The people's voice of reason

Articles written by dr. bill chitwood

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  • The Convention We Almost Had

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Monday, the Republican National Convention kicked off with a bang. Even before the convention formally opened that morning, there were already celebrations being held over U.S. District Judge Aileen Cannon’s tossing of unlawfully-appointed special counsel Jack Straw’s classified document case against President Trump. Even though everyone expects Straw to appeal—the DoJ has already given him permission to do so—this was a major win for Trump, and it set the tone for the day. From the announc...

  • Biden Out

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    “I love it when a plan comes together.“ – Col. John “Hannibal” Smith. Someone’s plan came together on Sunday in a big way. In a one page letter, Joe Biden said he would “stand down,” removing himself from consideration for the Democratic nomination for President. He thanked his Vice President for being an “extraordinary partner” but did not endorse Kamala Harris as his successor in the letter. He did endorse her a hour later in a post on X, and claimed to have donated to her through the Biden/Ha...

  • Biden Passes The Fizzling Torch

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Joe Biden addressed the nation from the Oval Office Wednesday night to justify his withdrawal from the Presidential race. For those of you who missed it, let me summarize: Lies, damn lies, gaslighting, same old progressive talking points, several mental gear-strips and “We have to destroy our democracy to save it.” I’m not going to fact-check Joe’s speech. I’m sure there are dozens already doing that, teams of interns already pounding their keyboards to get it out for Thursday. Still, a few thi...

  • Want to Contact The IOC? Here's How!

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    If you’re unhappy about the Opening Ceremonies for the Paris Olympics—the fetishism, singing decapitated heads, bad drag, mocking of the Last Supper, or anything else about it—or you’d just like to send a general comment to the International Olympic Committee, you can email them at: Or call them at: +41 21 621 61 11 Their mailing address for cards and letters is: IOC Maison Olympics 1007 Lausanne Switzerland If you’ve not heard about the opening ceremonie...


    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    I will proudly vote for a convicted felon for President of these United States in November. Thursday's verdict-guilty on all 34 counts-was shocking but not surprising. How could it be surprising? We've known from the outset this was a sham trial in a kangaroo court, a purely political bit of theatrical lawfare intended to persecute the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Even after the verdict, there's a fair amount of confusion as to just what law President Trump supposedly violated....

  • Squash Recipes

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    We're approaching that time of year when gardens start "turning to squash", as Momma used to say. Yellow squash and its cousin zucchini are everywhere! They're inexpensive, filling, and complement a wide range of other dishes. One of my favorite ways to use squash and zucchini together is this simple recipe, which roasts fresh veggies into a healthy, versatile side dish. Baked Squash and Zucchini You'll need: 3-4 yellow squash and 2-3 zucchini 1 Tbsp olive oil ½ tsp salt ½ tsp...

  • Hunter's guilty! Now, about that laptop…

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    Hunter Biden was found guilty on Tuesday of three charges related to the purchase and possession of a firearm. The three charges were making a false claim on a firearms application (by saying he was not using or addicted to illegal drugs), lying to a federally licensed firearms dealer, and illegally having said gun for 11 days. He is facing up to 25 years in prison. The prosecution convinced the jury that the First Son bought a gun during a crack run, had it on him when he met his dealer the...

  • The Day The Dollar Died

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    June 12th, 2024 was The Day The Dollar Died. It hasn’t collapsed yet, and won’t for some time. Like a wild hog, it will fight on, mortally wounded and bleeding, until it finally staggers, stumbles, then falls. The dollar is too big, too bound up in the global economy to go down to a single shot. It’s suffered nicks and scrapes these last few years, and will suffer more in the days to come, but Wednesday, June 12th was when the fatal blow landed. That was the day Russia suspended trading in do...

  • The Republic has gone bananas

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jun 1, 2024

    JUNTA is a game set in the beautiful Republica de los Bananas. Players take the roles of the heads of the ruling families of the nation, frantically trying to abscond with as much money as possible before the foreign aid runs out. Along the way they elect El Presidente (who appoints the cabinet and distributes the pesos) form alliances, lie, cheat, swindle, extort, backstab, execute, assassinate and throw the occasional coup—with the winner being the player with the most money in their secret S...

  • Southern Fried Chicken

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|May 1, 2024

    Spring is here! The weather's nice, the water is calling, and it's time to start packing those picnic baskets and coolers. In the South, that means fried chicken. No Southern outing is complete without cold fried chicken, just like no indoor gathering is complete without hot fried chicken. It's one of the essential dishes every cook needs to do well, and everyone has their own recipe and way of doing things. My Granny (great-grandmother), Momma (grandmother), and Mom fried their chicken in a...

  • With the Trump Verdict the Republic has Fallen

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|May 1, 2024

    I will proudly vote for a convicted felon for President of these United States in November. Thursday's verdict-guilty on all 34 counts-was shocking but not surprising. How could it be surprising? We've known from the outset this was a sham trial in a kangaroo court, a purely political bit of theatrical lawfare intended to persecute the presumptive nominee of the Republican Party. Even after the verdict, there's a fair amount of confusion as to just what law President Trump supposedly violated....

  • Spring is here, and that means strawberries!

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Apr 1, 2024

    You've probably already noticed the fresh strawberries at local farmer's markets. While modern farming and supply chains make strawberries available year-round, there's nothing quite like the taste of a fresh strawberry grown right here in Alabama. Strawberries aren't just a treat for your taste buds. They're loaded with antioxidants, vitamins, and fiber, so you can enjoy them with little or no guilt. Blessed as we are here in Alabama, we can enjoy their deliciousness fresh from the farm for...