republican primary. These include our brightest star, Mo...

  • Electing Lobbyists: Streamlining Political Theft in Alabama

    John Sophocleus|Oct 1, 2022

    Bill Britt (4/18/18 Alabama Political Reporter) stated current and former BCA [Business Council of Alabama] members thought the board’s vote demanding Bill Canary’s resignation was good news for our State’s future. Some were angry BCA Chairman Perry Hand wanted to keep Canary until fall. APR’s sources said Hand’s timing was designed for BCA to further influence election outcomes; control campaign donations and win enough races to rally a comeback. Hand seemed willing to risk everythin...

  • Biden's Amazing Inflation Machine

    John Martin|Oct 1, 2022

    From 2017 through 2021, under the Donald Trump administration, America’s inflation rate remained steady at about two percent annually, a rate that will underwrite a strong, robust economy. But after the beginning of Joe Biden’s regime, reckless government spending and meddling cranked it up to 7% in 2021 and 8.5% so far into 2022. Why did it happen? The handwriting is right there on the wall. Joe Biden’s ruthless and abusive tampering with our petroleum industries produced the expected short...

  • The False Demonization of Nathan Bedford Forrest

    John M Taylor|Oct 1, 2022

    Just mentioning the name Nathan Bedford Forrest stirs many emotions. As Abe Lincoln has been falsely deified, Forrest has been falsely demonized. Remember, the winner writes the history and they have done a massive disservice to the legacy of Forrest. Nathan Bedford Forrest was born in Chapel Hill, Tennessee, and moved with his family to Salem, Mississippi, in 1834. Often characterized as “Scots-Irish”, Forrest had a Norman French surname and considerable English lineage (his Mother was a Bec...

  • Stealing Elections in Alabama: Next Step, Close Primaries

    John Sophocleus|Sep 1, 2022

    Champions of political competition often cite Alabama with the most restrictive ballot access laws in 50 States. Any non-duopoly political party wanting access/inclusion on the upcoming Nov. 8th general election ballot printing was required to submit over 51,000 verified signatures. Given the history of being blocked from ballots, debates, media coverage, etc. the LPA [Libertarian Party of Alabama] submitted almost 80,000 signatures to the Secretary of State’s Office reducing ‘wiggle roo...

  • Jack Hinson: One Man's Retribution

    John M Taylor|Sep 1, 2022

    The War for Southern Independence produced many divisions in both North and South. Southerners overwhelmingly supported the Confederate cause; a small percentage supported the North and some preferred to remain neutral. One individual who preferred neutrality was John W. Hinson, commonly addressed as “Jack” or “Old Jack.” Hinson owned a plantation called Bubbling Springs, near Dover in Stewart County, Tennessee. The area, known as Land Between the Lakes, separates the Cumberland and Tenness...

  • The Demise of the Butterflies

    John Martin|Sep 1, 2022

    What has happened to our butterflies? Have many people even bothered to notice? On a typical summer day, how many do you see? Up until about 1980, anybody could step outside in most places and spot a dozen or more in a few minutes. Since then, gradually at first, their numbers have diminished, and the decline has continued every year. When we passed Y2K, it began to accelerate. Finally, in mid-summer 2021, the remaining 10% of our butterflies suddenly almost completely disappeared, even in...

  • January Sixth Twenty Twenty-one: A Date Which Will Live in Stupidity

    John Sophocleus|Aug 1, 2022

    I can almost hear FDR’s shrill voice enunciating these words in my “mind’s ear.” The nation’s capitol was fatuously and ignorantly attacked… Apropos to evoke FDR as a traditional, big govt. New York Republican turned Democrat that drove the last nails in the Party of Jefferson coffin. TJ championed the long road to freedom and independence which morphed into the hegemonic coalition we observe today after the success of the newly formed Republican Party four score after Jefferson penned our...

