The people's voice of reason

Articles written by Dr. Bill Chitwood

Sorted by date  Results 1 - 25 of 37

  • BREAKING NEWS: Another Day, Another Assassination Attempt

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Sep 1, 2024

    (September 16, 2024) Another day, another Trump assassination attempt. Are you surprised? If you are, why? Because many of us certainly weren’t surprised to hear about what happened Sunday afternoon. President Trump posted “0-2” on his Truth Social account shortly after reassuring us he was okay—and they wonder why we love him! The former (and future) President then posted the following: “FEAR NOT! I am safe and well, and no one was hurt. Thank God! But, there are people in this world who would...

  • Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill will premier in theaters September 18th

    Dr. Bill Chitwood

    (September 9, 2024) Vaxxed III: Authorized To Kill will premier in theaters September 18th, 2024. Tickets for the one night only showing of the film can be purchased at Purchasing tickets online prior to the 18th is highly recommended. Vaxxed III focuses on the experiences of those who had adverse reactions to the COVID vaccines, as well as the chilling, often horrifying COVID treatment protocols promulgated by the CDC, NIAID, CMS and others. As of this writing, Vaxxed III showings...

  • The Invasion Is Here

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Sep 1, 2024

    (September 4, 2024) Want a Get Out Of Jail Free card? All you have to do is move to a sanctuary city and tell the cops you’re an illegal! “Because we’re a sanctuary city. I’ve arrested a double homicide suspect in this city before and let him walk out the door because we’re in a sanctuary city. We’re not going to call ICE to come pick up and deport him.” The above quote comes from a video that blew up the internet this weekend, and was made by a cop speaking to a man who was trying to rep...

  • The Painful Debate

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Sep 1, 2024

    (September 11, 2024) The Harris/Trump debate was painful to watch, but I did. If you didn’t, count yourself lucky. I’d have to call it a draw. But, considering it was 3:1 Harris & the moderators against Trump, I’d say Trump did pretty well. It was blatantly obvious from the outset that the moderators were actively helping Harris and attacking Trump. They were fact-checking Trump in real time while letting Harris’ plethora of lies pass unremarked, among other things. Naturally, social media w...

  • The Democracy-Free Democrats

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 2, 2024) Can the Democrats be sued for false advertising? They’ve completely abandoned “democracy“ for the third Presidential cycle in a row, so I think they should be forced to rebrand themselves to reflect what they actually stand for. Donorcrats? Elitocrats? DeathToAmericrats? Surely there’s a Consumer Protection statute or six out there that applies. Or, could be made to apply under the Bragg Precedence (namely, we don’t need a crime to charge you for…something or other). In...

  • Win The Grill Wars-Great Steak Edition

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    All men are born with the genetic knowledge and desire to cook meat over fire. It springs from the gender unconscious and forms a large part of the archetypal zeitgeist of what it is to be a Man. Every Grill Master has his own special techniques, tips and tricks. To help you win the Grill Wars by producing the perfect steak this summer, here are a few of mine. The grill: I've used a lot of grills, and nothing works better for all-around use than an old-school charcoal grill. Yes, it's more...

  • The Democrat's Underwhelming Ticket

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 7, 2024) Tuesday, Kamala Harris chose Minnesota Governor Tim Walz as her Vice-Presidential running mate. Yes, he’s a radical Lefty—but so is Kamala. Yes, he’s an experienced politician (12 years in Congress, Governor since 2018) who’s basically an unknown nonentity outside of his own State and the hardcore political junkie class. Yes, he’s a little creepy and ookie in a whiny, aging soy boy kind of way. Yes, he was chosen in large part to satisfy the far-left wing of the party which has...

  • The Paris Olympics, Trans Boxers, and The NCAA

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 12, 2024) The 2024 Paris Olympics are done! Compared to the blasphemous crime against good taste that was the opening, the closing ceremonies were rather plain, verging on boring. Yes, there was the Tom Cruise stunt, which is undoubtedly part of the marketing for Mission Impossible 37, or whatever number they’re up to. The fireworks were not terribly impressive, nor was the National Anthem done by some artist I’ve never heard of (and quite frankly, won’t be looking for on Spotify). Now t...