  • Compact is more than a Theory

    John M Taylor|Aug 1, 2022

    Recent Supreme Court rulings have stirred up a “hornet’s nest,” especially the Dobbs abortion decision on June 24, 2022. Roe vs. Wade created a so-called right to abort an unborn child, presumably traced back to Margaret Sanger--the “progressive” ultra-racist, eugenicist, authoritarian--and her ilk in Planned Parenthood. The latest ruling actually mirrors the way federalism is supposed to work, i.e., abortion is not a federal issue (enumerated in Article 1, Section 8 of the U.S. Constitut...

  • Biden's Waterloo

    John Martin|Aug 1, 2022

    Beginning on January 20th of last year, America has been suffering from the reckless and devastating actions of Joe Biden, our most destructive and incompetent president so far in this century. On his very first day in office, he signed a multitude of punitive executive orders that have thrown our nation into a tailspin of rampant inflation and dependency for many essentials, especially petroleum and its derivatives. Prior to Biden, under the blessings of Donald Trump, America’s oil p...

  • Trouble in Hubbardland?

    John Sophocleus|Jul 1, 2022

    More rumblings in ‘low turnout’ Lee County as voters try to reject Hubbardland, the epicenter of corruption in our State. Although in prison and well paid with back door hush money via the Auburn mafia/Yellagrubber coconspirators [] Felon Hubbard still calls the shots. Reading Mike’s ‘code’ from prison dialog transcripts leaves little doubt. The Hubbard Boulevard visual ma...

  • The Mythical Abraham Lincoln

    John M Taylor|Jul 1, 2022

    On May 30th, the Lincoln Memorial celebrated its 100th birthday. Named after Abraham Lincoln, one memorial feature is the symbol of fasces (rods bundled together and bound with a red strap), which is also the symbol of fascism. How could there be a more accurate description of the philosophy of Abe Lincoln? Many share similar views, including author Greg L. Durand in America's Caesar: The Decline and Fall of Republican Government in the United States of America. After reading about Lincoln over...

  • Overpopulation

    John Martin|Jul 1, 2022

    In a mere two centuries, the human population on our planet has jumped from an estimated one billion people in 1804 to eight billion this year (June 2022)—a milestone right on schedule with the fictional movie, Soylent Green. Statistics like this have been scaring people for many years. Even back in 1798, Thomas Malthus wrote about the prospect of mass starvation, death, and social unrest if we don’t bring its explosive growth under control. Then in 1968, Paul R. Ehrlich wrote an alarmist boo...

  • 2022 Primary Retrospective: No Ad too Dumb for a Dumb Ad!

    John Sophocleus|Jun 1, 2022

    With all due respect to Gov. Ivey’s high-steppin’ through the bovine (dare I type BCA?) excrement, my beautiful bride took a sigh of relief as all the Dumb Ads disappeared Wednesday after the 5/24 primary. Still clueless what “No step too high for a high-stepper,” means, but it didn’t win my most Dumb Ad award. It was nonetheless a good political ‘weapon of mass distraction’ by this BCA incumbent’s handlers. More on that later… In spite of challenger ads touting Kay’s snubbing of ‘Don an...

  • Jefferson Davis: Is Government by Consent a Lost Cause?

    John M Taylor|Jun 1, 2022

    The birthday of Jefferson Finis Davis is on June 3rd. Although it is a State Holiday in Alabama there will likely be little recognition from most circles. Davis, a Jeffersonian and a Christian (Episcopalian) who served as the only President of the Confederate States of America, certainly has many detractors in modern statist America, especially the Orwellian Thought Police (largely modern Bolsheviks) who typically despise Jeffersonians, Christians, and the Confederacy--Davis managed to accomplis...

  • Copyrights and Copywrongs

    John Martin|Jun 1, 2022

    Editor’s note: This article discusses the copyright issues that the Alabama Gazette and other publishers might encounter that is very important, especially in today’s easy access to the world wide web. It is so simple to snag a picture here and there seemingly floating around on the internet. And everybody does it, so why not? It won’t hurt anyone, right? Well, it’s best to live by the old adage: “Just because you can, doesn’t mean you should.” In the case of copyright infringement, it is a situ...