  • Donald Trump And Elon Musk Panic The Planet

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 13, 2024) President Trump marked his return to X (formerly Twitter) with a conversation with Elon Musk on Spaces Monday evening. Spaces is the live-streaming part of X, and was what Ron DeSantis used to launch his campaign all those months ago. Of course, that Spaces was a disaster—the platform couldn’t handle the load—and was a tremendous embarrassment for both DeSantis and Musk. It was a portent of things to come for DeSantis’ campaign. Musk apologized, and moved on, and promise...

  • Lies, Damn Lies and DNC

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 20, 2024) I watched as much of Monday’s DNC as I could stand. All in all, about two minutes. Maybe less. Honestly, I just couldn’t make myself watch any more. I haven’t seen so many self-aggrandizing narcissists and floridly delusional souls since I worked the admissions unit at Bryce. That, plus the bare-faced lies of these people? Unwatchable. At the very least, very difficult to watch without the intense desire to reprogram the TV with an axe. Maybe that’s why the DNC’s main prog...

  • Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Suspends Campaign, Throws Support To Trump

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    August 23, 2024) Robert F. Kennedy Jr. formally suspended his Presidential campaign and encouraged his supporters in "about 10" swing states to support President Donald J. Trump. Kennedy said that his name would remain on the ballot in most states, but would be removed in critical swing states where he would be a "spoiler" in the election. Prior to Friday's announcement, his name had already been removed from the ballot in Arizona and Pennsylvania. Recent polling has shown that a three-way race...

  • DJT, RFK and The Populists United

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 26, 2924) Last Friday, the American political world shifted on its axis. Robert F. Kennedy Jr. suspended his independent Presidential campaign on Friday afternoon and threw his support behind Donald J. Trump. That evening, Trump and Kennedy shared the stage in Phoenix, Arizona, where Kennedy repeated his endorsement of Trump’s efforts to retake the White House. In return, Trump saluted Kennedy’s “decades of work as an advocate for the health of our families and our children, nobod...

  • The Jabpocalypse Is Not Trump's Fault, Nicole

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 28, 2024) Last week Nicole Shanahan, RFK Jr.’s then-VP running mate, said "The hesitation we have right now in joining forces with Trump is that he has not apologized or publicly come out and said Operation Warp Speed was his fault.” Shortly thereafter, Bobby Kennedy suspended his campaign and endorsed President Trump. Over the weekend, while the Dems were scrambling to recover from the shivving RFK Jr gave to Kamala’s campaign, one of the things they tried to latch onto was Shana...

  • (August 30, 2024) Hallelujah! It's football season! Let the tailgating commence!

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    Ribs are a staple of game day cuisine, and every chef has their own secret recipe. Am I going to share mine with you? No. What part of "secret" do you not understand? What I will do is give you a darned good recipe you can use as-is. Then, once you've done a few slabs of ribs, use this as a starting point for developing your very own secret recipe. This rub works well on pork, beef or lamb, but it's good on chicken, too. It's best for "long and slow" cooking methods like grilling, smoking or bak...

  • I Almost Feel Sorry For Team Kamala

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Aug 1, 2024

    (August 30, 2024) After Thursday’s CNN interview, I almost feel sorry for Kamala Harris’ campaign team. They’ve had a Herculean task set before them—to turn the least popular VP in recent memory into a viable Presidential candidate in less than 100 days. Yes, they’ve had lots of help—a billion or two in free publicity and image glow-up from the mainstream media, tens of millions of dollars of foreign (primarily Chinese) and dark money thrown at them through ActBlue, and a cavalcade of Hollywoo...

  • Biden's Dam Is About To Burst

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    My, what a difference a few days makes! It seems like just yesterday Joe Biden's defenders were continuing to insist that he was fine. The campaign was trumpeting the $27 million he'd raised since the debate, and after all, no serving Democrat had called for him to step down, had they? Then on Tuesday, Representative Lloyd Doggett (D-TX) became the first Democrat to formally call for Biden to bow out. "Recognizing that unlike Trump, President Biden's first commitment has always been to our...