  • Remember Every Joesophant AND MAGAt

    John Sophocleus|May 1, 2022

    As expected, Joe’s approval numbers are in the ‘Trumpster.’ Duopoly voter buyer’s remorse once again set in as election hype attenuates. You’ll find admission of remorse difficult to extract from any Joesophant (blind Biden supporter) as was the case with MAGAts (blind Trump supporters) after the 2016 election Kabuki show. Readers of past columns may recall my explanation of stolen Presidential elections as taken from the PEOPLE under our current, very UN-representative republic results....

  • The Confederate Constitution: An Improved Version of the Original Compact

    John M Taylor|May 1, 2022

    Patrick Henry opposed adoption of the U.S. Constitution and warned the South about its partners, the New England “Puritans.” Realizing the antagonistic regional economic interests, Henry reasoned that once the North gained a firm majority, Southern rights would be trampled. He said: “I am sure that the dangers of this system are real, when those who have no similar interests with the people of this country are to legislate for us—when our dearest interests are to be left in the hands of those w...

  • Throw the Bums Out

    John Martin|May 1, 2022

    For nearly four years, we fed-up Alabama citizens have been anxiously waiting for this May 24th Republican primary to clean up our political nightmares—rotten politicians who had earlier promised to follow the fundamentals of our U. S and state Constitutions, individual sovereignty, and minimal government intrusion. Instead, they have corrupted their ethics, their duties, our state, and our nation. As I have said in the past, I keep wishing for gubernatorial, legislative and local elections e...

  • America's Worst Presidents

    John Martin|Apr 1, 2022

    Throughout our history, we have had some great presidents, and also some terrible ones. There are few people we can trust to judge our past leaders with much accuracy. Most scholars correctly rate Washington and Jefferson at or very near the top. But these same “scholars” have very often ranked some of our very worst up there with them. Nearly all of the popular polls and lists are very wrong. Sadly, these people have used the wrong procedures in making their judgements. Most have used the quant...

  • New ASA President Sheriff Jay Jones

    John Sophocleus|Apr 1, 2022

    Longtime Alabama Gazette contributor Sheriff Derrick Cunningham’s service as President of the Alabama Sheriff’s Association (since January 2020) came to a close with installation of Sheriff Jay Jones last month. One can easily imagine Sheriff Cunningham, among the most respected Gazette supporters, was ready for a break after quickly walking into the Covid response quagmire. Perhaps Sheriff Cunningham could impose on Sheriff Jones to submit articles of interest at times as his succeeding Pre...

  • Lysander Spooner: Northern Abolitionist and Supporter of Southern Independence

    John M Taylor|Apr 1, 2022

    Court historians and perpetuators of the righteous cause myth have devoted much attention to the abolitionist John Brown. Heavily financed by the Secret Six (mainly Northern Industrialists and Unitarians), Brown led a rag-tag band of murderous misfits. The first person they killed in Virginia was Heyward Shepherd, a highly respected free Black man intelligent enough to not join their gang. Brown was eventually arrested, tried, convicted, and hanged for committing treason against the...

  • Forbidden Cars

    John Martin|Mar 1, 2022

    For many decades, our elected officials have relentlessly usurped our cherished constitution and fundamental civil rights more times than we could ever hope to count. Many of these violations are imposing severe restrictions on our right to travel and to buy, sell, own, and drive affordable vehicles to exercise that right. Beginning in the late 1960’s, “Uncle Sam” began to impose mandates on auto manufacturers to “reduce emissions” and impose more “safety.” Every year, these mandates beca...

  • Discrimination via Poor Representation

    John Sophocleus|Mar 1, 2022

    Once upon a time, I’ve been told, students were taught ‘taxation without representation’ as a trigger in our first war for independence. Sadly, it wasn’t something stressed in my government school approved education. Thankfully enough true teachers remained to direct me toward some of the more important clauses of our Declaration and Constitution. Some classmates may also cite old textbooks stored in the back of a high-school classroom where I’d try to hide (bored in trig class, desperate...

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