  • The Summer Of Our Discontent

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Now is the summer of our discontent Made peaceful protest by the SCOTUS rule And all the clouds that lour’d upon the DNC In the deep bosom of The Narrative buried. Now are our brows bound with declining polls; Our clenched fists thrust up ‘gainst monuments; Our stern tweets charged with merry threats, Our dreadful marches to delightful looting. Apologies, Willie. In my defense, Richard III would feel right at home in Washington these days, and this long, hot summer is just beginning. From the...

  • Using ice cubes to grill hamburgers

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Hamburgers and hot dogs are the quintessential American summer foods, and everyone needs to be able to do at least one of them well. Truthfully, there's not much you can do with hot dogs besides choosing a good brand and boiling them in a good beer. When grilling outdoors, pick your favorite, make sure your coals are right, and concentrate on quality condiments. For hamburgers, I like 85% lean ground beef because it has enough fat to sizzle well in both the oven and on the grill without too...

  • The Kabuki Debate

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Who had “12 minutes” in the betting pool for when old Joe would have his first mental gear-stripping in the debate? You won! The only real question I had before the debate was whether the Dems would send in a Stunt Biden, or if Joe’s medical team could create a Frankensteinian aberration of modern medical science capable of mimicking a coherent, competent, fully functioning human from the doddering dementoid that currently serves as the sock puppet figurehead of these United States. They tried...

  • When In The Course…

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    When in the course of human events, it becomes necessary for one people to tell their current government to go away and don't come back, it’s only fair those people tell the world exactly why they’re mad, what that government has done to annoy them, exactly why the government sucks, and precisely why said government needs to go find some other continent to plunder. I’m paraphrasing, of course, but not by much, because that’s what the Declaration really is—a laundry list of complaints and griev...

  • Happy Pecan Pie Day!

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    July 12th is National Pecan Pie Day! The origins of this day are unclear, but who cares? Pecan Pie is awesome, and obviously deserves its own day. There is a bit of controversy over just where pecan pie was invented, with some saying Georgia, others insisting on Louisiana. We all know, however, that pecan pie was invented right here in Alabama-those who say otherwise are fools, liars, mentally unbalanced, or likely all three. In honor of Pecan Pie Day, here's my Momma's recipe. You'll have the b...

  • Alabama Leaders React To Trump Shooting

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    President Donald J. Trump survived an assassination attempt by a lone gunman Saturday afternoon, while speaking before a crowd of 15,000 in Pennsylvania. Eight shots were allegedly fired from "an AR-style" weapon by a shooter positioned on a rooftop some 1 30 yards away. The shooter was killed by a Secret Service counter-sniper. At least one rally attendee was killed, with at least one more reported to have been in critical condition after the event. President Trump posted the following on his...

  • Our National Bullet Dodge

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    President Trump, and America, dodged a bullet Saturday. While speaking before an estimated crowd of 15,000 in Pennsylvania, President Donald J. Trump was shot and wounded in the right ear. Video shows him grabbing his ear, then ducking behind the podium for cover as the Secret Service rushed to cover him. He then stood up, ordered the Secret Service to “wait, wait, wait,” then turned to the crowd, raised his fist defiantly, signaled he was okay, and said what appeared to be “Fight! Fight! Fight...

  • J.D. Vance and the Reindustrialization of America

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    Naming J.D. Vance as his Vice-Presidential running mate shows that Donald J. Trump is serious about the reindustrialization of America. Vance brings many strengths to the ticket, but the author of ‘Hillbilly Elegy’ understands full well the crippling results of off shoring our industry. He grew up in what he describes as “an Ohio steel town that has been hemorrhaging jobs and hope for as long as I can remember.” Vance is intimately familiar with the plight of the industry-poor Rust Belt. H...

  • Bye Bye, Biden

    Dr. Bill Chitwood|Jul 1, 2024

    I had such high hopes that we’d make it through all four days of the Republican Convention without some kind of Joe Biden-related drama popping up. Silly me. I should have known better. Had you asked me a week ago, I would’ve bet good money that sometime during the Republican convention Biden would have stepped down, cackling Kamala would’ve been sworn in as the new Resident of the Oval Office and the fight to be Kamala’s Veep would be on like Donkey Kong. Indeed, that’s how things stood as of l...

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